Weird dude you are! The saudis/gulf countries have contrabuted too islam in terms of spreading knowledge of the deen and in aid more than any other nation on the face of the earth and here we have our people the somalis like you slandering our honarable brethrens beacuse of your dislike with someone out of the arabs beacuse of a personal experience you've had with them or others had with them, the arabs nor any other people dont ow you nothing in this life you take what you need, and being ungrateful is a very disgusting trait a human being can posses
Ma diintaa qabta Arab in la jeclaado? Does Islam teach Muslims to Love Arabs? intaan kaala hadlin xoolanimadaad ku hadashay bal marka hore iga jaahil bixi diin ahaan in Qofka muslimka ku qasban yahay inuu dad ku jeclaado ama ku ixtiraamo jinsigooda keliya?
Anigu soomaali baan ahay marka hore, Carabna waxba isuma keynaan gelin ee taa l asoco,. Diinta uun baan wadaagnaa intooda muslimka sheegata. Haddaad donayso diin Islam inaad ka hadasho, halkaa soo dhig wixii daliil ah. Khuraafaadkana iga ilaali fadlan.
These are the questions you need to answer:
- Are Arabs honorable by virtue of them being Arabs?
- Are they special among other human beings?
- Why do I need to be grateful to Arabs as a Somali individual? Does it make sense even for you tell me to be grateful to Arabs?
- Bring your evidence in light of Islam.
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