Fob Gone Wrong

She is teaching Somali women and especially the older ones to be sexy and that means to lose lots of baruur to fit in a bikini and spice up their relationship/marriage and save it from divorce. Most Somali women gain too much weight after child births and have no time to look after their health and bodies and their husbands lose sexual interests in them. I will nominate her as the Somali person of 2019.


This is hilarious

@Inquisitive_ always tell us the girls back home are nothing like the degenerative xalimo abroad. Can’t wait for him to go to somalia and marry the local bike.
How is mid 30s acting like a carefree teen not embarrassing. She is way older than the audience she is targetting. Fob saying its your girl savannah loool. Her name is probably sacdio
She is not carefree. She's talking about lingerie and stuff. I hope teens aren't that carefree. She does not look like she's in her mid 30s probably early 30s.