Having A "Valuable" Woman By Your Side Is Quintessential To Every Man's Success

When the prophet SCW said A woman is married for four (reasons): her wealth, noble ancestry, beauty and religion.

was he talking about feminist inspired worldly career women, or women that come from wealth and nobility.

There are plenty of somali women who come from wealthy families, and who have lived a life of luxury, without working a day in their life outside of the home.

women who put their Deen and culture above that of lesbian Gaalo women gospel, wifey material types who will teach their children. The beauty of Islam instead of the false freedoms that secularism, liberalism and all manners of Godlessness have to offer.
Women working isn’t feminist. It’s something that is allowed. So I don’t know why you’re associating women being educated and having wealth of their own as being ‘feminist’. Very strange indeed. Love how you use the deen when it suits you when you were preaching a few weeks ago that a man that has children with a woman that has been previously married is cucking himself as her previous husband’s genes are still in her or whatever nonsense you were chatting.

Redpill is haram, stop it.
Women working isn’t feminist. It’s something that is allowed. So I don’t know why you’re associating women being educated and having wealth of their own as being ‘feminist’. Very strange indeed.
women who have graduated from secular institutions where they were indoctrinated by Atheist professors, in the philosophies of liberalism and sexual freedom.are not Educated but programmed, and i don't know who allows this, but to each his or her own.

Love how you use the deen when it suits you when you were preaching a few weeks ago that a man that has children with a woman that has been previously married is cucking himself as her previous husband’s genes are still in her or whatever nonsense you were chatting.

Redpill is haram, stop it.
Oh so your gonna flip the script me now, nice try.

i spoke of telegony which does not go against the islamic principle of Iddah, which is only observed by women and not men.

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iddah, a specified period of time that must elapse before a Muslim widow or divorcee may legitimately remarry. The Qurʾān (2:228) prescribes that a menstruating woman have three monthly periods before contracting a new marriage.

telegony is temporary issues which is solved by observing iddah,many modern women simply don't. Some go from having lovers, straight into marriage on a rebound. to get over the said lover and to force change, a thought that usually fails. Even worst now the children will have effects from the past lover, that's disgusting.

Certain aspects of the red pill are haram, like encouraging young men to commit Zina in order to gain much needed experience, and to better understand both female nature and the female anatomy.

but the self improvement, theoretically studying female nature, acquiring the skills to be financially independent and practicing stoicism are all good. And that is that madame.
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