Hooyo put her conversation with her autisic kid on the internet .


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Not really, it becomes a bit harder once you’ve had a few kids and even more if you’re menopausal. That is why, it’s usually that demographic who are the most overweight in our community. You need to be extra cautious and actually hit the gym, once you’ve hit a certain age or had a few kids as a woman. Our hormones change.

NO u need to STOP eating like a glutton


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Not really, it becomes a bit harder once you’ve had a few kids and even more if you’re menopausal. That is why, it’s usually that demographic who are the most overweight in our community. You need to be extra cautious and actually hit the gym, once you’ve hit a certain age or had a few kids as a woman. Our hormones change.

Most never married Somali women are fat though. A lot of Somali men too.
Canada. Its like this in the diaspora at large. They are at least overweight.
It really depends on what you call fat. Some guys on here would call a woman that is clearly slim but with prominent curves fat. Fat for me is anything above 75kgs and you’re below 5’9, but between 5’4 to 5’8. If you’re 5’0 to 5’3-4 anything above 68kgs. Also, some people are a certain weight but look slim as their weight is mostly muscle, also some carry it in certain areas which gives the illusion of being slim. So a girl with a slim upper body but rather big bottom half ect.


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
It really depends on what you call fat. Some guys on here would call a woman that is clearly slim but with prominent curves fat. Fat for me is anything above 75kgs and you’re below 5’9, but between 5’4 to 5’8. If you’re 5’0 to 5’3-4 anything above 68kgs.

These figures are a common sight in the community.


Nah I'm literally bedridden cause I ate too much for aftur, I think I ate something around 2500 - 3000 calories without realizing it :damn: I usually eat 1.5k! Allah my poor stomach is suffering. Is this how obeese people live day by day?HOW??? THIS HURTS SO MUCH. IT FEELS LIKE I HAVE THE FLU
Nah I'm literally bedridden cause I ate too much for aftur, I think I ate something around 2500 - 3000 calories without realizing it :damn: I usually eat 1.5k! Allah my poor stomach is suffering. Is this how obeese people live day by day?HOW??? THIS HURTS SO MUCH. IT FEELS LIKE I HAVE THE FLU
What did you eat?


Forza Somalia!
Nah I'm literally bedridden cause I ate too much for aftur, I think I ate something around 2500 - 3000 calories without realizing it :damn: I usually eat 1.5k! Allah my poor stomach is suffering. Is this how obeese people live day by day?HOW??? THIS HURTS SO MUCH. IT FEELS LIKE I HAVE THE FLU
Why ppl easily get fat?


Sabaayad iyo suqaar, 4 sambusas (my first mistake) my sister made some brownies so I had 2 (my second mistake) I ate pizza (my third mistake) had Gfuel zero and finally some banana juice. Yeah you can see why I'm suffering rn :damn:
damn that a lot :dead: I usually eat 3 sambuus, 1 small bur, 1-3 timir, and 1 small cup of juice, and drink unlimited amount of water :mjlol: Since I drink a long glass of water before I begin eating, It helps me not to stuff my self with food cuz I get full quicker. we are the opposite. I tend to eat more when i ain't fasting, and lose weight when I am fasting