The heejaab has driven a lotta people away from Islam. You might notice that parents don't force their boys to keep their trousers above the ankle, which according to hadiths is something for which you will go to hell if you dont. It's only girls who are forced to obey these dress codes. That's how you know it's an anti-woman concept. The biggest recruitment Sergeant for gaalnimo is Arab culture. Atheist polemics are insignificant by contrast.
How strict were your parents?
Do they know you are a murtad, or do they think their sweet little daughter is a true blue Islamophile? Don't lie to me naya.
I rarely see parents enforcing sunnah on their boys. I think hijab and dressing modestly affects young girl's self esteem because their gaalo friends are free to wear what they want.
My parents were very strict but after rejecting hijab they accepted it and they accept even if I wear shorts, they really mellowed with age.
They think I'm a non practising Muslim. I still believe in God and have no issues with Islam so they wouldn't know and I wouldn't tell them because it's simply not that important.