Garacad Port & Town Construction Project


Bantu Liberation Movement



This will be DDS port @peacemaker

We should also make the 'road' into the port 'concrete' considering huge trucks will be using it, asphalt isn't the best material for the large vehicles and will require to much maintainence.
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Bisha 10-aad si rasmi ah waxaa xariga laga jarayaa oo hawlgalaya Labada Janbi A&B ee Dekeda.

1.Jambiga A balaciisa Markabku istaago karo,waa 157-Mitir,waxaa la wada shubkii ugu danbeeyay ee dhulka ay Wiishashku istaagayaan.

2.Jambiga B Balaciisa Markabku istaagi karo waa 120-Mitir,waana la wadaa si la mid ah A Shubka Dhulka ay Wiishashku istaagayaan.

Baakinka banaanka ee Gawaarida la dhigayo waxaa hada diyaar ah 2-Baakin A&B, mid Sadexaadna Gacanta,ayaa lagu hayaa.

Dhererka Dekeda ee gunta hoose Badda qaybta ugu saraysa waa 15.5-Mitir.

Dhererka Dekeda ee gunta hoose Badda qaybta ugu hoosaysa ,waa 10.25-Mitir.

Baakinka banaanka ee Gawaarida la dhigayo waxaa hada diyaar ah dhinaca Bidix,waxaana Gacanta lagu hayaa Midig.

Balaca Baakinada Gawaarida la dhigayo ee Dekeda,waa…..

LHS = 28,400 sq.m
RHS = 12,700 sq.m

Wadada isku xiraysa Dekeda Garacad iyo Xuduuda Tuurdibi waa 300-km,waxaa lasoo dhameeyay wajigii koobaad ee qiimaynta,waxaana loo keenay Qalab ugaar ah oo garaacaya kana dhigaya Wado Jay ah siman oo balaceedu yahay 7 -8-Mitir.

Wadada,waxaa diyaarinteeda door ka qaatay Dowlada Puntland.

Lacagta Dekeda dhismaheeda loo diyaariyay,waa 325-Milyan oo dolar,waxaana hada Lacagtaas laga isticmaalay ku dhawaad 100-Milyan oo dolar.

Ilaa iyo hada Lacagta ku baxday Dekeda Garacad wax Deyn ah laguma leh (LOAN) oo waa Cadaan Ganacsatadu la baxday.

Marka ay soo idlaato Dekeda Garacad waxay noqon doontaa mid ugu baaxada weyn guud ahaan Somaliya.

Jibril Qoobey.


@DalsanJubiland the port is estimated to cost $180 million, it cost so far 2 berths= $100 million. I think they can squeeze the rest of the port(berth c and d) down to 80 million, since all the construction material is there now.

I urge my omar mahmoud brothers, they should put the left over money(145 million) towards the 3 G road and share the 'road tax' with Puntland government untill such time investors get their money back and profit margins. I heard Garacad want's an 'airport' that isn't a wise choice since it would cost much less to upgrade Galkacyo Airport.


I am proud of Puntland self-reliance and shifting away from aid. Once the international community see we can take care of ourselves, even if they do select projects to us, it won't be scrappy bottom barrel shit becuz donors will need to assign or at least match what we can do on our own. So this means bigger projects for Puntland in the future.

Puntland must send a clear signal to our investing class that we will protect them and their interests, if we lose them, we as a state will be screwed. Puntland really needs to study ways to protect n grow their wealth in public/private partnership or identify good return investments in the private market for them.

We should also discuss with them about Puntland gold reserves and how they should participate and agree to 'store the gold' in our Bank of Puntland, so PL govt can with-draw from the state bank when needed to save them in 'bad times'.

That's why every state has some sort of 'kayd' laysku halayn karo to save their business peoples in bad time, it also provides investor confidence to invest in your land becuz if they lose, they know the govt has the capacity to bail them out.
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