Capo Dhoore
HSM came through. Welcome to garacad madaxweyne 

HSM came through. Welcome to garacad madaxweyne
If what HSM said is true here than as reer puntland we should support him for the rest of his tenure . It'll prove that he's a changed man . That highway is the most important part of this project@Capo_ many development partners of PL go thru the federal govt and they identify projects they want to do in PL becuz it's operationally safe to do so, but then they encounter scumbags like farmajo n kheyre who do 'isbaaro' on them and say you can't go to PL to develop. Then they leave saying Somalia is politically unstable. Ka waran 'xasidnimadasi' it's not like they can transfer the project for their region which is shabab infested so they want the rest of us to share their misery. So now no1 benefits from the project and they get cancelled on the grounds of 'politically instability'.
I don't mind if ppl transfer the project for their region if they can do so with the donor, but this idea of no-one gets the project and they go back to Nairobi and allocated to another country is saddening levels somalia is at.
You cought that too-We been plotting man,That road from qabridahar to wardheer is finishing up-Goods will come in/out from as far as nogob and erer and touch garacad port-Another road project to begin soon will connect Dhagaxbuur to wardheer entering puntland-@Curious-to-wonders Cagjar Said the Darod including Ogaden regions of DDS plus Oromia are closer to Garacad port and they will use that. Only ppl using berbera are 'dir' areas of DDSI looooooooool which will be shared with Djibouti loooooool.
Cagjar has set up all the road infrastructure for the darod areas in DDS to be connected to Galdogob which is important and PL must do the same on our side of the border, get 3G road paved immediately.
EnvyWhy is the Garacad port getting much more love and appreciation from Somali people then the Berbera port?
Berbera port which can hold more ships and containers than the Garcaad port is closer to DDS as the infrastructure that connects Berbera to DDS already exist with the more renovation being done with the help of UAE DP world and Britain investments.@Curious-to-wonders Cagjar Said the Darod including Ogaden regions of DDS plus Oromia are closer to Garacad port and they will use that. Only ppl using berbera are 'dir' areas of DDSI looooooooool which will be shared with Djibouti loooooool.
Cagjar has set up all the road infrastructure for the darod areas in DDS to be connected to Galdogob which is important and PL must do the same on our side of the border, get 3G road paved immediately.
Berbera was before Garcaad plus today was just first phase. Soon it will surpass berbera.Berbera port which can hold more ships and containers than the Garcaad port is closer to DDS as the infrastructure that connects Berbera to DDS already exist with the more renovation being done with the help of UAE IDP and Britain investments.
Let's not turn this event into a tribalist one and I for one congratulate for what reer Somalia have done with Garcaad port that will add more benefit to Somalia's economy and inshallah we're going to see more development like that in the future.
I answered the brother's question which there is many evidence on how the pervious Somalian administration tried to halt DP world agreement with SL govt on Berbera renovation and expansion agreement.What? No.
Garacad is not just a Port, it is a sign of what Somalis are capable of when they are organised and have ambition and pride. This will kick-start more huge Somali projects and also inspire other Africans that they don't need predatory loans or foreigners for development.
Learn when to think beyond your tiny self-interest and open your eyes. Or, stay out of topics with your poison.
I answered the brother's question which there is many evidence on how the pervious Somalian administration tried to halt DP world agreement with SL govt on Berbera renovation and expansion agreement.