Gedo SNA commander “Let Culusow try something, Itoobiya is going no where”

Egyptians who will be allied with HSM and Hawiye are better for them than anti Hawiye Ethiopians? That doesn't make any sense, if anything Hawiye will use the SFG to improve their standing in SWS & JL.
Not for the federal leaders obviously but for the locals. Have you forgotten that Ethiopian and African troops in general are well known for killing and raping in the south? No argument could be made for them staying at this point, especially since they failed in their mission to weaken Al-Shabab.
It’s not even that. It’s just a bunch of traitor propped up by the meat eaters. Nothing further really.

Some locals are tired of the hypocrisy of the government when they are massive traitors themselfs

But different for south west state , d&g they are worried about the return to 91’ and flat don’t want elements of hawiye back in power over their region due to what happened in the past.

Bro cut the act, we can all see through it. Unfortunately every clan is planning to use a foreign nation to dominate the other side or improve their standing. Ogaden used Kenya to force JL down FGS (Hawiye) and SWS (Raxanwyne) throat in 2013, Hawiye used Somali National Army to sponsor tribal wars in Merka (Biyomaal) and Lower Shabille (Digil) grabbing lands by force using IC funding and arms, even Darood turned on each other and had Kenya bomb Gedo couple years ago. There are no 'good guys' on any side of this war, it's all grey area and what's the best outcome for every clan is the ultimate goal. You can say my side is more patriotic or Wadani but we all know you guys work for your clans best interest there's nothing wrong with that ... But don't act like one side the holier than thou and represent the best interest of Somalia's national "sovereignty"
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Not for the federal leaders obviously but for the locals. Have you forgotten that Ethiopian and African troops in general are well known for killing and raping in the south? No argument could be made for them staying at this point, especially since they failed in their mission to weaken Al-Shabab.
Like it or not, without Ethiopian forces Al Shabaab will takeover all of Southern Somalia. Ethiopia is the lesser of two evils. Besides, what makes you sure Egypt won't repeat the same atrocities?
Al Shabaab will takeover all of Southern Somalia.
So you think the Egyptians with their superior weapons and training will allow Al-Shabab to take over but Ethiopia won't?
what makes you sure Egypt won't repeat the same atrocities
Because Egypt unlike Ethiopia has a long record of peacekeeping and is considered one of the most reliable partners in Africa. They are also Muslims and previous Muslim peacekeepers like Pakistanis have done a good job in the past.

And most importantly, Egypt has a stake in making Somalia more powerful and stable so eliminating or weakening Al-Shabab will be their modus operandi. Ethiopia on the other hand directly benefits from Al-Shabab chaos.
Bro cut the act, we can all see through it. Unfortunately every clan is planning to use a foreign nation to dominate the other side or improve their standing. Ogaden used Kenya to force JL down FGS (Hawiye) and SWS (Raxanwyne) throat in 2013, Hawiye used Somali National Army to sponsor tribal wars in Merka (Biyomaal) and Lower Shabille (Digil) grabbing lands by force using IC funding and arms, even Darood turned on each other and had Kenya bomb Gedo couple years ago. There are no 'good guys' on any side of this war, it's all grey area and what's the best outcome for every clan is the ultimate goal. You can say my side is more patriotic or Wadani but we all know you guys work for your clans best interest there's nothing wrong with that ... But don't act like one side the holier than thou and represent the best interest of Somalia's national "sovereignty"
Learn to read and don’t project your beliefs on all Somalis.

Majority of the Somalia are sick of this shit. You might want to use foreigners but I see past “ we all do it “ shit.
Learn to read and don’t project your beliefs on all Somalis.

Majority of the Somalia are sick of this shit. You might want to use foreigners but I see past “ we all do it “ shit.
Unfortunately for you everything I said is true and obviously hit a nerve considering your emotional response.

If you're sick of it go to r/Somalia and cry with the rest of naive, idealist anime loving qurba jooq on there.
So you think the Egyptians with their superior weapons and training will allow Al-Shabab to take over but Ethiopia won't?
That's not what I said. Granted Egyptian Army is light years ahead of Ethiopian army, it's just that statue que is preferred by RX and southern Daroods. Hawiye want to introduce a new foreign power into their backyard, they every right to panic and refuse it.
Because Egypt unlike Ethiopia has a long record of peacekeeping and is considered one of the most reliable partners in Africa. They are also Muslims and previous Muslim peacekeepers like Pakistanis have done a good job in the past.

And most importantly, Egypt has a stake in making Somalia more powerful and stable so eliminating or weakening Al-Shabab will be their modus operandi. Ethiopia on the other hand directly benefits from Al-Shabab chaos.

I actually agree with you here. But you must ask yourself why Egypt left Somalia to burn for 30 years only to show up now? Off course they need an ally against Ethiopia, where was that doctrine the past decades leaving Zenawi to invade Somalia several times and install weak puppet governments that plead allegiance to Ethiopia? You can't trust Egypt nor Ethiopia they're both the same.
is preferred by RX and southern Daroods
By the leaders yes but locals are just about sick of Al-Shabab bombings and taxation. People like Madoobe and Laftagreen may benefit from the status quo but the average miskeen RX has to deal with both daily abuse from foreign soldiers and Al-Shabab intimidation and violence.
why Egypt left Somalia to burn for 30 years
Because Egypt was (and still are) under uncle Sam's thumb who greenlit the invasion of Somalia. What were they suppose to do?
You can't trust Egypt nor Ethiopia they're both the same
Not the same. Egypt doesn't have a long history of screwing over and meddling with Somalia like Ethiopia does, the relationships Somalia has with both countries is flat out night and day. You can argue Egypt doesn't do enough but that in itself doesn't mean Egypt hasn't been reliable occasionally before.

And in the end of the day, all countries operate by self interest so Egypt will be primarily looking out for themselves and see Somalia as a opportunity. Not a problem with me though since that opportunity involves kicking out Ethiopia and empowering FGS.
Popular Arab channel that deals with geopolitics confirms that Egyptian troops will not fight Al Shabaab but will be deployed on the borders between Somalia & Ethiopia. Actually combat missions against AS will be the role of the new AU force.


