Holy Sh*t! What Is Going On In The UK?

The man dem and ak dem are out everywhere. There also anti fascist protestors waiting for them. So far no sign of EDL terrorists.
We've been bamboozled. The police crackdown in the last few days was a successful deterrence. Loads of retarded rioters were nicked just from videos.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
all those scandi Somalis who could’ve been rich in Norway left for this shitty island I truly feel bad for you!


all those scandi Somalis who could’ve been rich in Norway left for this shitty island I truly feel bad for you!
Norwegians are moving to UK to flee poverty en masse. There is hunger and racism in Norway. Not the ideal place to emigrate. People are moving to UK for better opportunity.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Norwegians are moving to UK to flee poverty en masse. There is hunger and racism in Norway. Not the ideal place to emigrate. People are moving to UK for better opportunity.
What opportunity in the uk bruh😂 I keep hearing these opportunities but I been here my whole life I still haven’t seen it.


What opportunity in the uk bruh😂 I keep hearing these opportunities but I been here my whole life I still haven’t seen it.
Then don't assume the grass is greener on the other side. There are shitholes everywhere in Europe now.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Then don't assume the grass is greener on the other side. There are shitholes everywhere in Europe now.
It’s defo greener in Norway bruh this island is gray 90% of the year. We’re supposed to be in summer but all I saw today was fucking grey
What opportunity in the uk bruh😂 I keep hearing these opportunities but I been here my whole life I still haven’t seen it.
Bruh there are good oppurtunities in the UK, namely England. Of course, it has wanned over the years but comapared to rest of Europe, its simply not close. I at this point in life, would not be here otherwise.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
The Muslim community and Masjids should not be naive and trust the zionist government. They need to be careful about what they accept into the Masjids.

The "security" they are offering is from the british intelligence. Which are zionist run offices in a zionist government. It might be a ploy.

They can send police if they want to physically protect the Masjids from riotters. Why would intelligence be needed?

You are living in xiyaali if you think MI5 don’t have agents in every mosque in the UK.

Kulahaa, don’t let them in our masjids, do you think they’re gonna ask you nacas.



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
They are not clever. It has been known for years. The average westerner is just very ignorant and easily weaponized by their zionist masters.

Niggas like you are the first to quote that Quran verse that says “the disbelievers will never be your friend until you join them”.

But on the other hand, you’re telling your far-right buddies “ooh guys, you don’t really hate us, it’s the Zionists that has deceived you”.

Warya, wake up. Even if Israel didn’t give these guys a penny, they’ll still rally around another person who wants to kill you.


