Gaza death toll could be as high as 200k

Arabs are weak how many countries with wealth, manpower and technology do they have. And they cannot defeat a tiny Jewish state slap in the middle of MENA.
That tiny jewish state is a nuclear power. The only thing that would bring Israel to its knees is if all muslims boycotted Israeli products.
Even the Saudi ambassador was angry at the Palestinians back in 2000 when Clinton negotiated a Palestinian state with a large portion of the West Bank within their control. Yasir Arafat refused to accept the deal and ever since then Israel has been taking more and more land and no one believes that Israel will make such an offer again. Even after October 7th happened people look back to how the deal in 2000 would've resolved the entire conflict and the Palestinians would've had a vibrant and peaceful country the entire world would help to build. People still speculate on why Yasir Arafat didn't accept the deal. Only the deep hatred of jews combined with the continued hope of reclaiming land even in the face of continued conflict prevented peace and a Palestinian state to form.
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The Palestinian authorities are too quick to sacrifice their citizens, just as Hamas has done in this conflict and as Yasir Arafat did in 2000. They negotiate with Israel as though they have an equal bargaining power and can decide the terms. Now Israel is fully unleashed and probably wants to wipe out everyone in Gaza and seized the land for themselves including more portions of the West Bank. Sadly, the Palestinian authorities have wasted opportunities that will never return to the detriment of all future Palestinian generations.


Amaan Duule
Even the Saudi ambassador was angry at the Palestinians back in 2000 when Clinton negotiated a Palestinian state with a large portion of the West Bank within their control. Yasir Arafat refused to accept the deal and ever since then Israel has been taking more and more land no one believes that Israel will make such an offer again. Even after October 7th happened people look back to how the deal in 2000 would've resolved the entire conflict and the Palestinians would've had a vibrant and peaceful country the entire world would help to build. People still speculate on why Yasir Arafat didn't accept the deal. Only the deep hatred of jews combined with the continued hope of reclaiming land even in the face of continued conflict prevented peace and a Palestinian state to form.
The deal was objectively terrible. Here is a map of the land Israel planned to give to Palestine for their state in the 2000 deal:


According to the deal, Israel would annex 10% of the West Bank permanently, while an additional 8-12% would """temporarily""" (most likely permanently, given Israel's track record) remain under Israeli control, meaning that the Palestinians would only be allowed to initially control disjointed chunks of the West Bank that comprised of 78-82% of the territory. In addition, the proposed Palestinian state would face the following restrictions:

- Ceding permanent control of their airspace to Israel
- Allowing Israel to maintain permanent bases in their territory
- Allowing Israel to invade at any time in times of "emergency"
- Palestine would not be allowed to have a military
- Palestine would not be allowed to enter foreign alliances without Israeli permission
- Al Aqsa would remain under Israeli control, part of the compound would be reserved for Jewish worshippers

The Israelis weren't offering the Palestinians a sovereign state, they were offering the Palestinians a protectorate under permanent Israeli supervision. Arafat could not possibly be blamed for rejecting such a shitty deal.

The deal was objectively terrible. Here is a map of the land Israel planned to give to Palestine for their state in the 2000 deal:

View attachment 333893

According to the deal, Israel would annex 10% of the West Bank permanently, while an additional 8-12% would """temporarily""" (most likely permanently, given Israel's track record) remain under Israeli control, meaning that the Palestinians would only be allowed to initially control disjointed chunks of the West Bank that comprised of 78-82% of the territory. In addition, the proposed Palestinian state would face the following restrictions:

- Ceding permanent control of their airspace to Israel
- Allowing Israel to maintain permanent bases in their territory
- Allowing Israel to invade at any time in times of "emergency"
- Palestine would not be allowed to have a military
- Palestine would not be allowed to enter foreign alliances without Israeli permission
- Al Aqsa would remain under Israeli control, part of the compound would be reserved for Jewish worshippers

The Israelis weren't offering the Palestinians a sovereign state, they were offering the Palestinians a protectorate under permanent Israeli supervision. Arafat could not possibly be blamed for rejecting such a shitty deal.

good post, humiliate those c00ns
I predicted on October 8 that the Israelis would kill up-to 100k Palestinians in Gaza but by December I thought it would be even higher than that by the amount of unguided bombs they were raining from F-16s. After the Israelis destroyed the ability of the Palestinians to accurately count their dead, I knew the fix was in. From 7 months straight, around 1k Palestinians were dying a day from airstrikes. And the figure went lower to around 700-750 a day. Add in the forced starvation as well. I knew the 35k deaths were bullshit, Israelis were going through that in about 5 weeks or so.

Nothing can break the will of a people who desire freedom. Netanyahu will join Pharoh, Ian Smith and all other cuunsuris who want to hold a people in bondage.
Over 22 Arab countries still can't win?
Israel has never fought 22 Arab countries. The largest coalition it faced was 4 countries?
Israel has lost in Lebanon in 2006 and 1980, it was forced to pull out of Gaza by the second intifada etc. you need to actually read books instead of propaganda
Yibir aren’t Jewish that’s a lie you shouldn’t repeat.
I heard there beta Jews like Ethiopian ones. I even heard they have a J haplogroup. These are all thing I heard. I’m I lying be repeating them? Nope, could I be mistaken? Perhaps. Are you yibir by chance?


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
I heard there beta Jews like Ethiopian ones. I even heard they have a J haplogroup. These are all thing I heard. I’m I lying be repeating them? Nope, could I be mistaken? Perhaps. Are you yibir by chance?
Yibir are pre Islamic tribe probably had something to do with the relgion before Islam arrived through Zelia
I heard there beta Jews like Ethiopian ones. I even heard they have a J haplogroup. These are all thing I heard. I’m I lying be repeating them? Nope, could I be mistaken? Perhaps. Are you yibir by chance?
They aren’t. They’re gabooye and people spread those fake suugo rumors about them like how habaryars say barawinis are Portuguese or Tumaals are Turkish . It’s fake, and their ugaas denies it. Read Dr Sadia’s book.

Yibir are pre Islamic tribe probably had something to do with the relgion before Islam arrived through Zelia
Yibirs are post-Islamic, they are descended from Muhammad Hanif. They’re not any older or younger than any other Somali tribe, although the name probably comes from the word Iibire meaning sorcerer, you see them in other ethnicity’s like the rendille or the baysos
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Yibirs are post-Islamic, they are descended from Muhammad Hanif. They’re not any older or younger than any other Somali tribe, although the name probably comes from the word Iibire meaning sorcerer, you see them in other ethnicity’s like the rendille or the baysos
If you see them in Somaloid tribes that split off from us before the introduction of islam what does that tell you?
Saying yibif are Jews is fake qashin, suugo science somalis also used to claim that yibirs disapear in smoke when they die. We will deal with facts here not fiction.

If you see them in Somaloid tribes that split off from us before the introduction of islam what does that tell you?
Rendille didn’t split off before the “introduction of Islam” ( that is like talking about the introduction of Christianity to the French btw, Somalis didn’t exist before Islam just like how French people didn’t exist before the treaty of verdun), they split off some time in the 1400-1500’s which was 2 or 3 hundred years afterwards.

also the term has similar orgins, they aren’t however the same people.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Saying yibif are Jews is fake qashin, suugo science somalis also used to claim that yibirs disapear in smoke when they die. We will deal with facts here not fiction.

Rendille didn’t split off before the “introduction of Islam” ( that is like talking about the introduction of Christianity to the French btw, Somalis didn’t exist before Islam just like how French people didn’t exist before the treaty of verdun), they split off some time in the 1400-1500’s which was 2 or 3 hundred years afterwards.

also the term has similar orgins, they aren’t however the same people.
Are you retarded how did Somali people not exist before Islam?? How many cities are there in Somalia older than Islam, who btw all had similar cultures and languages. Who inhabited the 2,000 year old Zelia before Islam? Habashi??

Renadile split off long before the 1400s this is absurd you're just talking out your ass.

French people already existed, they were the Guals, the modern French came about after the Frankish king United all of Roman Gual into a single kingdom, renounced his Germanic tribe and converted to Christianity.

But even until the time of Napolean a good number of Franve didn't even speak French, the south for example spoke Occtaine which was closer to Spanish than standard French. But after the revolution all these regions were forced to speak the tounge of Parisians and local languages was beaten out of the locals who didn't submit to the state. So when did French people really exist?
French people already existed, they were the Guals,
Then ten seconds later
the modern French came about after the Frankish king United all of Roman Gual into a single kingdom, renounced his Germanic tribe and converted to Christianity.
That’s also wrong, but it’s closer than the first mistake. The French didn’t exist until the treaty of verdun of 843

before that they were Frank’s. Modern French people (Gallo-Romanics) have basically nothing in common with them, they were a Ripareun group of the old Ubii tribe.

