Gaalkacyo Open as one City

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This is an interesting thread. Hope the mods move it and not delete it if it has been derailed but let's just imagine for a moment that Ethiopia suddenly gives that occupied land to Somalia. How would it have been treated? Would it be treated as another federal state even though it's absurdly large compared to the rest and has a significantly larger population or would they have treated it differently as you suggest for SL? Would every thing have been split 33% amongst the 3 parts of 5ta Somalia even though all three regions have varying populations? Add NFD to the mix and you got an irrelevant sparsely populated piece of land getting a quarter of state resource if we hold each of the 5 Somali regions as equal.

Good points. I agree federalism is not good for somalia. How about instead we have a strong central government and just stick with a clan power sharing formula. In this new political dispensation Isaaqs of course would not be willing to share with other Dir, nor do I think they would be expected to. So how about 20% of governments positions for each of Isaaq, Daarood, Hawiye and Raxanwayn and the remaining 20 percent for the remaining clans and minority groups? I think this would work.

My suggestion is clan-based because we're a clan-based society unfortunately. Until we can evolve into a meritocracy I think the above power sharing arrangement can work fairly well.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
This is an interesting thread. Hope the mods move it and not delete it if it has been derailed but let's just imagine for a moment that Ethiopia suddenly gives that occupied land to Somalia. How would it have been treated? Would it be treated as another federal state even though it's absurdly large compared to the rest and has a significantly larger population or would they have treated it differently as you suggest for SL? Would every thing have been split 33% amongst the 3 parts of 5ta Somalia even though all three regions have varying populations? Add NFD to the mix and you got an irrelevant sparsely populated piece of land getting a quarter of state resource if we hold each of the 5 Somali regions as equal.
Good points.

Somali Galbeed is 43 % the size of Somalia(Somaliland included). It's population is 50 % the size of Somalia(Somaliland included).

In an ideal situation, there would be no federal states but just one government and one president, not 4 or 5. A government based on meritocracy, and not clan. 18 regions of Somalia, where the resources are divided among the country.
Good points. I agree federalism is not good for somalia. How about instead we have a strong central government and just stick with a clan power sharing formula. In this new political dispensation Isaaqs of course would not be willing to share with other Dir, nor do I think they would be expected to. So how about 20% of governments positions for each of Isaaq, Daarood, Hawiye and Raxanwayn and the remaining 20 percent for the remaining clans and minority groups? I think this would work.

No, I suggest a division between local government district/country governments and the national government both elected through proportional election that favors small parties and coalition governments. Winner-takes-all is deadly for a country this divided.

We should take lessons from Kenya's devolution strategy that has reduced tensions because so much is decided at the local level :fittytousand:

4.5 leaves us with incompetent leaders only their for their clan and waste the potential of millions of hard-working minority people like Dr. Maryan Qasim. Out :camby:

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Good points. I agree federalism is not good for somalia. How about instead we have a strong central government and just stick with a clan power sharing formula. In this new political dispensation Isaaqs of course would not be willing to share with other Dir, nor do I think they would be expected to. So how about 20% of governments positions for each of Isaaq, Daarood, Hawiye and Raxanwayn and the remaining 20 percent for the remaining clans and minority groups? I think this would work.

My suggestion is clan-based because we're a clan-based society unfortunately. Until we can evolve into a meritocracy I think the above power sharing arrangement can work fairly well.
If we are stuck with this 4.5 system, then I agree with 20 % for Isaaq. That sounds fair due to their population size, and land mass. I don't agree with them being fit under Dir.

However, all in all, I definitely don't agree with this 4.5 system long term. If we are going to do a clan based sharing, then should it not be based on population size of each sub clan? Perhaps 1 MP for each 50,000?
No, I suggest a division between local government district/country governments and the national government both elected through proportional election that favors small parties and coalition governments. Winner-takes-all is deadly for a country this divided.

We should take lessons from Kenya's devolution strategy that has reduced tensions because so much is decided at the local level :fittytousand:

4.5 leaves us with incompetent leaders only their for their clan and waste the potential of millions of hard-working minority people like Dr. Maryan Qasim. Out :camby:

4.5 or any clan based formula like the one I suggested does not have to lead to incompetent leaders. It's not because of 4.5 that Somalis have been choosing incompetent leaders since the formula was agreed upon, its because of foreign meddling, corruption etc. We can follow the forumula I proposed but make sure only highly qualified ppl take up the positions.

Im not too familiar with the Kenyan system, I'll have to look into it.
If we are stuck with this 4.5 system, then I agree with 20 % for Isaaq. That sounds fair due to their population size, and land mass. I don't agree with them being fit under Dir.

However, all in all, I definitely don't agree with this 4.5 system long term. If we are going to do a clan based sharing, then should it not be based on population size of each sub clan? Perhaps 1 MP for each 50,000?

Sxb, I don't think any of this is ideal either, I'm only suggesting it becuase we all know Somalis r not ready for a meritocracy where clan plays no role.

I think 1 MP for every 50,000 along subclan lines would get messy. Besides we can't get areliable numbers on subclan populations anyway. I think the more simple the formula the better for our current situation.
4.5 or any clan based formula like the one I suggested does not have to lead to incompetent leaders. It's not because of 4.5 that Somalis have been choosing incompetent leaders since the formula was agreed upon, its because of foreign meddling, corruption etc. We can follow the forumula I proposed but make sure only highly qualified ppl take up the positions.

Im not too familiar with the Kenyan system, I'll have to look into it.

4.5 excludes good leadership that may come from other clans than the three major clans, and it disincentives unity. How can you have unity when clan structure is mandated?

I think the Kenyan model is most affordable, logical and fair. It has only two forms of government, the local country level and the national level and each has distinct powers.

We can use the former 18 districts as our form of county level and if we include other parts of Ogaden or NFD the proportional voting makes sure seats are allocated according to population seize and not land.

This plan takes care of ressource fights and paves the way for an effective government. :fittytousand:
4.5 excludes good leadership that may come from other clans than the three major clans, and it disincentives unity. How can you have unity when clan structure is mandated?

I think the Kenyan model is most affordable, logical and fair. It has only two forms of government, the local country level and the national level and each has distinct powers.

We can use the former 18 districts as our form of county level and if we include other parts of Ogaden or NFD the proportional voting makes sure seats are allocated according to population seize and not land.

This plan takes care of ressource fights and paves the way for an effective government. :fittytousand:

Thanks for the breakdown walaal. Sounds like a good system.


Cultural revolution
Good points. I agree federalism is not good for somalia. How about instead we have a strong central government and just stick with a clan power sharing formula. In this new political dispensation Isaaqs of course would not be willing to share with other Dir, nor do I think they would be expected to. So how about 20% of governments positions for each of Isaaq, Daarood, Hawiye and Raxanwayn and the remaining 20 percent for the remaining clans and minority groups? I think this would work.

My suggestion is clan-based because we're a clan-based society unfortunately. Until we can evolve into a meritocracy I think the above power sharing arrangement can work fairly well.

I agree but hope it's not permanent and just temporarily used to satisfy a generation of angry people. This clan based bullshit completely stagnates progress and development and will set us back a few more decades. Makes me sad just imagining all the thousands and thousands of minorities who are very educated and could've advanced us as a people that are gonna lose opportunities to some fat middle aged illiterates that are totally clueless on how the world works
Thanks for the breakdown walaal. Sounds like a good system.

But it would require certain warlords to give up power and give the local people of the area the power to decide some central questions and it would also strengthen the central government as it would take of the needs that the county level can't like a national army/disaster relief, regulating commerce and so on, therefore it won't happen.

Reality is, we can't afford federalism with the scare ressource and every regional leader acting if they are the commander in cheif :ohlord: It sets up for future fight which could be avoided using the Kenyan model, and if you look at our constitution it has taken inspiration from Kenya.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
4.5 excludes good leadership that may come from other clans than the three major clans, and it disincentives unity. How can you have unity when clan structure is mandated?

I think the Kenyan model is most affordable, logical and fair. It has only two forms of government, the local country level and the national level and each has distinct powers.

We can use the former 18 districts as our form of county level and if we include other parts of Ogaden or NFD the proportional voting makes sure seats are allocated according to population seize and not land.

This plan takes care of ressource fights and paves the way for an effective government. :fittytousand:
What powers would the local country level hold? And how would you see them elected?

And what do you mean include parts of Ogaden/NFD sxb (see bold)?

Reality is, we can't afford federalism with the scare ressource and every regional leader acting if they are the commander in cheif :ohlord:
It's crazy to be honest. Our country is one of poorest as it is, and dividing us further into clan fiefdoms won't help at all. One state will have all of the good land, whilst another is an empty desert, one state will have the capital, whilst another will have hit the oil jackpot. All whilst there are droughts, and famines occuring throughout the country. United we stand, divided we fall. That's the main issue I have with federalism. Along with the fact that some regions in the South simply cannot be divided along clan lines, whilst others can. It's just not fair. Of course however to qabilists who happen to Darood and want to conquer other lands *cough cough*, they benefit from it.
What powers would the local country level hold? And how would you see them elected?

And what do you mean include parts of Ogaden/NFD sxb (see bold)?

County level government would have power confined to the county such as:

  • Crop and animal husbandry
  • Livestock sale yards
  • County abattoirs (slaughterhouses)
  • Plant and animal disease control
  • Fisheries
County health services[edit]
  • County health facilities and pharmacies
  • Ambulance services
  • Promotion of primary health care
  • Licensing and control of undertakings that sell food to the public
  • Veterinary services (excluding regulation of the profession)
  • Cemeteries, funeral parlors and crematoria
  • Refuse removal, refuse dumps and solid waste disposal
Pollution, Nuisances and Advertising Control[edit]
  • Control of air pollution, noise pollution, other public nuisances and outdoor advertising
Cultural activities, public entertainment and public amenities[edit]
  • Betting, casinos and other forms of gambling
  • Racing
  • Liquor licensing
  • Cinemas
  • Video shows and hiring
  • Libraries
  • Museums
  • Sports and cultural activities and facilities
  • County parks, beaches and recreation facilities
County transport[edit]
  • County roads
  • Street lighting
  • Traffic and parking
  • Public road transport
  • Ferries and harbours, excluding the regulation of international and national shipping and matters related thereto
Animal control and welfare[edit]
  • Licensing of dogs
  • Facilities for the accommodation, care and burial of animals
  • Killing of stray pets
Trade development and regulation[edit]
  • Markets
  • Trade licences, excluding regulation of professions
  • Fair trading practices
  • Local tourism
  • Cooperative societies
County planning and development[edit]
  • Statistics
  • Land survey, planning and mapping
  • Boundaries and fencing
  • Housing
  • Electricity and gas reticulation and energy regulation
Education and Childcare[edit]
  • Pre-primary education, village polytechnics, homecraft centres and childcare facilities
Policy Implementation[edit]
  • Implementation of specific national government policies on natural resources and environmental conservation
  • Soil and water conservation
  • Forestry
County public works and services[edit]
  • Storm water management systems in built-up areas
  • Water and sanitation services
Fire fighting services and disaster management[edit]
Control of drugs and ography[edit]

  • Ensuring and co-ordinating the participation of communities and locations in governance at the local level
  • Assisting communities and locations to develop the administrative capacity for the effective exercise of the functions and powers and participation in governance at the local level
We could add in the power over the use of police forces and say they get 50 % of natural ressources in their area, and we can base it on 18 district that we used to.

We don't have to copy Kenyan, only take inspiration, it is a good compromise in my eyes. For once our arch-enemies has done something right.

If Somalia can gain Ogaden or NFD either trough force or negotiation (The tigray regime is very weak and little support for rebel could undermine it) we would solve the issue of representation trough proportional voting, that means that Ogaden and NFD would get representation in the national parliament according to their respective population seize, so that the larger areas get more representation but using a allocation model that favors small parties and therefore also encourages collation governments. It would be best for country in my mind.

I'm Daarod and I am firmly against federalism of any kind! United we stand, divided we fall!

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
We could add in the power over the use of police forces and say they get 50 % of natural ressources in their area, and we can base it on 18 district that we used to.

We don't have to copy Kenyan, only take inspiration, it is a good compromise in my eyes. For once our arch-enemies has done something right.

If Somalia can gain Ogaden or NFD either trough force or negotiation (The tigray regime is very weak and little support for rebel could undermine it) we would solve the issue of representation trough proportional voting, that means that Ogaden and NFD would get representation in the national parliament according to their respective population seize, so that the larger areas get more representation but using a allocation model that favors small parties and therefore also encourages collation governments. It would be best for country in my mind.
So basically the county governments will mostly just be social work and local control/security(police)? I like it. Though I don't think they deserve 50 % of natural resources. Seems too much. 50 % of £100b would be nearly 10x our GDP lool. How would they be elected?

And how would things on a national level be run? How would they also be elected?
So basically the county governments will mostly just be social work and local control/security(police)? I like it. Though I don't think they deserve 50 % of natural resources. Seems too much. 50 % of £100b would be nearly 10x our GDP lool. How would they be elected?

And how would things on a national level be run? How would they also be elected?

There is the option of declaring natural resources a good for all the people and to be distributed proportional to needs of the country, but I do suppose that some allocation has to be given to the country government.

On the national level we will have a President elected by Parliament trough a majority vote in both Houses. I would do away with PM and make the President both the head of state and head of government allowing him to more effectively conduct policy and avoiding a waste of ressources on a symbolic role.

Parliament will be elected trough proportional voting allocating seats according to population seize and still favoring small parties, which allow small minorities to have seats as well though I think the threshold for votes should be 4 % otherwise we will end up with too extreme and partisan parties.

National government will in general conduct policies that are not confined to the country and commerce between country governments like national healthcare, national education and immigration as well as a national army.

I think maybe there should be a veto option for some county governments like Hargeisa, so they can veto some legislation as a compromise for union-membership. The constitution should also include some minority protection such as a low threshold for referendums for important issues.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga

GALKAYO, Puntland- Security forces of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland state have on Friday seized a truck carrying explosive-making materials and military supplies in Mudug region, Garowe Online reports.

Security officials told GO that forces have seized the truck in Bayra area in Mudug region and arrested four people who were in board suspected of having ties with the Al Qaida-affiliated Al Shabaab group.

However, Puntland government has not released any statement in regard to the seizure of a truck by the security forces amid surge of attacks by militant groups of Al Shabaab and ISIS faction in Puntland region.

The security officials indicated the militant groups are intending to use these materials to carry out terrorist attack in Puntland towns, however, authorities are conducting investigations on the suspects to find out more information.

The security situation in Puntland region has deteriorated in the recent months with increase attacks against government officials, security forces and civilian target since the end of last year.

Additionally, In 2016, Galkayo city has witnessed deadly twin attacks in Dayh market that resulted in the death of dozen people and injury of more civilians.

Puntland, located northeastern of Somalia has been relatively stable compared to the rest of the country, but frequent attacks by the terrorist groups are posing serious risks to the stability of the region.

How many hours has it been?
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