Hamas launches new operation against Israel.


Wonder how American Christians feel about this? Probably don't care really. Since Palestinians Christians are still seen as sub human like their Muslim counterparts.

Internet Nomad

Wonder how American Christians feel about this? Probably don't care really. Since Palestinians Christians are still seen as sub human like their Muslim counterparts.
We need Best Korea to nuke these evangelicals from the face of the earth.
These peoole are beyond cucked. They massacre millions if christians

the sinister plot of Israel is coming to light

they knew this attack was coming, i suspect they might've even played a role in it.

now they have the political goodwill from the west to raze gaza to the ground



Amaan Duule
Time to accept crusaders/america won and there will be no Palestine. Muslim countries weak. Arab league shitting themselves while Palestinian women and kids being slaughtered. This was last kicks of dying horse.

These same Muslim leaders will fake cry and complain later when Israel destroy Al Asqa mosque to build their temple
It took the Muslims 200 years to get the Crusaders out of the holy land. The liberation of Palestine may also take 200 years or 400 years or 800 years or even a thousand years. It doesn't matter as long as we don't give up.

Internet Nomad

South korea exists because they keel to the US.
South Korea is a client state of the US. So I'm not surprised. Christianity has lost all meaning it may have once had. All this suffering because Evangelicals think Jesus will return if they force all jews back into Palestine.

they exist because of America

South Korea, benefited from big injections of foreign aid, first from the US, then Japan. A briefing paper from KoFID, a South Korean network of civil society organisations, and ReDI, a South Korean thinktank, points out that the US offered about $60bn in grants and loans to South Korea between 1946 and 1978. In the same period, the total amount of aid provided by the US to the entire African continent was $68.9bn.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Well isn't that the conquences of Christians arming Jew
why we suprised. They get bombed, spat at, told they are pests and idol worshippers and told "to go back home" . No sympathy for these losers. They will still empty another $8 billion. Imagine being that far up someones ass.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

When something happens to us in Israel kulaha

Congratulations Nimko, if your goal was to trigger me, you’ve succeeded:samwelcome:


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Wonder how American Christians feel about this? Probably don't care really. Since Palestinians Christians are still seen as sub human like their Muslim counterparts
Pali Christians were hung out to dry by everyone. They’ve basically been run out of Israel/Palestine. Vast majority live in diaspora. Couple at my church


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