Garacad Port officially opens tomorrow and 1st commercial ship arrives

@SPMLegend I wish we could build a canal from DDS river into galkacyo. It seems impossible now but we will continue to push the boundaries for Somali. The next realistic goal will be a railway between garacad into DDS and Oromia markets.

Somalis are 3,000 years behind the modern world. Best thing we can do so far is improving the road infrastructure in our regions. We have not reached the capabilities of building nor operating railway systems
Even African countries like Kenya and Ethiopia that have railway lines in their respective business hubs, the government does not control these projects. The railway system in Dir Dhaba to Djibouti was built and currently controlled by China

Even African countries like Kenya and Ethiopia that have railway lines in their respective business hubs, the government does not control these projects. The railway system in Dir Dhaba to Djibouti was built and currently controlled by China

This kind of infrastructure requires tremendous public spending.

Kenya and Ethiopia buried themselves to their noses in debt trying to build these. Kenya even defaulted on payments this month and got slapped with millions in fines.

It will come in due time. One step at a time.

Plus 4-months to build 756km is insane. Really impressive.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
@Curious-to-wonders Cagjar Said the Darod including Ogaden regions of DDS plus Oromia are closer to Garacad port and they will use that. Only ppl using berbera are 'dir' areas of DDSI looooooooool which will be shared with Djibouti loooooool.

Cagjar has set up all the road infrastructure for the darod areas in DDS to be connected to Galdogob which is important and PL must do the same on our side of the border, get 3G road paved immediately.
Berbera was before Garcaad plus today was just first phase. Soon it will surpass berbera.
Why can’t you guys just enjoy the opening of ur new “port” with out having to compare to Berbera it just reeks of insecurity :pachah1:


Naag aan uunsan jirin hadday uunsato, meel aan laga guban jirin bay ka gubataa


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Bantu Liberation Movement
Why can’t you guys just enjoy the opening of ur new “port” with out having to compare to Berbera it just reeks of insecurity :pachah1:
We are currently at stage four of the five stages of grief:

1. Denial - it will never be built 🤣
2. Anger - Hobyo port will destroy this silly project 😡
3. Bargaining - it will never compete with Berbera, it will take a share from Bosaso 😉
4. Depression -
5. Acceptance -



Yaa bixiyay Lacagta ku baxaysa dhismaha Wadada Garacad-Goldogob?​


Wadada Lacagta ku baxaysa,waxay ka timid Deeq bixiyayaasha,iyadoo soo martay Bangiga horumarinta Afrika.

Lacagta Bangiga Horumarinta Afrika uqoondeeyay Somaliya waa mid xoog badan oo loogu talagalay in Mashaaariic horumarineed lagaga fuliyo Somaliya.

Lacagtaas,waxaa lagu soo shubay Bangiga Dhexe ee Somaliya Akoonkiisa si rasmi ah.

Madaxweyne Xasan,ayaa Lacagtaas qayb ka mid ah uqoondeeyay reer Puntland iyo Wadadaas.
26-ka Bisha,ayaa waxaa gaaraya Muqdisho Madaxweyne Deni oo uga qaybgalaya Shir DG iyo Dowlada Dhexe,waxaana sii raacaya Gudiga Dekeda Garacad,iyadoo lagu soo wareejin doono Lacagtaas.

Waa guul weyn oo usoo hoyatay Dekeda Garacad ee Bulshada Geeska Afrika.
Jibril Qoobey.


@repo If u listen to Mustaf from DDS, he already built the road corridor on his side of the border, in 2 days, Deni will be in hamar and will be handed the check for the 3G road from Donors.

What I found funny is, Garacad port will serve all the darod areas including ogadenia and oromia markets, while @Vito Rizutto if he is lucky will get the minority dir areas which will be shared with Djibouti since Issa will use Djibouti.

Garacad port will serve a large market and this makes you cry.


I can't wait till we open the 3G all-weather road and invite all Somalia to Galdogob to open this new road that will serve as an economic backbone for the Puntland region. Then we can focus on creating a beautiful industrial park in Bosaso connected to high capacity and distribution electrical backbone so we can run large factory equipments.

I am also looking forward to el-dahir-erigavo road and lafa-goray mountain road along the coastline. If we paved lafa-goray, it wud cud serve as the 'tourist' sector of Puntland once we get our ppl unemployment levels down, they will want to spend money on travelling, this is when our gardafu ppl should tap into
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Bantu Liberation Movement
@repo If u listen to Mustaf from DDS, he already built the road corridor on his side of the border, in 2 days, Deni will be in hamar and will be handed the check for the 3G road from Donors.

What I found funny is, Garacad port will serve all the darod areas including ogadenia and oromia markets, while @Vito Rizutto if he is lucky will get the minority dir areas which will be shared with Djibouti since Issa will use Djibouti.

Garacad port will serve a large market and this makes you cry.
I hope this new road is a highway. I don't mean a four lane, a two lane is fine but shouldn't go through towns like Jariban, Balibusle, Godod, it should be a straight from Garacad to Gaalkacyo.

Otherwise there should be a bypass road in each of these towns so you don't have to slow down as you do from Gaalkacyo to Bosaso everytime you drive through a village which is all the time.
I hope this new road is a highway. I don't mean a four lane, a two lane is fine but shouldn't go through towns like Jariban, Balibusle, Godod, it should be a straight from Garacad to Gaalkacyo.

Otherwise there should be a bypass road in each of these towns so you don't have to slow down as you do from Gaalkacyo to Bosaso everytime you drive through a village which is all the time.
The problem is people will always gravitate to these roads and build new settlements near it, some of those settlements between Bosaso and Galkacyo started as a businesses like restaurants that catered to travelers.
No one is comparing a Somali owned port to one owned by DP world. Wtf?
Indeed, It is hard to compare a couple of pebbles in the sea....

to a world class facility....

Also, Puntland begged DP World to build Bosaaso port for them, going as far as agreeing to give 100% of all revenues to DP World for 30 years. DP World saw it as a waste of time and gave it to one of its subsidiaries to play with. However, PL's incompetence and inability to handle their terrorism problem couldn't keep the manager that subsidiary sent from getting shot in the face when he set foot in Bosaaso.


Indeed, It is hard to compare a couple of pebbles in the sea....
View attachment 241197

to a world class facility....
View attachment 241198

Also, Puntland begged DP World to build Bosaaso port for them, going as far as agreeing to give 100% of all revenues to DP World for 30 years. DP World saw it as a waste of time and gave it to one of its subsidiaries to play with. However, PL's incompetence and inability to handle their terrorism problem couldn't keep the manager that subsidiary sent from getting shot in the face in Bosaaso almost immediately.

Only 1 vessel can dock in your so called world class port, yet there is 4 berths for 4 large vessels at any given time in Garacad.


@Dharbaaxo Jin posting construction stages of Garacad port. All proper port developers use that technique, look at china deep-sea port construction in Nigeria. Proper engineering not Dubai looooool



We should award our infrastructure projects to China who are world class developers, I mean just look no further on the all weather national highway and how long that lasted us. I hope PL make this a priority so we can become closer friends with them and eventually gain access to their competitive bank loans.
We should award our infrastructure projects to China who are world class developers, I mean just look no further on the all weather national highway and how long that lasted us. I hope PL make this a priority so we can become closer friends with them and eventually gain access to their competitive bank loans.
Imagine if farmaajo extended his term for two years. You think he would have dhagax dhiiged the foundation for galgadob to garcad road like HSM did? Or even attend the opening ceremony?


Imagine if farmaajo extended his term for two years. You think he would have dhagax dhiiged the foundation for galgadob to garcad road like HSM did? Or even attend the opening ceremony?

I never said HSM is a 'hasid' development wise, he won't go out of his way to assist other clans but he won't stop and block their development. Farmajo even closed the door on PL to meet foreign development partners, how is 'development' politically motivated is only something @Dalalos_ibn_Adali has to answer for.


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