Garowe city council election results


Let him cook
The election format is closed list proportional representation. The MPs are selected and ranked in advance by each party. The voters can only select party and not vote for certain candidate . If that party wins 6 seats their top six guys gets seats and remaining ministers from party don’t get anything. All this to me waste of money govt is bloated with to many bureaucrats. This waste of tax payer money in holding election and paying salaries of all these people who probably have no budget or real responsibility



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Parties tried to avoid nominating Cumar Maxamuud candidates because that would have meant losing all of their potential Ciise Maxamuud votes.

This is an acceptable failure mode of closed list proportional representation. I suspected this would happen in Garowe and I’m not surprised.

Yusuf M

Ladies and gentlemen 💀

Somalis don’t know it, nor do they understand it 😂
You idiot, do you even know what federalism is supposed to mean in Somalia?
It is meant to mean federalism with Somali characteristics where every man runs his own affairs in his own region. We haven't even had a proper reconciliation since 1991. You can't expect Somalia to have a first world federal system in the current condition of the country. MJs living in SWS for more than 2 or 3 generations aren't even allowed to have a single seat in SWS state. Stupid PL leaders make me sick to my stomach for allowing this crap to happen. They think they can score some political points as if the other Somalis care. They think they can form a political alliance with Eelays. The funny thing is Eelays almost always vote for a Hawiye president even though Hawiye have caused them the most death and destruction to that community. I really wish my people weren't so nice. I wish we were a bit mooryan like Hawiye or Fascist Nazis like the !doors. That way, this sh!t wouldn't have even been entertained.

Yusuf M

Is not the whole point of democracy and elections to elect the favourite amongst competing candidates regardless of their clan?
There hasn't been a proper reconciliation in Somalia. There hasn't been a fair nationwide political system accepted. So you're just asking for trouble bringing in large hostile alien population to your region and giving them voting rights. Eventually, their population will increase and if they're is a konfur guy and reer PL guy running for office, which candidates do you think the konfur voters will vote for?
And as their population continues to grow, they'll out vote you and out number you in your own land. This is why I strongly believe voting and representation should ONLY be for locals And by the way, I believe this should applies to every region. My opinion is not cunsuri. It is common sense to safe guard your region's stability and your existence. Otherwise you'll end up like the Palestinians or even worse Native American tribes. The whole point of democracy and elections kulaha. War ninyahow, this is Somalia. Western liberal mindset doesn't work there. That shit is gonna get you killed.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
You idiot, do you even know what federalism is supposed to mean in Somalia?
It is meant to mean federalism with Somali characteristics where every man runs his own affairs in his own region. We haven't even had a proper reconciliation since 1991. You can't expect Somalia to have a first world federal system in the current condition of the country. MJs living in SWS for more than 2 or 3 generations aren't even allowed to have a single seat in SWS state. Stupid PL leaders make me sick to my stomach for allowing this crap to happen. They think they can score some political points as if the other Somalis care. They think they can form a political alliance with Eelays. The funny thing is Eelays almost always vote for a Hawiye president even though Hawiye have caused them the most death and destruction to that community. I really wish my people weren't so nice. I wish we were a bit mooryan like Hawiye or Fascist Nazis like the !doors. That way, this sh!t wouldn't have even been entertained.
Liar Wow GIF

Hate to bring it to you bud, but that’s not a thing. Either use the system correctly or don’t. Somali characteristics kulaha 💀
All these seats are symbolic and handpicked by the political parties. If there was 1M1V and everyone knew which candidates to vote for, and people voted along clan lines, there would be far more seats for MJ clans. This is the truth.

The real reason why political parties select their people, and have closed-lists, is to avoid the 'waa nala dhacay' (when in reality, some clans are just a lot larger in numbers). People would take to the streets and their clan elders would scream into microphones.

Long story short; political appeasement and symbolism of 'Somali' unity.

