Hijab inside the house.


I do something called "what I want"
None of my sisters wear a hijab at home. That makes no sense. No one wears a hijab when only their family is around. If they do then they're not doing it because of islam.
I've always found it weird that some women wear hijab in their homes, even though there are no non-Mahrams in the house.

I even know a family that make their daughters wear a gabasar in the home, even though there are no men apart from their dad, brothers and mahram uncles occasionally ect.


Is anyone's family like this? Or do you know people like this? I know back home, women tend to be wearing gabasar, but i'm assuming thats mostly because nob Mahrams are in the house or often there.

mine is like this, they don’t necessarily ask we cover our hair but they still want girls to use gabasar to cover their chest. They never actually explicitly demanded this btw nor explained why but sometimes you just pickup on the cues and it became a habit for everyone by default. I find it comfortable too, like wearing baati around the house can sometimes show your chest shape too much and gabasar covers that. Now that I live alone I don’t but if there are men around or even women that are not directly related I automatically wear gabasar.
No. That is strange.
In my experience the ones that wear hijab will always wear a garabasar loosely in a family house/setting and more time wont in their own. Thats normal.

If your 50 year old abti comes to your home you gonna be walking around with your hair out? You can but thats not somali dhaqan. Obviously if you a rebel lol it is what it is.
Uncles are mahram.


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
You're at home chilling with your family, with no non Mahrams. Why burden yourself?

Just make sure you wear proper hijab when you are meant to.
What's wrong if my sister wants to wear it wtf angelina

Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
Im a player sxb

2 can play the game


A pious muslima.
You're at home chilling with your family, with no non Mahrams. Why burden yourself? Each to their own, just find it weird.

Just make sure you wear proper hijab when you are meant to.
I am always cold... don’t know I always like to wear it no matter what... except when I am sleeping.


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I wear hijab at home if I’m cooking or cleaning, and sometimes I wear hijab if my hair is unkempt


Ahh maybe you live in a house where some of the people are not mahrams, I learned some somali refugees share homes with multiple who are like family but not technically family, thats probably why.


Beati Pacifici.
I don’t wear hijab inside my house with my family it’s important for us hijabis to let our hair breathe while we can or we might lose hair. I always have grabsaar ready when someone comes in or for deliveries. I do like wearing baati or something loose it’s comfortable for lounging around the house.