Holy Sh*t! What Is Going On In The UK?


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Nooticing. The white/native population always punishes the collective for daring put a non-white in the highest office in government. Even if those timo jileec were coconuts.


Strange seeing Elon Musk openly wish for war and worse a civil war. This guy is danger to society. Something bad must have happened to him and he is looking for revenge. Hurt people hurt again. A lawsuit is coming his way. Trouble for order of public and incitment to civil war.


The Muslim community and Masjids should not be naive and trust the zionist government. They need to be careful about what they accept into the Masjids.

The "security" they are offering is from the british intelligence. Which are zionist run offices in a zionist government. It might be a ploy.

They can send police if they want to physically protect the Masjids from riotters. Why would intelligence be needed?

This Imam was right to reject the offer. There are enough Muslims to physically protect it as well.



Seems like there's been a bottled up hate for muslims building up for years that just suddenly exploded.

No, it is just poor whites mad at their poor circumstances and taking it out on immigration.

Zionists then used this to turn it on Muslims to drive a wedge and serve their zionist interests.
The zionist and their clonial state have been in a very bad state since a few months after October, whence they spent all their good will and then the mask slipped.

This is really not a organic hatred of UK Muslims that has reach its melting point, it is eniterely manufuctered, as of late, by them.

The cannot have the young English natives sympathetic to Palestine, or hostile to their state. And this is what has been taking place all over England, despite their best effort to the contrary.



Tommy Robinson is paid by pro Israeli groups. They're very clever.

They are not clever. It has been known for years. The average westerner is just very ignorant and easily weaponized by their zionist masters.

All this will do is bring about more restrictive laws and send a bunch of their people to prison like jan 6 in the us.



Strange seeing Elon Musk openly wish for war and worse a civil war. This guy is danger to society. Something bad must have happened to him and he is looking for revenge. Hurt people hurt again. A lawsuit is coming his way. Trouble for order of public and incitment to civil war.

He is doing it at the behest of his zionist masters. To turn westerners against Islam/Muslims.
Elon is a extreme racist must be his South African upbringing
Elon does not even care about the other side. He wants civil war in the streets of Britain and the West. What does he gain? I think the Zionists have made him some promises.

In a proper world he would be held accountable and charged for inciting hatred.


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