Greater Israel Explained: The Israeli Plan to Conquer the Arab World (Somalia ties into this i'll explain)



Pay close attention to what he says at @11:35 , basically goes in on the false narrative of the middle east (Somalia is connected to this)

He says:
The Cartoonish caricature of ''The Middle East'' as a region that is hopelessly condemned to thousand year old ethnic and religious conflict is one of the greatest lies that's ever been perpetuated in the post 9-11 era. This narrative that convinced millions of people that turmoil and conflict were intrinsic parts of Arab society concealed the reality that these were really intrinsic parts of British and French colonial strategy and U.S world domination.

Apparently he says that 80% of Arabs across all lines in the region voted for Pan-Arab state called ''Greater Syria''

The map of what it would have looked like.

@Galool @EritreanPost_ @Abdisamad @Aurelian

Yes according to jew the blessing given to Abraham to Isaac and Jacob and the 12 sons or tribes was the land between Euphrates and Nile, that's why they want constant war untill those objective r fulfilled and Judaism is proven as a miracle and truth. They made peace with Egypt for now untill they finish the Euphrates mission lol and Egypt is next because moses was sent on the Nile River therefore its jewish and their biggest goal is the ancient Egypt land to mock, rewrite, and erase their name as they tried to erase their name from the world by the pharoahs. they want the revenge of musa basically


Inaba Caadi Maaha
What made Egal change his mind on being pro-unity with Somalia and instead take this pro-Israel stance? He wasn’t part of the SNM, was considered a traitor for supporting Siyad Barre, he apparently deplored the SNM declaring independence in 1991 and had mentioned in a couple of interviews that he was pro unity with Somalia?

What did the Israeli ambassador propose in Eritrea that made the man basically a Zionist in such a short period of time?


time in essence is not on their side, now there are large muslim populations in the west, indonesia is going to be the fourth biggest economy, increasing muslim populations where essentially nigeria is going to be majority muslim. whilst waging war in the middle east they have strengthened muslim faith, they have literally created an ummah in the west, where irrespective of nationalities all muslims come together to put their interests forward

The stage is set for a reversal.

What makes you think out of all the other african countries who are better candidates for this position, china will choose us over them?

Our strategic location, plus we have plus we have uranium, gas and oil resources, growing market potential. Plenty of reasons actually.


What made Egal change his mind on being pro-unity with Somalia and instead take this pro-Israel stance? He wasn’t part of the SNM, was considered a traitor for supporting Siyad Barre, he apparently deplored the SNM declaring independence in 1991 and had mentioned in a couple of interviews that he was pro unity with Somalia?

What did the Israeli ambassador propose in Eritrea that made the man basically a Zionist in such a short period of time?

He is a traitor looking out for himself simple as that, they didn't do some voodoo mind trick on him.


What i said in another thread:
Also traitors and internal tensions are not unique to Somalia. Every single country on earth has it.

In a different thread i gave examples of the Norwegian anti-government dissident that bombed a political party headquarters and killed 70 people in political camp on an Island.
There is many of those types of extremist elements in their societies. As well as corrupt politicians that are booted from their posts

Another example is America not only with their various anti-govt militia groups, but also how they did an insurrection and stormed the capital. Same thing here there are corrupt traitor politicians within America , that would comprimise american interests in heartbeat and are routinely booted out or made to resign.

In Australia you have various politicians that are comprimised by China and act on behalf of their interests. And have massive problem with Anti-government extremism:

In recent memories that there has been UK riots where people attacked the public , destroyed business and properties. They have organized movements and groups behind them. Politicians even that supported their carnage.
In Kenya they rioted and destroyed public property and businesses but they also stormed the government capital.

In Singapore there was various bombings and anti-govt subversions throughout the 60s and 70s.

Now imagine if those countries had a lunatic enemy nation next door as a neighbor, who exploited their western allied ties to arm those various dissidents and traitors to make war and invited them in and hosted them?
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What made Egal change his mind on being pro-unity with Somalia and instead take this pro-Israel stance? He wasn’t part of the SNM, was considered a traitor for supporting Siyad Barre, he apparently deplored the SNM declaring independence in 1991 and had mentioned in a couple of interviews that he was pro unity with Somalia?

What did the Israeli ambassador propose in Eritrea that made the man basically a Zionist in such a short period of time?
isn’t it obvious be a king in his own kingdom, instead of following siad barre, you could be your own siad barre
that’s why turkey currency rate is fucked, and look how after ataturk, turkey went back islamist even though there were heavy investment in secularising the whole country

Turkey is actually a great example.

They were part of Nato and the western bloc for ages, but at the same time were never trusted.

Especially the refusal to let them join the European Union for decades. The Turkish secularist forget that their forefathers were the Ottomans who waged jihaad all the way to Vienna. What love and recognition do they expect from Brussels who only see them as the descendents of the Ottomans?

Turkey's rejection by the EU has been the reason why they have shifted their focus to the East and Horn of Africa.


I'll explain in this next part. That Ethiopia is a political regional arm of Isreal that attempt to replicate the same thing with Somalia as Isreal have done with Arabs and they are helping eachother to weaken/fracture the larger Arab/Muslim world.

It is also important to note that Isreal and Ethiopia shared with eachother a common cause and a common identity: Isreal backed Ethiopia in their war with Somalia in 1977 and in 1964.

The CIA wrote the following: “𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘌𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘢'𝘴 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘴𝘳𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘮 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘳𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘵''


Isreal w was even urging the United States to back Ethiopia.

More info on this thread:

Ethiopia also borrowed schemes from Isreal to replicate Gaza situation on Ogaden: And make Ogaden into the new Palestine

A qoute from Ethiopian officials and military personels:

To this very day they exchange techniques and support eachother:

Even their sudden push to claim the red sea is connected to Isreal expansion and control
of this against Muslims, as soon as the war in Gaza and Axis of Resistance resumed:

Same with their ploy in Egypt in Ethiopias dam project is an attempt to weaken regional Muslim power and they get funded by Isreal.
You must have the Palestine fever, I don't think it should be your priority as a Somali your own people are divided beyond repair and your nation is in shambles.

But I get it, you want to distract yourself from that with Palestine and Arabs lol.


You must have the Palestine fever, I don't think it should be your priority as a Somali your own people are divided beyond repair and your nation is in shambles.

But I get it, you want to distract yourself from that with Palestine and Arabs lol.

The struggle against Zionism goes beyond Palestine, it sits at the core of a larger strategy to fracture and divide Muslim societies and Somalis are included.

Read what i've been saying through the whole thread:
''How to weaken our enemies. We have these regional enemies, .. the plan is that we have to create as much internal conflict as possible. We need to exacerbate sectarianism basically. Lets say the Sunni side is getting to strong, lets arm/fund the Shia side, We see the shia getting too strung we'll fund the Sunni side'''
''As long as they are fighting eachother, they are not going to have time for us, they are going destroy eachother. We don't have to worry about it''
Insane stuff. Replace Isreal with Ethiopia and replace the agreement Isreal undertook with Britain in exchange to be granted Palestine with the Anglo-Ethiopian agreement and the rest fits dead on with our case.

Makes me certain that Isreal was directing Ethiopia's actions on the foreign policy front against Somalia and Egypt, through their various advisors they sent to them.
What he said towards the end is so poignant:

''The struggle against zionism it's not simply about defending the Palestinians, rather it's about regaining the power and the unity that was stripped from Muslims with the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate'

Saying we are ''divided beyond repair'' is laughable, Somalis have always come back united and been steadfast and resilient throughout our history.

And how exactly am i distracting myself with Palestine and Arabs? when through the whole 4 pages i am talking about Somalia's current and past political history. It's so happens it ties into a larger theme.
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You must have the Palestine fever, I don't think it should be your priority as a Somali your own people are divided beyond repair and your nation is in shambles.

But I get it, you want to distract yourself from that with Palestine and Arabs lol.
you are an idiot but then your only care for somali unity when your clansmen sits in the throne


Mask fully off now

The fact they are fully blatantly open about it should be alarming, because what they are truly saying is they have now created the stage, justification, framework to bring this about and there is little stopping them.


We have to be honest as Somalis not emotional which gets us nowhere but losses. Honesty requires reflecting on facts even if it disturbs you. Wall St in America was in debt n poverty and America treasury is all that existed and they were broke to fund anything untill Jews arrived fleeing Europe and establishing wall street investment banks.

They also established federal reserve. Sxb old Europe was like the rest of the world they had treasuries, taxes, profits but not this banking idea which Jews have competitive edge with 4000 year headstart you can go google interest loaning in the Torah if U don't believe me or read Jesus exchange with the money lenders in the temple. Old europe were silly entertaining their banking even tho they kept it out till the 19th century untill they started to entertain it not knowing their playing right into their Jew trap knowing they have four thousand year competitive edge.

They also have brains that supercede humanity, America had no military of any strength because Jews were mainly in Europe funding their empires rise and eventual fall when they left to America. That's why European colonialism was so possible in the first place.

But what's scary is Oppenheimer gave America the nuke and that was 100 years ago, experts believe their 100 years ahead in classified hidden security tech way ahead of nuke that was their 100 year legacy toy n gift to the world 😂 that's why any American president bows before AIPAC no matter what party even trump, they know they were like Russia today before Jews built wall street and federal reserve, gave them all the corporations they have now thru investment banker loans.

Till today the big dog of wall st is investment banking by revenue size. Mind U they have a 4000 year head start in this game which noone can come close to compete on their tactics and methods, everything U learn will be public knowledge not classified knowledge to Jews which their 4000 years ahead.

Trump and Kamala and any president in America knows they will be finished as a super power like Europe was if Jews leave the collapse in academic, media, Hollywood, sciences, banking is just to much for them to accept and what's worse they will just move to Russia and re start knowing the oligarchy r largely Jew and create a Kremlin st and in 100 years tell Russians U know what U were before Jews arrived lol.

Their politicians r brutal also on a next level like Harry Kissinger the architect and Oppenheimer of American president strategies to fight the cold war and defeat Russia a cold war that started thru another jewish legacy Karl Marx communist manifesto that effected half the globe including us, the other half were hostage to their bankers and capitalists which like I said they have head start 4000 years 😂 and why the capitalist Jews were fearful of communism since it was new idea levelling out the playing field between non jew and jew.

As Somalis we need to accept Jewish supremacy for our own well being, I don't like too but I can't let emotions fool me of these vicious ppl tactics and yes sometimes it's wiser to cut a deal with the devil then run around in pathetic low grade bombs and silly missiles n drones n bullets to defy their world order. These weapons we have and the Muslims these r thing called their legacies from 200 years ago as they sit there laughing at you. Your fighting a war that U can't win which then begs the question U must make settle a deal, the art of politics isn't trying to get everything U want but negotiating on getting some of it and silently working to get more later not this all in and all out approach of arabs and Muslims.
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f*ck all U Somalis,I'm going to surrender n cut my deal for PL for great concessions




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Their built so strongly and I see the tactic walle raggeedi iga dheh. White, Arab Jews, Ethiopian, Indian. Anywhere the globe power changes they can shift n adapt rotating leadership while holding onto other jews.


@DR OSMAN you are not Muslim as you have declared. Therefore your opinion on such subjects is as valid as any other kaffir.

I'm a real Muslim dummy I went thru psychosis and seen hell U haven't bruv U just hear about hell and not really a muslim other then for convenience sake. Fake Muslims run around with 200 year old legacy weapons thinking their winning but serving the Jews their excuse of your extinction. U don't need a prophet to tell U U don't fight when your weak, your just ending up extinct anyway.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
We have to be honest as Somalis not emotional which gets us nowhere but losses. Honesty requires reflecting on facts even if it disturbs you. Wall St in America was in debt n poverty and America treasury is all that existed and they were broke to fund anything untill Jews arrived fleeing Europe and establishing wall street investment banks.

They also established federal reserve. Sxb old Europe was like the rest of the world they had treasuries, taxes, profits but not this banking idea which Jews have competitive edge with 4000 year headstart you can go google interest loaning in the Torah if U don't believe me or read Jesus exchange with the money lenders in the temple. Old europe were silly entertaining their banking even tho they kept it out till the 19th century untill they started to entertain it not knowing their playing right into their Jew trap knowing they have four thousand year competitive edge.

They also have brains that supercede humanity, America had no military of any strength because Jews were mainly in Europe funding their empires rise and eventual fall when they left to America. That's why European colonialism was so possible in the first place.

But what's scary is Oppenheimer gave America the nuke and that was 100 years ago, experts believe their 100 years ahead in classified hidden security tech way ahead of nuke that was their 100 year legacy toy n gift to the world 😂 that's why any American president bows before AIPAC no matter what party even trump, they know they were like Russia today before Jews built wall street and federal reserve, gave them all the corporations they have now thru investment banker loans.

Till today the big dog of wall st is investment banking by revenue size. Mind U they have a 4000 year head start in this game which noone can come close to compete on their tactics and methods, everything U learn will be public knowledge not classified knowledge to Jews which their 4000 years ahead.

Trump and Kamala and any president in America knows they will be finished as a super power like Europe was if Jews leave the collapse in academic, media, Hollywood, sciences, banking is just to much for them to accept and what's worse they will just move to Russia and re start knowing the oligarchy r largely Jew and create a Kremlin st and in 100 years tell Russians U know what U were before Jews arrived lol.

Their politicians r brutal also on a next level like Harry Kissinger the architect and Oppenheimer of American president strategies to fight the cold war and defeat Russia a cold war that started thru another jewish legacy Karl Marx communist manifesto that effected half the globe including us, the other half were hostage to their bankers and capitalists which like I said they have head start 4000 years 😂 and why the capitalist Jews were fearful of communism since it was new idea levelling out the playing field between non jew and jew.

As Somalis we need to accept Jewish supremacy for our own well being, I don't like too but I can't let emotions fool me of these vicious ppl tactics and yes sometimes it's wiser to cut a deal with the devil then run around in pathetic low grade bombs and silly missiles n drones n bullets to defy their world order. These weapons we have and the Muslims these r thing called their legacies from 200 years ago as they sit there laughing at you. Your fighting a war that U can't win which then begs the question U must make settle a deal, the art of politics isn't trying to get everything U want but negotiating on getting some of it and silently working to get more later not this all in and all out approach of arabs and Muslims.
Dont agree with the last paragraph but what you stated above is very interesting.


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