@Barni We will do one for reer Xamar; a professional one.
All the Habar yar (baby mommas) will be invited.
Please do not mock them, these youth are doing something good at least they are not running away from their country but trying to improve it and find their way. Respect them and encourage them. This is their first fashion show the next one will better. Do not make fun of them and act Asif you are better them.
I seriously want to know how can you improve the country by wearing this preposterous attire maa one piece miyaa or is Yaxye West a actual genius and people are going to wear this in 2040 as a khamis ? but for the life of me i can't actually condone this nor encourage it
"doing something good at least" ? naga aamus intaanan kukarbaashin.Please do not mock them, these youth are doing something good at least they are not running away from their country but trying to improve it and find their way. Respect them and encourage them. This is their first fashion show the next one will better. Do not make fun of them and act Asif you are better them.
"doing something good at least" ? naga aamus intaanan kukarbaashin.
Nice pic is it your selfi ?
IF You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say, BE SILENT
not really. Any "fashion runway" around the world gets reviewed for its good AND bad, why not this one?
Ok make fun of them and how they are backward people. so they feel inferiority complex due fact that they live In Somalia third world country and that they had to immigrate to west to get appreciation and fame. These clothes are not different what you see in any fashion show in west. Keep your criticism to your self and let guys have their fun.