Girls being transported from baidoa to galguduud to sh*bab footsoldiers

What about Deni?

Deni is overweight not Bantu. His features are Cushitic. Eyes, nose, lips etc. If he slimmed down his Somali features would also slim down even further. His face is big not his features.


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even Raxanweyn are discriminative towards some of their sub clans cuz of this admixture and do not allow intermarriage. raxanweyn were the biggest slave owners in somalia that’s why there are bantus under their clan

My issue with mixed Somalis or ethnic minority Somalis, is that there tends to be a trend of telling lies. Either they claim to be natives or other been. I really want an ethnic Somali D&M to come on here and educate us about their people.
@Kamaaludeen Al Reewin

You are Bantu admixed or Bantu and there is nothing wrong with it. You need to be proud of it instead of acting strange about it. Teach people about your community and be an ambassador on here.

Madowweyne aren't claiming Reewins but they are claiming your clan though.


Forza Somalia!


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Instead of calling the execution of children groomed to be wives, find a cliff and jump.
Grooming wasnt the main reason, some went of their own volition and the ones that got groomed are already a threat to the state in many ways whether in the present or future and should be made an example of.