Hooyo tells us the problem with modern Wives


Our moms are the reason why farax are a mess. Our moms were the men in their relationship this turning Somali men into the women. Somali men act like they’re the women they can’t even take criticism. I am not listening to my mom and her generation they were slaves had no choice. I would die alone then to slave away for a farax that can replace me with 15 year old back home they don’t value marriage kids why should I? F that.
Many moms abaayo, not all of them. I know some somali older gen women who are ruthless with their somali boys. unfortunately it ain't the majority.
Our moms are the reason why farax are a mess. Our moms were the men in their relationship this turning Somali men into the women. Somali men act like they’re the women they can’t even take criticism. I am not listening to my mom and her generation they were slaves had no choice. I would die alone then to slave away for a farax that can replace me with 15 year old back home they don’t value marriage kids why should I? F that.

How many younger Somali women in the west would you say have this mindset that they should slave away for the man?
That says more about the men than women. Men are meant to provide. Women being provided for wouldnt take on government handouts. Only working class people do that.

Add that in with the fact that polygamy is high amongst Somali men despite being mere taxi drivers and security men.

Somali mothers once their benefits were lowered now all work in care. What does that tell you?
It says alot about the whole community, don't need to turn everything into men vs women thing like a retard .


general of ciidamada sida raha ubooda

She gave great advice may Allah protect our hooyos
sunk cost fallacy? she's like: "i went through hell when i was young, so why aren't the young ones going through the same hell?". She isn't willing to accept that what she went through was wrong and absolutely heart breaking because then, her whole life would like collapse. So, instead, she doubles down on defending what she went through. all around a sad situation really.
stop projecting your own families failures on us subhanaalah i understand your father was'nt present and your brothers a waste of his semen but thoose failures are relevent to you,and you alone keep your families sins to your self
my brother are all college educated or currently in school getting top grades and my dad is currently sleeping in the next room over
Many moms abaayo, not all of them. I know some somali older gen women who are ruthless with their somali boys. unfortunately it ain't the majority.
The culture supports men in their bs so even if the mom does her job here goes the toxic Somali culture to women. Somali men hardly think for themselves doesn’t matter if he is sheikh or shaytan they all are toxic to the women who they married to. It’s the mercy of the Somali women they got away with so much be.


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
They believe that the extremely honorable and essential role of cooking is sexist if requested for women


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Yet, she’s of the generation in which despite breaking her back for her husband for many plus years trying to save money, is now facing the reality that the money she tried to save isn’t being spent on her, but a younger woman once she gets to 50, 60. I can’t take her generation of of wives seriously when we see them everyday living husbandless lives in their later years as he much prefers the company of a younger girl back home. Many of them now in the West are working in care and are providing for themselves as their husbands are Xamar, Hargeisa or Puntland.

You guys might not agree with me, but we all know deep down that Somali women who are 50 plus tend to live separate lives from their husbands. We’ve all seen it. All of those years of sacrifices, looking older than their ages due to stress ect and they’re awarded with some of them being tossed aside.

Looking at older Somali men and women, especially those in the West is a lost cause. We have far to many community issues stemming from their mentality.
Huge generalization, there are many hooyos still with aabos married and happy together. Mashallah I know many parents that still together. Usually its the wife that says I cannot bear any more kids and allows her husband to produce more in Africa. They are more focused on the kids now since they are much older. Plus divorce is rare amongst the older Hooyos


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Our moms are the reason why farax are a mess. Our moms were the men in their relationship this turning Somali men into the women. Somali men act like they’re the women they can’t even take criticism. I am not listening to my mom and her generation they were slaves had no choice. I would die alone then to slave away for a farax that can replace me with 15 year old back home they don’t value marriage kids why should I? F that.
Imagine calling our hooyos “slaves” for being good to their husband no wonder we have the biggest divorce rate in the West :ohlord:


"I don’t live in darkness, darkness lives in me."
love the previous generation of Somali women but they have no legs to stand on, their sons are running around the streets of Europe and North America pretending to be gangster and their husbands are on trips to Somalia where they are gonna marry a couple 19 year olds the same age as their child, but its Somali women of the younger generation they always have in their mouths
tupac shakur 2pac GIF

We ain't pretending, we run these streets. 😎