Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
kulahaha hawiye only come pass baraxley sometimes Horumar is 80% Sheekhal and sacadthe sacad Galmudug only controlled Baraxley but in 2015 Sheekhal and Dir joined and the game changed for puntland
They now control Suusacley and 2 little nus of garsoor and horumar
you fools keep on bring up sacad Galmudug which only consisted of sacad territories but in 2015 state building many clans joined in and that is how Galmudug controls 80% of Galkayo and 80% of Mudug as of 2017
Sxb ignore these delusional fools, Galmudug owns in facts based on the ground all of Mudug but little, only Cumar mahmoud using shisheeye puntland are meddling in our Galmudug affair.
All clans of mudug joined Galmudug, the standoff left is those rebels cumar mahmoud, which i hope Xaaf after dealing with Ahlu-sunnah will focus on bringing them into Galmudug through dialogue without puntland interference or else karbaash of the century by all qabiils in Galmudug will partake will happen.