Have any of you been bullied

You gotta teach your kids to bully others first before they get bullied

It’s a dog eat dog world and childhood unfortunately is the epitome of that since kids lack maturity and empathy


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Is bullying in Somalispot consider a one? Cause am a victim of bullying and harassment.
innocent futurama GIF

Lose weight and i wont bully YOU
I was always a fairly quiet person, had few friends and therefore fewer problems, yet almost no one imposed themselves on me, I was strong at least physically.

Internet Nomad

I was never bullied as I am tall and funny which made it easy to get a lot of friends.
I found out my cousin was getting bullied recently and was shocked do somali kids really get bullied in school

Not retaliating is the worst thing you can do. Kids will bully whoever seems meek and not aggressive. Even if the other kid is stronger than him, he should hit him back to show that he isn't any easy target. He should crash out whenever they mess with him.

How old is he? Does he get bullied by 1 kid or by several? Do they get physical with him?
That’s why in our deen marriage is highly recommended. Like as soon as you are able get married immediately!!!!!!!

These priests and nuns are depriving themselves of their needs hence why so many victims
Marriage doesn’t cure perversions like that even if they get married young. Abusing vulnerable children is not because of their needs not being met. It’s a sickness. Like the famous mormom family where the older married brother Josh Duggar had been abusing his little sisters.
I never got bullied in school alxamdulilah. Had a perpetual rbf when I was around weird people.
I don’t fight with my words either so they could probably tell I’m not to be messed with.

Kids should be taught what to do when people disrespect them or try to make fun of them. I used to see this Somali boy get bullied in elementary school. He was the type that wanted everyone to like him and didn’t take himself too serious. It’s important to show you have self respect cause if you don’t people will mess with you. Don’t let people walk all over you otherwise you’ll end up being a target.
Marriage doesn’t cure perversions like that even if they get married young. Abusing vulnerable children is not because of their needs not being met. It’s a sickness. Like the famous mormom family where the older married brother Josh Duggar had been abusing his little sisters.
Humans have strong, sexual needs that, if ignored or repressed, will bubble up in strange ways.

And They're desperate for sex because they're not allowed to marry and not allowed to masturbate, and children are what's available to them .

I’m not defending them and this is not my talking points this is copied and pasted . But you get the point sexual repression is very dangerous and not something for the weak .

some of the ulema have remained celibate but these are men who slept and ate very little and dedicated their whole lives to seeking knowledge and being in worship.
Humans have strong, sexual needs that, if ignored or repressed, will bubble up in strange ways.

And They're desperate for sex because they're not allowed to marry and not allowed to masturbate, and children are what's available to them .

I’m not defending them and this is not my talking points this is copied and pasted . But you get the point sexual repression is very dangerous and not something for the weak .

some of the ulema have remained celibate but these are men who slept and ate very little and dedicated their whole lives to seeking knowledge and being in worship.
Sexual repression doesn’t cause attraction to children. Previous history of csa and/or corn does. A person who never did it doesn’t just wake up one day thinking that way. That’s very hard to believe. The natural desires only lead to the natural.

If they were so desperate for copulation as you they can leave the job and get married. Nothing stopping them. I’m of the opinion some of them choose that job to get close to kids.
Sexual repression doesn’t cause attraction to children. Previous history of csa and/or corn does. A person who never did it doesn’t just wake up one day thinking that way. That’s very hard to believe. The natural desires only lead to the natural.

Then I got a question for you why do so many jails have khaniis on the dl . A lot of those men wouldn’t even go near another man if they were free.

And to answer your first talking point not defending them again . A lot of them form relations with kids cause that’s what’s made available to them .

A kafir is a kaffir I’m not defending them just letting you sexual repression leads to people finding the wrong things attractive
Then I got a question for you why do so many jails have khaniis on the dl . A lot of those men wouldn’t even go near another man if they were free
They were gay all along but couldn’t act on it. Imagine being gay irl they would get ostracized. Not all men are dl in jail too. Probably many are but I don’t think all of them would do that cause it disgusts them.

homophobia is still a thing
Yes I got bullied most of my childhood following up to my teenage years. It taught me alot of life lessons. Funny thing is it was also Somalis who bullied me too.
They were gay all along but couldn’t act on it. Imagine being gay irl they would get ostracized. Not all men are dl in jail too. Probably many are but I don’t think all of them would do that cause it disgusts them.

homophobia is still a thing

I edited it . No hard feelings
Then I got a question for you why do so many jails have khaniis on the dl . A lot of those men wouldn’t even go near another man if they were free.

And to answer your first talking point not defending them again . A lot of them form relations with kids cause that’s what’s made available to them .

A kafir is a kaffir I’m not defending them just letting you sexual repression leads to people finding the wrong things attractive
Yes I got bullied most of my childhood following up to my teenage years. It taught me alot of life lessons. Funny thing is it was also Somalis who bullied me too.
What city . Somalis over in my city click up especially since we’re a tight knit community.

The hoyoos would have a sit down and the kid would be pressured and forced to apologise .
What city . Somalis over in my city click up especially since we’re a tight knit community.

The hoyoos would have a sit down and the kid would be pressured and forced to apologise .
Mate that experience happened long time ago lol and I'm much taller and stronger than most men my age now lol.

