For the culinary geniuses among us!

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Are you an atheist?

Pork - pigs are dirty animals. They have off spring with their siblings and parents and eat their shit sxb

:lawd: This gets absorbed into their meat.... @McLovin your basically a white man dipped in chocolate....
Modern day chickens are way nastier. Practically live and die in their own poop. Google it
Are you an atheist?

Pork - pigs are dirty animals. They have off spring with their siblings and parents and eat their shit sxb

:lawd: This gets absorbed into their meat.... @McLovin your basically a white man dipped in chocolate....
Me an atheist:mjlol: I'm the least atheist person on here walaal I don't know how you got that impression. And I know how filthy pigs are and that they cause a lot of problems but there's a reason why whites eat it, it doesn't taste bad of course I will never eat it in my life because it's a filthy animal filled with germs it's a living dirt house:susp:
Stop it, I love chicken ....
Chickens are typically raised in crowded conditions, so it is easy for feces to spread from one bird to the next. In the transport boxes that carry them to the slaughterhouse, they spread feces even more. And in the slaughter line, the intestinal tract is mechanically ripped out of the body. It is asking quite a lot to not have chicken dung splattering around, contaminating the equipment, the workers’ hands, and everything else.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Cheese pizza is the only good pizza.

is that a chicago style pizza op. its not even a pizza. :camby::comeon:. my favourite type of pizza is a simple italian margherita. somali twist could be by using sabaayad bread.:ahh:
Depends on your seller. Some expensive raised pigs are often cleaner than most humans and get bathed/massaged every other day

But we are probably both eating factory raised meat which means feaces for all. At least my feaces tastes better
You don't understand the problem is not about how the pig is raised it's about the pig it's self
There are reasons that the meat of the pig becomes more saturated with toxins than many of its counterpart farm animals. The first reason has to do with the digestive system of a pig. A pig digests whatever it eats rather quickly, in up to about four hours. On the other hand, a cow takes a good 24 hours to digest what it’s eaten. During the digestive process, animals (including humans) get rid of excess toxins as well as other components of the food eaten that could be dangerous to health. Since the pig’s digestive system operates rather basically, many of these toxins remain in its system to be stored in its more than adequate fatty tissues ready for our consumption.

Another issue with the pig is that it has very few functional sweat glands and can barely sweat at all. (3) Sweat glands are a tool the body uses to be rid of toxins. This leaves more toxins in the pig’s body. When you consume pork meat, you too get all these toxins that weren’t eliminated from the pig. None of us needs more toxins in our systems. In fact, we should all do what we can to eliminate and cut down on toxin exposure. One vital way to do this is by choosing what you eat carefully, and for me, that definitely includes completely avoiding pork products of any kind.
Anyway I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life and pork is indeed delicious so good luck with that
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