Halal intimacy


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
I need to blow off some steam but at the same time don't want to commit zina :noneck::ileycry:
I feel you bro but please don't ask me because I will recommend the bad stuff and then when you end up doing it I'll get your sins /dambi too kkkkkkk


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
lifting increases test man,im too horny as it is but when I lift it goes haywire.
You should keep that feeling going and not watch it will make you feel more like a lion especially also when approaching qumayos
You should keep that feeling going and not watch it will make you feel more like a lion especially also when approaching qumayos
yh man is cancer for the brain man,the only way I can keep myself in check is keeping busy, the minute I have a bunch of free time shit hits the fan.As the say idle time is the devils time.


1. Make whudhu is preferred or at least wash the private parts, be clean before intercourse.
2. Be considerate to your wife and let her feel comfortable first, and be gentle with her.
3. Make the du'a that is sunnah before having relations.
Bismillahi, Allahumma jannibnaa ash-shaitaan, wa jannib
ash-shaitaan maa razaqtanna

[In the name of Allah, O Allah, keep us away from the devil, and keep the
devil away from that which You may grant us (ie. offspring).]
About this, the Prophet said: "After that, if Allah decrees that they will have a child, the
devil will never be able to harm that child". [al-Bukharee][1]
4. Anal and having intercourse while the woman is on her period or postpartum bleeding are forbidden.
4. Take ghusl/shower after sex.
5. Don't share your bedroom secrets with people. Unfortunately we live in a time with little hayyah that a man or woman will talk about their spouse's body or their sex life to their friends. Yes, even Muslims do this.


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