Pay close attention to what he says at @11:35 , basically goes in on the false narrative of the middle east (Somalia is connected to this)
He says:
The Cartoonish caricature of ''The Middle East'' as a region that is hopelessly condemned to thousand year old ethnic and religious conflict is one of the greatest lies that's ever been perpetuated in the post 9-11 era. This narrative that convinced millions of people that turmoil and conflict were intrinsic parts of Arab society concealed the reality that these were really intrinsic parts of British and French colonial strategy and U.S world domination.
Apparently he says that 80% of Arabs across all lines in the region voted for Pan-Arab state called ''Greater Syria''
The map of what it would have looked like.
@Galool @EritreanPost_ @Abdisamad @Aurelian
Yes according to jew the blessing given to Abraham to Isaac and Jacob and the 12 sons or tribes was the land between Euphrates and Nile, that's why they want constant war untill those objective r fulfilled and Judaism is proven as a miracle and truth. They made peace with Egypt for now untill they finish the Euphrates mission lol and Egypt is next because moses was sent on the Nile River therefore its jewish and their biggest goal is the ancient Egypt land to mock, rewrite, and erase their name as they tried to erase their name from the world by the pharoahs. they want the revenge of musa basically