Girls approaching guys

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what do you think women approaching men? Would you it turn you of or?

Personally I would approach a guy if I was REALLLLLLY interested in him. I don't see the problem, if he turns me down then that's life dee, move on


I think it is a turn off. Once in my school days three girls approached me (2 mixed race and 1 black). If you're going to approach
someone you should do it by yourself not in a group of hippos...


@DiricLover Actually no they asked if I had a rubber (code
word for condom) I was like wtf. They were ciyaal suuqiin. Girls feel brave when
they approach in groups, 1 to 1 they would never dare ask me that.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Just this pass weekend I had a get together with old college friends and surprisingly one of my friend is still after the guy she was crushing almost 10 years ago. She obviously doesn't have the guts to approach him since it is so unlady like.

Meeh i consider myself go-getter I don't give a shit what people think of me.


it would be little awkward tbh but knowing me I will be hella does she want,,,,is she trying set me up yo :williamswtf:


Just this pass weekend I had a get together with old college friends and surprisingly one of my friend is still after the guy she was crushing almost 10 years ago. She obviously doesn't have the guts to approach him since it is so unlady like.

Meeh i consider myself go-getter I don't give a shit what people think of me.
10 years? Bisinka that's qalbi xanuun


Jet life till my next life
Think it's bold move and a gentleman wouldn't turn it down even if he wasn't interested in her, there are other ways to it & effort is all that matters. Just be cautious not to approach ciyaal suuq!


@Xayd I have some cad cad neighbors, their females are always staring like they are thirsty for my c*ck, I should put them
out of their misery.


. . .
I have never and will never approach a guy. That's just not for me and I'm pretty sure guys get a thrill out of chasing females though


Jet life till my next life
@Xayd I have some cad cad neighbors, their females are always staring like they are thirsty for my c*ck, I should put them
out of their misery.

Waryaa, you've to put them out of their misery! Sxb they're waiting for your move, they'll prolly marry their cousins but they want to test drive other ceebs. Say what's up
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