Hariirland state of Somalia

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
:gucciwhat: Xarirland makes Galnus look like the Russian federation in size. Delusional nigga.

Meanwhile back to reality, PL is busy constructing the Garacad-Galkaacyo-Galdogob corridor

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Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
This isn’t really surprising tbh my aunt is leelkase and hates everything to do with puntland
:gucciwhat: Xarirland makes Galnus look like the Russian federation in size. Delusional nigga.

Meanwhile back to reality, PL is busy constructing the Garacad-Galkaacyo-Galdogob corridor

Galdogob's worst nightmare would be if Puntland diverted the Garacad highway to another town meaning they would lose out on the traffic and all the revenue that comes from that.

So, those who are playing with fire and inciting unneeded division, need to be careful they don't get burned.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Galdogob's worst nightmare would be if Puntland diverted the Garacad highway to another town meaning they would lose out on the traffic and all the revenue that comes from that.

So, those who are playing with fire and inciting unneeded division, need to be careful they don't get burned.
i would've made it at Bursaalax, gadogob district if it was up to me. :manny:
Guul to Xariirland

this moment took nearly 3 years in the making but it is finally here.

They (Leelkase) were told last time when they came to Samareeb to join Galmudug State that they should first start a grassroot movement in their Deegaans under 1 group and once they have their people's support than they will join Galmudug like the previous groups (X&X, G/sare and aswj) joined Galmudug.


Bantu Liberation Movement
We welcome xariirland, they should make an alliance with similar states such as Galgaduud sare and Galmudug.
Xariirland President said he will go to Gaalkacyo and visit the xariirland controlled portion of the city.

President of Xariirland interview

@DR OSMAN watch fully the video and let me know what you think. i think he spoke very well and had very reasonable and well thought-out point of view.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I wanna know whether Xariirland is Galdogob or Galdogob district.

Cos if they come for my tuulos, imma scrap these niggas wallahi.



President of Xariirland interview

@DR OSMAN watch fully the video and let me know what you think. i think he spoke very well and had very reasonable and well thought-out point of view.

Stop trying to bait Puntites with leelkase independence. We know Farmaajo sent this guy to galdogob to do a 'igu sawir' with a few technicals. Puntland president will speak to the Isimo and demand the local police who are on Puntland Payroll to immediately remove this 'igu sawir' guy for farmaajo.

This is actually going to hurt Farmajo who is going to be seen as interfering in stabilized communities and trying to instigate wars. You already lost your funding for Haramcad by the west, the soldiers will walk away when their payments stop.

I urge the Leelkase community jambalka uu farmaajo idin dhigay yusan idin ka burburin galdogob oo haysta mustaqbal fican as the new 'dry port' for PL/DDSI/Central Somalia.

The 3G corridor and the Turdibi customs will become new economic lifelines for your people. Do not put this into jepordy by welcoming in gashin shaqo la'an haysato oo beri idin ka tagayo. I urge the wise heads in galdogob do not bite at this bait from farmajo, send him off after his 'igu sawir' shit. Galdogob ma ahan Guriceel, farmajo
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@Pwyneth Galtrow I urge all spoilers in galdogob to retreat or be arrested immediately. The house who is hosting this man must be put in prison also. Meel nabad ah bay yimadeen oo waxay raban inay noqoto furin dagaal. This is unacceptable, as I said galdogob ma ahan guriceel.

The Respected Leelkase Isimo and Puntland police and the Local mayor must get involved immediately. Niin technico wato ba magalada iska soo galay, unacceptable inay puntland waxani iska firsato


Veni Vidi Vici
The 3G corridor and the Turdibi customs will become new economic lifelines for your people. Do not put this into jepordy by welcoming in gashin shaqo la'an haysato oo beri idin ka tagayo. I urge the wise heads in galdogob do not bite at this bait from farmajo, send him off after his 'igu sawir' shit. Galdogob ma ahan Guriceel, farmajo
DR, you think everything is a conspiracy by Farmajo or MX, instead of actually addressing the issue on hand. If Leelkase have grievance, deal with the issue at hand, instead of finding pitiful excuses and empty threats.


@Calaf @cow @Murax you know what? PL is moving towards one man one vote and direct elections with multi-party, doesn't it look stupid to you that farmajo sends a man claiming 'clan grievance' and creating a state for a clan, when the whole PL system is being currently reformed and they're will be no more powersharing based on clan but on political parties. It shows u how stupid farmaajo is in politics. Waqtigi qabyalada waa laga baxay, while farmajo is pushing some vague unknown dude to preach clannism in galdogob.

This will be resolved peacefully when leelkase are reminded that clannism is being scraped and you will get to eat based on what the people vote for. That will silence someone who is smart, if the people want you and your popular across various clans and regions, then good luck. In Qardho they selected nearly 30 women, those women would never see the light of day under the old system of clan-based powersharing.

Leelkase and other clans who argue their marginalized by PL, we will see what their worth when direct elections happen in 2023. PL will vote for anyone who has a good reputation locally, can demonstrate they have done something for their own people and clan, has government experience at the local level and has a vision to address the challenges and and eye to catch the opportunities of the people. Mind u if leelkase want to run for puntland president, they need to 'widen' their 'reach' across all puntland regions and get out of the clan based thinking of what this useless farmajo bot is offering them.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
i would've made it at Bursaalax, gadogob district if it was up to me. :manny:

Bursaalax isn’t a border town.

Rigomane (Bur Cideed) which is the next town over, sits on the border opposite Gambareey in DDSI.

However, Rigomane is essentially a ghost town now because of Siyaad Barre burning it down.
Stop trying to bait Puntites with leelkase independence. We know Farmaajo sent this guy to galdogob to do a 'igu sawir' with a few technicals. Puntland president will speak to the Isimo and demand the local police who are on Puntland Payroll to immediately remove this 'igu sawir' guy for farmaajo.

This is actually going to hurt Farmajo who is going to be seen as interfering in stabilized communities and trying to instigate wars. You already lost your funding for Haramcad by the west, the soldiers will walk away when their payments stop.

I urge the Leelkase community jambalka uu farmaajo idin dhigay yusan idin ka burburin galdogob oo haysta mustaqbal fican as the new 'dry port' for PL/DDSI/Central Somalia.

The 3G corridor and the Turdibi customs will become new economic lifelines for your people. Do not put this into jepordy by welcoming in gashin shaqo la'an haysato oo beri idin ka tagayo. I urge the wise heads in galdogob do not bite at this bait from farmajo, send him off after his 'igu sawir' shit. Galdogob ma ahan Guriceel, farmajo

I am disappointed @DR OSMAN I don't know if it is your arrogance or lack of self aware but have you even watched the video?

your analysis is very lazy and in fact prove why xariirland is a must for reer galdogob and west gaalkacyo. Instead of addressing his valid points you dismiss him as a "man president Farmaajo sent".

he spoke about how MJ humiliated those around them up to the point DH left, he spoke at how MJ humiliated wasiir jamaal at garoowe airport. he spoke about the 4th class citizenship reer galdogob and west gaalkacyo endure under puntland. He spoke about this process starting in 2011.

he mentioned they have no say in who becomes their MP or senator and that it all comes down to MJ picking for them. he spoke about the constitution and how it allows a district to leave a federal state if they are not happy with it.

but all of that you ignore and further your supremacy over reer galdogob by dismissing their valid concerns and saying "farmaajo sent this man" don't you see it is that attitude which made so many clans leave puntland?

I expected better from you.


Hariirland autonomy is something I would welcome, its also a good time to take advantage of Galnus as its president is desperate and will accept favourable deals for Leelkase while he is busy fighting PL vassals Cayr and Sacad. Its just bad timing to leave PL now, 1m1v is a huge political progress and PL is first to manage piloting it at the very least, excluding SL.