Hormuud and UN to resettle 1 million refugees at Jazeera

Beggars can’t be choosers, inshallah it doesn’t turn out crime infested.
”Beggars can’t be choosers” very unreasonable to think like this considering idps many times serve as footsoldiers for AS and provide intel. Offering them a good quality of life and integrating them in the city is far better than building them dusty homes in the middle of nowhere (the outskirts). Better for their quality of life and better for anyone who is concerned for Mogadishus security.
Define house ? I think they did a similar thing for idps in puntland once .. whatever houses (if u could even call it that) they built were grotesque. Tiny concrete homes wth metal roofs 💀 how is that livable? felt like their intention was to barbecue ppl. The random red and blue colours on the tiny houses was even more bizarre.

it is totally possible to create livable homes for idps, that look good, are naturallly cooling and also some other facilities nearby (schools, shops etc). I hope they don’t build something shitty and pocket the rest of the money
Only time will tell what type of accommodation these displaced people will get. I trust Hormuud. They always look at the long run.


@Step a side
Harmud, in the long run, will control and hold more power than the ineffective government. Soon, you’ll see people in the south claiming they belong to the Harmud company. The next step is creating a private army to secure the land from Al-Shabaab and the government’s greedy hands, allowing the land to be developed. Walhy am being for real
Define house ? I think they did a similar thing for idps in puntland once .. whatever houses (if u could even call it that) they built were grotesque. Tiny concrete homes wth metal roofs 💀 how is that livable? felt like their intention was to barbecue ppl. The random red and blue colours on the tiny houses was even more bizarre.

it is totally possible to create livable homes for idps, that look good, are naturallly cooling and also some other facilities nearby (schools, shops etc). I hope they don’t build something shitty and pocket the rest of the money
💯 this. You seen the temporary housing the turks build for the syrians? Better than what any somali refugee gets in their own country.

@Step a side @Pastoralist the elected politicians of these IDPS failed them tbh how do they let them live in these slum like conditions
Broski their're ppl making bank on the IDPs. So many somali orgs that are scams and don't do for the idps anything they should be doing. They're suppose to have safe amenities for the vunerable women and girls, yet many times lots of families have to share toilets. Ong many somali will burn in aakhiro with the way they treat the masaakiin.
@Step a side
Harmud, in the long run, will control and hold more power than the ineffective government. Soon, you’ll see people in the south claiming they belong to the Harmud company. The next step is creating a private army to secure the land from Al-Shabaab and the government’s greedy hands, allowing the land to be developed. Walhy am being for real
Hormuud is the black rock of Somalia. The IC knows this and are willing to work with them. Expect the UN to deal directly with them more and more as time goes by. What makes Hormuud special is that they deliver unlike these so called politicians. Just yesterday they were in Azerbaijan attending a climate conference.



Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Why would it be crime infested? :what1:

poverty breeds crime, there’s a direct correlation between classes of people subject to socio economic issues and rates of crime. A decrepit population which is housed without a need to be productive for the good of giving back the effort that Hormuud put into them, will cause problems off of their anti-socialist personalities clashing with the socialist property given to them out of goodwill by Hormuud. This is what happens to Somali families in diaspora that live in government housing, who’s sons go down the wrong path, a need to attain everything without care for anything around them. This is an umbrella for under arching attributes such as single motherhood, poverty, and laziness present in some Somali communities.

I said inshallah this doesn’t happen.


Vast majority of these politicians are looking to make money and build a villa in Kenya, Turkey etc. They are not here to build a prosperous Somalia.
Exactly and pretending to fight each other to fool the people but in closed doors they are buddy buddies even their kids are married to each others. We need to fellow the Korean way by every clans having its companies.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
@Step a side
Harmud, in the long run, will control and hold more power than the ineffective government. Soon, you’ll see people in the south claiming they belong to the Harmud company. The next step is creating a private army to secure the land from Al-Shabaab and the government’s greedy hands, allowing the land to be developed. Walhy am being for real
I think they already are, when MS tried bullying their workers and business for no reason heard somewhere they threatened to have a motion passed to impeach members of FGS 💀
Unlike the government, there are real inventives for Hormuud to create a functioning society. Somalia is where they make most of their money. a safer, more stable society = more money.

For the aid regime Somalia remaining poor, unstable and needy is ideal. Constant supply of funds to loot


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Unlike the government, there are real inventives for Hormuud to create a functioning society. Somalia is where they make most of their money. a safer, more stable society = more money.

For the aid regime Somalia remaining poor, unstable and needy is ideal. Constant supply of funds to loot

Let’s give credit where it’s due though. It’s through the FGS ministry of planning that put hormuud in the position to meet all these companies, Hormuud needs them to at least remain supportive. NGO’s function off of FGS’s corruption, which is true, however a lot of us thought the government was just kicking people out without a better thought.

Hassan Sheikh is a better person than @Hotchick12 @Jungle and all those other clowns that didn’t care about these people, while saying it’s a good thing they are losing their livelihood. Ask Allah for forgiveness if you are Muslim.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
if this goes well, and as trustworthy as hormuud is it will, they may continue this initiative past 1 million inshallah. With this alone, hormuud will be taking care of 1/4 of Somalia’s IDP’s, or 25%.
Define house ? I think they did a similar thing for idps in puntland once .. whatever houses (if u could even call it that) they built were grotesque. Tiny concrete homes wth metal roofs 💀 how is that livable? felt like their intention was to barbecue ppl. The random red and blue colours on the tiny houses was even more bizarre.

it is totally possible to create livable homes for idps, that look good, are naturallly cooling and also some other facilities nearby (schools, shops etc). I hope they don’t build something shitty and pocket the rest of the money
lol they are not going to build nice buildings so locals will get jealous and get the first dibs
Let’s give credit where it’s due though. It’s through the FGS ministry of planning that put hormuud in the position to meet all these companies, Hormuud needs them to at least remain supportive. NGO’s function off of FGS’s corruption, which is true, however a lot of us thought the government was just kicking people out without a better thought.

Hassan Sheikh is a better person than @Hotchick12 @Jungle and all those other clowns that didn’t care about these people, while saying it’s a good thing they are losing their livelihood. Ask Allah for forgiveness if you are Muslim.
you are not going to shame me to feel sorry for people squatting on other people’s lands they attained with a gun, yes they should be stuck in the outskirts if they can’t afford mogadishu, let the people who actually give value live


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
you are not going to shame me to feel sorry for people squatting on other people’s lands they attained with a gun
You brought up ptsd here, that fosto of dahab gone all because of mooryan :jcoleno:

Anyways, if that’s your personal reason, it’s valid. Honestly didn’t think you got looted too, that changes things completely. It’s just that we’re all homogeneous, it’s a Hawiye owned company doing this and Hormuud doesn’t discriminate, so why should we.

Old SYL didn’t even used to tell each other their tribes as that strengthened their bond towards a common goal even further.