Geeljire memetically insults madow women

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The name is Professor, Haji Professor
Why do you dislike them for being grouped with them by white people. Your fight should be with the white man who's not accepting to identify people in other terms than superficial labellings. Why do you( general) point out and ridicule their features, features found on many ethnic Somalis.
To me it seems like Somalis are trying to distance themselves from other Africans based on fake superiority based on physical differences.
Point out why you'd rather identify as Somali, keep it civil, and keept it moving. Simple really.

Futadaa cadaanka iyo carabta loo kala qaada, laakiin madow waxaa loo arka xoolo. Waa la bukaa; "Aabo George, Aabo ibn fulaan, sankayaga dhuuban eega, annagu ma'nihin madow. Aabayaal ha na dhihinna madow billahi calayk"

North East Asians were labelled yellow, chinks, etc, but they quickly shrugged it off by surpassing the white man in many fields, and thus earning his respect at least outwardly. Now, it's taboo. Besides, their identities were not stripped off.

Again, demand to identify ONLY as Somali, but stop putting people down.
jump off a bridge please. Another retard sjws who I am most likely going to put on ignore. Why are they so many weak minded individuals within are community. We share nothing with them. Literally nothing


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
jump off a bridge please. Another retard sjws who I am most likely going to put on ignore. Why are they so many weak minded individuals within are community. We share nothing with them. Literally nothing

Professor, who do you think is pushing this colour paradigm? Why have people passively accepted it? It has gotten to the point where disagreeing makes one a self-hater (for a concept engineered by Western Euros). How can that be? Since Somalis have historically not seen them as their "brothers". Genetic ties from 40,000 years ago don't make you related. It's like the Han Chinese saying to the Welsh that we are united by Eurasian solidary. Last time I checked, cadaans have split Eurasia into two and created a continent where there was none. :mjlol:
jump off a bridge please. Another retard sjws who I am most likely going to put on ignore. Why are they so many weak minded individuals within are community. We share nothing with them. Literally nothing

Sjws, this, that. War runtaa la isku sheegayaa. Put me on ignore ma'ahe cirka ka dhac. A lot of self-important fuckers in this place, Yaab. The real weakness is a muslim majority people putting other people down based on their physical features. Also, they're hypocritically quick to cry, when they themselves are handed their own medicine by their loved White and Arab people.

The weak minded are the people who have nothing else to feed their ego but the talk of long noses vs broad noses. Men, most of that time even. Despicable. The hate and amount of time that's used on a people, as you say, we don't have anything in common with is amazing. You've people living deep in the woods of Scandanavia cursing and abusing AA's,. Like, where is the logic in that.

I'm Somali before anything else but I have the decency to not put other people down, especially a people who have directly suffered at the hand of systematic racism, that given other circumstances and a second chance wouldn't differentiate me from them.

You're some confused fuckers trying be edgy. You're smearing our name with your infantile xaar. :nahgirl:

Learn to rest in yourselves without having the need to pull down others.
Sjws, this, that. War runtaa la isku sheegayaa. Put me on ignore ma'ahe cirka ka dhac. A lot of self-important fuckers in this place, Yaab. The real weakness is a muslim majority people putting other people down based on their physical features. Also, they're hypocritically quick to cry, when they themselves are handed their own medicine by their loved White and Arab people.

The weak minded are the people who have nothing else to feed their ego but the talk of long noses vs broad noses. Men, most of that time even. Despicable. The hate and amount of time that's used on a people, as you say, we don't have anything in common with is amazing. You've people living deep in the woods of Scandanavia cursing and abusing AA's,. Like, where is the logic in that.

I'm Somali before anything else but I have the decency to not put other people down, especially a people who have directly suffered at the hand of systematic racism, that given other circumstances and a second chance wouldn't differentiate me from them.

You're some confused fuckers trying be edgy. You're smearing our name with your infantile xaar. :nahgirl:

Learn to rest in yourselves without having the need to pull down others.

You're right but sometimes you gotta realize those people are not nice to us either we experience things differently so sometimes it's just venting


This is what too many losers are up to online, always instigating some bs. Why are they so embarrassing.
another one @Sharmake shark it seems


Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
Why the f*ck would we be offended by being called ? It has no meaning or connection to us.
It's not that. It's that fact that we think we're excluded fron the racial abuse as well. I swear you guys are as bad as cadaan ppl regarding racism against maddow ppl.
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