Hooyo tells us the problem with modern Wives

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
walee they don’t make em like that anymore

Now they expect you to do “chores”

Wallahi our aabos were lucky the golden generation of hooyos wouldnt even complain they knew exactly how to do their duties as a wife and were happy to do so. Now even back home girls are slowly being afflicted by the global Dajjalic cancer of feminism. It will destroy many nuclear families of Millenials and Gen Z+
love the previous generation of Somali women but they have no legs to stand on, their sons are running around the streets of Europe and North America pretending to be gangster and their husbands are on trips to Somalia where they are gonna marry a couple 19 year olds the same age as their child, but its Somali women of the younger generation they always have in their mouths
Wallahi our aabos were lucky the golden generation of hooyos wouldnt even complain they knew exactly how to do their duties as a wife and were happy to do so. Now even back home girls are slowly being afflicted by the global Dajjalic cancer of feminism. It will destroy many nuclear families of Millenials and Gen Z+

Me personally I will be at at work for +12 hours and will give them space to figure out their roles as mothers on their own

Like a true Somali man



Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
somali men......

y'all can't provide but expect women to bend over backwards to be the perfect wife for you all in a government funded housing
It’s the Somali woman running to social housing that destroyed the fabric of the marriage to begin with.
and that is how your gonna be 50 years old with no connection to your children

Now that I’m older, I understand the all the sacrifices Abo made. Did what he needed to do to put food on the table

Plus he was there in every step of my life.. I don’t need to play catch with my kids everyday to be a good father
I swear the old generations of Somali women were amazing because the man who came for them would actually go through hurdles to get her, and she valued her worth.
Yet, she’s of the generation in which despite breaking her back for her husband for many plus years trying to save money, is now facing the reality that the money she tried to save isn’t being spent on her, but a younger woman once she gets to 50, 60. I can’t take her generation of of wives seriously when we see them everyday living husbandless lives in their later years as he much prefers the company of a younger girl back home. Many of them now in the West are working in care and are providing for themselves as their husbands are Xamar, Hargeisa or Puntland.

You guys might not agree with me, but we all know deep down that Somali women who are 50 plus tend to live separate lives from their husbands. We’ve all seen it. All of those years of sacrifices, looking older than their ages due to stress ect and they’re awarded with some of them being tossed aside.

Looking at older Somali men and women, especially those in the West is a lost cause. We have far to many community issues stemming from their mentality.
Some of the highest recipient of welfare in some European countries :farmajoyaab:
That says more about the men than women. Men are meant to provide. Women being provided for wouldnt take on government handouts. Only working class people do that.

Add that in with the fact that polygamy is high amongst Somali men despite being mere taxi drivers and security men.

Somali mothers once their benefits were lowered now all work in care. What does that tell you?