General Duke ( SOL ex-Forumer) or you know as Abdi Warsame complains in MN Star tribune that he is

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one recent e-mail, in which the writer also said that โ€œmanyโ€ people are interested in forming a militia to patrol Somali neighborhoods.
try pussies we will butt f*ck your kids and your women:pacspit:

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I don't know why we even give them attention. They hide behind monitors.

I would definitely suggest that Somalis arm themselves, it is their second amendment.

In no way will a redneck threaten me and my family while ill-prepared. I'm q good marksman now too after making a hobby to go the shooting range. Of now my shots hit the heart area
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