Hot damn

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
loool fam I'm not even surprised. Women's entire essence is of a sexual nature. The only way to keep it in line is through patriarchy. Without a strong father and older brothers in the home it's almost impossible to prevent behaviour, as it's the only talent and means of seeking validation most girls have.

Plenty of girls (and noys) with father figures have turned into bad people. I'm pretty sure all these girls on this SC come from two parent households.

Also, boys do equally dumb shit as girls do. It's called being ciyaal.
Pixies and fairydust.

You need to descend to the real world for a sec. You're saying the crux of the matter is that a woman have a strong and loving relationship with her father, because that will keep her from sleeping with men, because her relationship with her father will account for that?

In most cases yes. Having a good and loving relationship and looking up to a conservative father and/or being married to a conservative man she respects are all very strong predictors of conservative beliefs and behaviours in women. The opposite is true for women whose fathers dont play a role in their lives and are unmarried...they become quite liberal in beliefs and behaviour. This has been borne out by research, so it's a fact and not an opinion.
Plenty of girls (and noys) with father figures have turned into bad people. I'm pretty sure all these girls on this SC come from two parent households.

Also, boys do equally dumb shit as girls do. It's called being ciyaal.

Bielsa ur too smart to have such basic comprehension issues. I already said patriarchy is not fool proof, but are u denying that it would lower the type of behaviour we're seeing on that SC? If u r, then ur just delusional. And keep in mind I dont mean Arab style wahhabi patriarchy. I mean the strong and loving father who the daughter grows up to respect and wants approval and validaton from.

And yes boys do the same shit too, but we both the know the social consequences are different and for good reason too.


Bielsa ur too smart to have such basic comprehension issues. I already said patriarchy is not fool proof, but are u denying that it would lower the type of behaviour we're seeing on that SC? If u r, then ur just delusional. And keep in mind I dont mean Arab style wahhabi patriarchy. I mean the strong and loving father who the daughter grows up to respect and wants approval and validaton from.

Your reality check will come when you yourself become a parent.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I still blame snapchat and social media

We weren't ready for the responsibility :whoo:
Your reality check will come when you yourself become a parent.

Naaya, maybe ur bitter about ur life choices but that doesn't mean u have to habaar me. This is a forum to exchange ideas, dont get personal with me and habaar me and my future seed.


Wrong on both counts. I'm not bitter, and I didn't habaar you. You're already conflating and personalizing, which makes for a futile discussion.
lool sxb, don't be a cuck.

Wahhabism isn't the type of patriarchy I have in mind. I'm talking about building a strong and loving relationship with your sisters and daughters so they don't seek love and validaton from random men, and explaining the bad consequences in this life (loss of honour and shame for the family, bad marriage prospects etc) and hereafter (Allah's wrath) of inappropriate behaviour so they'll avoid it even when ur not around. Even this strategy doesn't work 100 percent of the time, but are u denying if more Somali fathers and brothers did this there would be less Somali s?

I've noticed that ty chicks have major daddy issues.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Bielsa ur too smart to have such basic comprehension issues. I already said patriarchy is not fool proof, but are u denying that it would lower the type of behaviour we're seeing on that SC? If u r, then ur just delusional. And keep in mind I dont mean Arab style wahhabi patriarchy. I mean the strong and loving father who the daughter grows up to respect and wants approval and validaton from.

And yes boys do the same shit too, but we both the know the social consequences are different and for good reason too.

You're right in that a stong father figure would lower these type of behaviour. I just don't think in this day and age of SC and social media it's a fight that can be won. Social media have changed parenting.

I also think a girl who's 20 who's on SC doing naughty things can and probably will go on to live decent lives with decent husbands and kids. This won't define them.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Satan believes in God, so I guess i should become an atheist going by ur logic. I wouldn't wanna be a satan meme lol.
no u sound like a red pill parody. even lonely cadaan neckbeards have the xishood to dress their shit up with pseudoscience and dont outright say women are good for nothing more than sex and need to be controlled by men :draketf:
You're right in that a stong father figure would lower these type of behaviour. I just don't think in this day and age of SC and social media it's a fight that can be won. Social media have changed parenting.

I also think a girl who's 20 who's on SC doing naughty things can and probably will go on to live decent lives with decent husbands and kids. This won't define them.

I agree with ur first point, that social media is a total game changer and has made parenting extremely difficult.

As for you second point, yeah most will go on to marry and have kids but research shows that ty behaviour before marriage increases the liklihood of ty behaviour, cheating and divorce during marriage. Marrying a virgin is no guarantee but is a good insurance against cheating and divorce court. This isn't an opinion, just a fact based on extensive research.


Suicidal men adore me.
I agree with ur first point, that social media is a total game changer and has made parenting extremely difficult.

As for you second point, yeah most will go on to marry and have kids but research shows that ty behaviour before marriage increases the liklihood of ty behaviour, cheating and divorce during marriage. Marrying a virgin is no guarantee but is a good insurance against cheating and divorce court. This isn't an opinion, just a fact based on extensive research.

Why do you care so much though? They're clearly grown women who decided to post explicit content on snap. It's their choice so why are you so concerned?
Why do you care so much though? They're clearly grown women who decided to post explicit content on snap. It's their choice so why are you so concerned?

I wouldn't expect u to understand the societal consequences of widespread degeneracy. Enjoy ur sexual freedoms.
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