Hormuud and UN to resettle 1 million refugees at Jazeera

It happens sxb yaaqshid aa hilmaamay

Gubta is a neighbourhood part of Yaaqshid district. Not dayniile. Its no different to Jungal.

Hormud has nothing to do with gubta. They created Daaruslam and thats that sxb

Gubta is a massive district carved out from Dayniile. Hormuud is a Murusade property. Deal with it you dameer!



Gubta is a massive district carved out from Dayniile. Hormuud is a Murusade property. Deal with it you dameer!
Xamar is made up of 20 districts and Gubta is not one of them. HSM recently signed off on Gubadleey, Garasbaaleey and Darusalaam

You are arguing with me about some neighbourhood in Yaaashid/Dayniile meanwhile we hold permanent governship of Banaadir and are DC of 7 districts in Xamar. Xaa rabtaa sxb
Xamar is made up of 20 districts and Gubta is not one of them. HSM recently signed off on Gubadleey, Garasbaaleey and Darusalaam

You are arguing with me about some neighbourhood in Yaaashid/Dayniile meanwhile we hold permanent governship of Banaadir and are DC of 7 districts in Xamar. Xaa rabtaa sxb
Miskeen kkk I love how you switched up the topic from businesses that make millions daily to useless “xils” and nah you don’t hold permanent governorship of Banadir. You wish kkk

This is how we karbaash dameers like you online :deadmanny:

Miskeen kkk I love how you switched up the topic from businesses that make millions daily to useless “xils” and nah you don’t hold permanent governorship of Banadir. You wish kkk

This is how we karbaash dameers like you online :deadmanny:

Abdullahi Duufle stays getting karbashed. I heard he lives in the basement of a church in Italy and has to clean it during the day to earn his keep. Is he adoonyar too? :gladbron: