Also how are you so convinced 'Habar Magaadle' even contributed- the Ramzy Egyptian copy is the only version of the manuscript that differentiates 'Habar Magaadle' and 'Habar Maqdi'.
This is the oldest book that comments on the Futuh and it was reprinted in 1910- no 'Habar Magaadle' is mentioned:
An Arabic history of Gujarat; Zafar ul-wálih bi Muzaffar wa ālih; by ʻAbdallah Mu.hammad bin ʻOmar Al-Makkí, Al-Āsafí : Ulughkhānī, ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar, approximately 1540- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Published for the government of
All that kibir and isla-weyni and you're relying on what is effectively Chinese whispers as no one has the original manuscript only edited copies and the second half was lost.
To be fair, I think that Egyptian copy is on the money. It has to be two different tribes because they're both plainly stated to have different leaders; Ahmed Girri/Gurey and Garaad Dawit. They also bring in different troop numbers when called in for the Jihad and the fact that the Imam welcomes the Majaadli bunch first and particularly warmly with gifts to boot, even before his brother-in-law's tribe, kinda jibes well with that other document purporting a maternal tie between him and the Isaaq.
They can assume all they like, there is still no actual convincing evidence that Habar Maqdi is Habar Makador.
I think you're being excessive, walaal. Let's look at the facts here:
- Pretty much every other tribe present is a clear westerly tribe (Galbeed, Woqooyi etc.)
- The other Habar Maqdi tribe is eliminated as most likely Isaaqs given that Egyptian copy
- The non-Isaaq bunch were chased almost to the sea to an area that very much sounds like the northwest/Awdal going off the description
- The only other tribe known of, as far as I know, in that general area with a name similar to "Habar Maqdi" are the Habar Makadoor. And whadayya know? The Dir Samaroon have such a subtribe and live just west of the Isaaqs and just north of all these interior Westerly tribes found all across the Futuh.
It's pretty compelling. It's not just an assumption. I mean just look at how other plainly Dir tribes are also involved like the Gurgura and the Barsuug. That being said, who they were doesn't really matter to the main points of this thread.