God Bless Islam. Our enemies on this site,

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Are miserable drunks, who drink themselves to sleep everyday. How does it feel to lead such life? How does it feel to be unloved, how does it feel knowing your own parents will disown your irrelevant ass when you tell them the truth.
You will never find happiness as long as you're the enemy of the chosen Religion.

Thank Allah swt for Islam.

Are miserable drunks, who drink themselves to sleep everyday. How does it feel to lead such life? How does it feel to be unloved, how does it feel knowing your own parents will disown your irrelevant ass when you tell them the truth.
You will never find happiness as long as you're the enemy of the chosen Religion.

Thank Allah swt for Islam.

Are miserable drunks, who drink themselves to sleep everyday. How does it feel to lead such life? How does it feel to be unloved, how does it feel knowing your own parents will disown your irrelevant ass when you tell them the truth.
You will never find happiness as long as you're the enemy of the chosen Religion.

Thank Allah swt for Islam.


You're one of the biggest enemies of Islam on this forum, hypocrite troll:pacspit:
Are miserable drunks, who drink themselves to sleep everyday. How does it feel to lead such life? How does it feel to be unloved, how does it feel knowing your own parents will disown your irrelevant ass when you tell them the truth.
You will never find happiness as long as you're the enemy of the chosen Religion.

Thank Allah swt for Islam.

I've seen more muslims getting drunk then actual somali atheists tbh. there usually the ones posted up at bars trying to find wife number 4. just saying. and them disowning their child when he leaves the religion says more about intolerant muslims then it does about us lol.



Well damn...

See this is your problem, but you don't see it. Stop being a xasid, it's better for you in the long run!:ufdup:


I got boomer connections
iv everyone kept their religious beliefs to themselves, or their lack of religious belief ----- s--h--t would be less hostile .:manny:


Why am I xasiid?

From what I gathered from your post, it's clear you're upset @ your mojitos having to be virgin all the damn time, so much so that you want to make an enemy of us, for us to be miserable, for our folks to disown us.
Wah, it ain't that serious. :drakekidding:

Splash some alchy in there, I won't tell.


Stay real in the everything fake era
I don't mind women atheists they are the ones that throw the most back at parties so that a plus and they are more promiscuous = more action for me :kanyeshrug:


Cultural revolution
So having different opinions and beliefs makes them your enemy? That means if your own child turned, you will hate them and make them your enemy too. Not an atheist but that's just sick.

If you mean atheists on this forum then there's no need to hate. Not all atheists here are like the troll AJ. @VixR is lovely
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