Geeljire Ex-muslims how do you plan to deal with marriage?

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If you're at a point where you're considering settling down and you prefer a Somali, you may not be able to find an atheist in your vicinity, but you'll find tons of young ppl who're not fussed about practice or religion? Heck, I know non-religious hijabis and non-hijabis that neither pray nor practice, and guys that are non-practicing even if they all profess to be Muslims, so I guess that would be the next best thing?? I think most ex-muslims would end up with non-Somalis, bc it's just easier.


If you're at a point where you're considering settling down and you prefer a Somali, you may not be able to find an atheist in your vicinity, but you'll find tons of young ppl who're not fussed about practice or religion? Heck, I know non-religious hijabis and non-hijabis that neither pray nor practice, and guys that are non-practicing even if they all profess to be Muslims, so I guess that would be the next best thing?? I think most ex-muslims would end up with non-Somalis, bc it's just easier.

Cushitic genocide
If you're at a point where you're considering settling down and you prefer a Somali, you may not be able to find an atheist in your vicinity, but you'll find tons of young ppl who're not fussed about practice or religion? Heck, I know non-religious hijabis and non-hijabis that neither pray nor practice, and guys that are non-practicing even if they all profess to be Muslims, so I guess that would be the next best thing?? I think most ex-muslims would end up with non-Somalis, bc it's just easier.
Send your CV to Dr Wanagsan. I will see what I can do for a lonesome sister. Bikini photos are optional.
God knows we sin against ourselves. He created us imperfect and he will listen to us in our darkest hour no matter what state we're in.

So you only pray when things aren't going well for you?

You can't just pick and choose and reform the religion to your beliefs and life experiences.


Cushitic genocide
Telling a Somali guy you're an atheist somehow automatically translates to him as, "She'll sleep with me?:damnmusic: ". It's not even worth getting into that with them. Guys outside the culture are easier to deal with, more natural. I can more easily see an atheist guy marrying a Muslim or Muslim-presenting girl.
I saw my first real life Somali (most likely) atheist on campus last month! She was the SJW activist type from what I could gather :ohdamn:
They're like unicorns in real life but so common online.
I saw my first real life Somali (most likely) atheist on campus last month! She was the SJW activist type from what I could gather :ohdamn:
They're like unicorns in real life but so common online.
Unicorns? No, all these gaal Somalis are the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts of somebody out there. Statistically, some of us, or people we know, are related to them. They've just hiding it. That's why the sheikh whose video I posted in this thread is so key. Our community is full of people who aren't what they appear.

That's why I always check the online browsing habits of my parents. For all I know, they might be trolling SSpot Muslims with Dawkins videos. Subxanallah.


Telling a Somali guy you're an atheist somehow automatically translates to him as, "She'll sleep with me?:damnmusic: ". It's not even worth getting into that with them. Guys outside the culture are easier to deal with, more natural. I can more easily see an atheist guy marrying a Muslim or Muslim-presenting girl.

Try to find a Somali guy, if you can.


Try to find a Somali guy, if you can.

You should stop trying to police ppl on who they date. The only thing you might call a "Cushitic genocide" is through drought and instability/war, which we can try to alleviate in the diaspora, but can't be held responsible for out here.


You should stop trying to police ppl on who they date. The only thing you might call a "Cushitic genocide" is through drought and war, which we can try to alleviate in the diaspora, but can't be held responsible for out here.

I'm the president of the Cushitic Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.
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