Girls approaching guys

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I just hate when girls approach me in groups. Why do they think that's gonna be anything other than an utter farce? It's cringe worthy. One on one I am fine with that, but bringing your 4 home girls with you is just embarrassing and pointless.


I just hate when girls approach me in groups. Why do they think that's gonna be anything other than an utter farce? It's cringe worthy. One on one I am fine with that, but bringing your 4 home girls with you is just embarrassing and pointless.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Naag veteran ah weeye oo weliba well seasoned ah, kuwas camal ba fiican waayo no Ma garaniyan.


Habar Magaadle
what do you think women approaching men? Would you it turn you of or?

Personally I would approach a guy if I was REALLLLLLY interested in him. I don't see the problem, if he turns me down then that's life dee, move on

I'm all for it tbh, the other day I was sitting on the steps of xarunta telesom here in arabsiyo, and this peng ting with all the right aesthetics was continously looking at me and then looking away as she was walking by, a day later, one of the youths that I know told me that she inquired about who I was, " Inanka timaha weynleh oo quruxbadan waayo?", a day later, I already got her phone no.:banderas:

The sad part is, there's a language barrier when it comes to convos, my Somali vocabulary is limited. :jcoleno:


The trouble is, you think you have time
No I would not approach. If a guy like you he will approach. If he does not approach you he does not like you simple.


I'm all for it tbh, the other day I was sitting on the steps of xarunta telesom here in arabsiyo, and this peng ting with all the right aesthetics was continously looking at me and then looking away as she was walking by, a day later, one of the youths that I know told me that she inquired about who I was, " Inanka timaha weynleh oo quruxbadan waayo?", a day later, I already got her phone no.:banderas:

The sad part is, there's a language barrier when it comes to convos, my Somali vocabulary is limited. :jcoleno:
Neef daqaya baa tahay hadaa soo kala tuurin inantaas. :ufdup:
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