None of their reasons for making this farce of a 'state' make any sense.
They complain about neglect, but Puntland has chosen Galdogob as the town that is connected to Garacad Port, that isn't enough for them?
They complain about parliament 'seats'? Seats are based on districts, it's not Puntland's fault that they don't have enough districts. Nobody restricted them from reproducing and expanding historically.
Look at your own family, some people have more children than others, some have more money than others. Should you be jealous of them or should you say 'Alhamdulilah' with your rizq? Would you demand that your brother gives you his children or his money?!
Do you know what they want? They want one of them to win Presidency, without forming or even joining a political party, they want extra seats without living in the districts needed for this.
Why can't they complain about things that can be helped and that actually make sense?
Xiriir land should be called "Masayrland"- because their problem with Puntland isn't based on sense, it's based on jealousy and a false sense of entitlement.
Ya Allah give us patience.
why do you care what leelkase do with their own land. they have a right to chose their own path and if that means a new federal state then so be it. the current federal states are not set in stone. in the next 10 years i expect a lot of changes.