Gaddafi regime might be most under-rated op of Somalia

Maybe our closeness with the other Arab states. Not too sure.
Possibly but he went to the extent of providing at least $100 million in loans to Ethiopia whent they were basically bankrupt and there are also documents indicating he directly funnelled money to the rebel movements.

All of this madness and for what he's not even a ruler of a Horn country just a random despot in North Africa
It was probably because Somaglian troops were used in the pacification of Libya by the Italians.

Interesting facts about Libya: They were once richer than the EU and the US. They really could have been the Dubai of Africa but Italian ex-colonies really have a way of going rogue and self-imploding.

Their economy shrunk after US imposed sanctions in the early 90s.
It was probably because Somaglian troops were used in the pacification of Libya by the Italians.

Interesting facts about Libya: They were once richer than the EU and the US. They really could have been the Dubai of Africa but Italian ex-colonies really have a way of going rogue and self-imploding.

Their economy shrunk after US imposed sanctions in the early 90s.
View attachment 332758
Has secessionism made you increasingly illiterate wth is 'Somaglian'
No there doesn't, people native to Somalia are called Somalis
WHy does every ex-italian colony act the same? Can you explain that one? You more Italian than Somali. Particularly the brutal fascist Italy of the time (no concept of regional power sharing, no concept of power sharing full stop, extreme levels of militarism).


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
It was a beef he had with Barre/USA. He wanted him out and to have influence with the new govt that would form after his overthrow. This started in the 80s when Barre allied with the US and gave them Berbera as a base.

Article 1981

"MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Somalia broke diplomatic relations with Libya Tuesday because of Libyan leader Col. Moammar Khadafy's open support for Ethiopia and an underground Somali opposition movement, the official Sonna news agency reported.

'It has become a necessity to cut diplomatic relations with Libya while Khadafy's government directly or indirectly endangers the unity and independence of the Somali Democratic Republic,' Sonna quoted a foreign ministry statement.

Ministry officials said Libya had been given 24 hours to close its people's bureau, or embassy, in Mogadishu.

Libya has been supporting the Somali Salvation Front, a guerrilla organization based in neighboring Ethiopia which seeks to overthrow Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre's 12-year-old government.

In a speech in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa Saturday, Khadafy said:

'We announce our unlimited support for the Somali National Salvation Front, because Somalia has transformed itself into a base for colonialism and imperialism and was mobilized to fight (against) the revolution in this region.'

Sonna said the decision to break relations was made Monday night by Somalia's supreme revolutionary council, the African nation's ruling body.

It was due to Khadafy's 'conspiracies against the Somali people and the Libyan leader's support for Ethiopia against the Moslem peoples in western Somalia (the Ogaden desert region), in (the Somali-Ethiopian border region of) Somalia-Abba and Eritrea,' the agency said.

Sonna said the resolution called on the Libyan people to oust Khadafy.

Somalia and Ethiopia have been on a virtual war footing ever since Ethiopia won a 1977-78 war over the disputed Ogaden region. A former Soviet ally, Somalia expelled a 4,000-strong Soviet community in 1977 and last year agreed to give the United States extensive base facilities at the Gulf of Aden port of Berbera in return for $45 million in military and economic aid."
It was probably because Somaglian troops were used in the pacification of Libya by the Italians.

Interesting facts about Libya: They were once richer than the EU and the US. They really could have been the Dubai of Africa but Italian ex-colonies really have a way of going rogue and self-imploding.

Their economy shrunk after US imposed sanctions in the early 90s.
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Somali troops were never used in Libya, Eritrean troops were. There was an attempt to use a brigade of dubats but they refused to shoot fellow Qadiri sufis
It was probably because Somaglian troops were used in the pacification of Libya by the Italians.

Interesting facts about Libya: They were once richer than the EU and the US. They really could have been the Dubai of Africa but Italian ex-colonies really have a way of going rogue and self-imploding.

Their economy shrunk after US imposed sanctions in the early 90s.
View attachment 332758
You go to incredible lengths runtii making claims that have zero evidence whatsoever.
You go to incredible lengths runtii making claims that have zero evidence whatsoever.

I seen it sourced other places too:

I also said probably which means I don't know for sure but it's sure more likely than Italy sending troops that refused to fight and stayed there for 20 years. You niggas really think you never did nothing to nobody.

