Hottest new building in Burco built in West Burco

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@Air Jalam Sometimes while there your life could depend on whether you know where West or East is. :mjlaugh:

In the election registration;

The total was 200k for Burco

Cisse Musse= 30
HY = 60
HJ= 110

This east and west nonsense is nothing but someone's imagination. Everybody knows one group is the movers and shakers of Somaliland. The other, well it spends its time doing gifs on social forums.


Nobody takes the 2012 local election serious filled with fraud since people voted
over 4 times. In the most transparent local elections back in 2002 in Burco it was
this. Your leader being Mayor Hassan Dhegalob (Reer Xuseen) for over 10 years.

H-Y - 14
HJ- 6

Ahh I see okay so I suppose the guys that were shitting in plastic bags in sii baakhti iyo yiroowe run somaliland :damn:


Last time tensions rised in the city we just destroyed terrorist Dahabshiil financier offices.
We made sure terrorist financier Dahabshiil offices had no place in West Burco.

Xaruumihi Dahabshiil oo la burburiiyay

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You my
Ahh I see okay so I suppose the guys that were shitting in plastic bags in sii baakhti iyo yiroowe run somaliland :damn:

Do you even know where Yirowe is you dumb qamadi addict? It's a xafad on the outskirts of Burco. Now unless your HY stayed in the centre of burco had umbrella's strong enough to withstand bombs and heavy artillery, where did you go. I know where you went. You were dropping like flys on that long march to Odwayene. You know who's president died in exile and who's president is TODAY your president.

Retard of Harshin

You're a guest in Burco. We own 2/3's of the place and the rest is shared 1/3. So while you try and divide the city and are even kind enough to give me a half "east Burco". I ain't giving you sh!t. The city is all mine. No sections or part of or east or west. Burco is one and we know who owns the place.


Unlike you, we deal with reality. Anybody that steps out of the green line in Burco will be shot and bite the dust like what happened to your
police chief in Berbera. Not wanted in Berbera, not wanted in Ceerigaabo and not Burco either that is why the former Togdheer
governor Abdo Ahmed Ayir was forced to resign. Furthermore Seven is right, you were in Yiroowe as late as 1998 while
we were chilling in Burco.



Welcome to Yiroowe

You my

Do you even know where Yirowe is you dumb qamadi addict? It's a xafad on the outskirts of Burco. Now unless your HY stayed in the centre of burco had umbrella's strong enough to withstand bombs and heavy artillery, where did you go. I know where you went. You were dropping like flys on that long march to Odwayene. You know who's president died in exile and who's president is TODAY your president.

Retard of Harshin

You're a guest in Burco. We own 2/3's of the place and the rest is shared 1/3. So while you try and divide the city and are even kind enough to give me a half "east Burco". I ain't giving you sh!t. The city is all mine. No sections or part of or east or west. Burco is one and we know who owns the place.

Adeer Iska aamus HJ is irrelevant which is why we don't mind an honour precedent for y'all.

Waxba Siilanyo ha ku faanin meesha wax leh HA iyo HY

Secretary of defence position = HY
Minister of interior position = HY
Chief of staff of the military position = HY

The military is run by HY while sacad muuse and ciise muuse run the economy

I don't want to see any filthy habar xabushed in hargeisa


Guys lets not derail the topic. I am not even sure if Dark Knight is HJ, last time he was
repping SM here in SS.
Reality. Wallahi on the holy Koran I was in the so-called HY section as late as last summer and not even a look let alone shooting. No such things as east or west.

As for your picture. It proofs nothing. For one the same government you opposed, is today your government. Which begs the question; what exactly was you fighting for? Your president and leader was thrown out of the whole of Somaliland, including your OWN regions and forced into exile. The opposing president Egal was in the end your president. And now it's the Habar Jeclo presiding over you. Now if both the opposing groups have presided over you. What was you fighting for again.

That quote means nothing. If you read carefully and not celebrity over your militia being in Burco. Because I can get you videos of Habar Jeclo militia inside burco itself. Now if your the HY militia were in Burco at some point but their leader was forced into exile, what does that mean? Secondly it states that both the HJ militia and civilians were in Yirowe a thriving market town with a large livestock. Two questions. What happened to your civilians and even in Yirowe the Habar Jeclo had money, qamadi boy


Sii Baakhtii boy you went there as a civilian, whenever you go there, there will be a huge roundabout of Tuur
monument to remind the Sii Baakhii who owns it and what section they are in :lol:, Sii Baakhtii begged to have
a picture of Siil-Yaanyo on that roundabout but they were refused :lol: . I was there last summer in 2015.
My picture proofs everything , that your people lived in the slum refugees of Yiroowe until 1998 when they
were allowed back. H-Y chilled in Burco and Oodweyne, those are established cities not refugee camps.

As for Tuur last I checked he became a Prime minister in the south after stepping down as the president in 1993
Borama elders voting, going to the south was his own political move as he had a position lined up. His absence
had no effect on the local troops as they still kicked your butt out of Burco, the objective of the fighting was to make
sure better representation in MPs, Ministers and show Cigaal without Garxajis Sland project won't work and that
succeeded and there is even a video of Cigaal saying that.

This is the central Suuq H-Y part, the only man allowed to have his face in the area is Tuur.


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Fact check it was the other way around hargeisa was Garxajis and burco was Garxajis which is why HA SNM militias attacked hargeisa airport to take it off GX hands while HA had their sii baakhti servants attack burco with their share of SNM weopenry to take it of GX hands.

In the end y'all begged for piece and we only agreed on the condition that saami qaybsiga beelaha will be favourable to us, so what happened after wards? HY has all the military positions in SL while HA has economic positions.. What does HJ share of saami qaybsi equal? An honour presidency ? Lol even samaroon were given an honour presidency :O27GWRK:

Keep boasting over silanyo's presidency while you live and under HY military dominion :win:


@SuldaanSeven That is true. The H-Y commandos in the beginning were very busy in Berbera and Sanaag, while we were distracted the HJ thought they could defeat us in Burco little did they knew they would get banged hard without vaseline. We basically evicted the entire HJ from Burco with one hand tied and not our full might.

So let me get this straight Qamadi crew. The whole fighting was about having a few ministerial position and a round about. Qamadi just might be bad for your brain.

You fought Cigaal and his government and you leader was exiled while the rest of use bended the knee and begged for peace. We won. That's why you will never see a Habar Jeclo like you guys angry, resentful, bitter and frustrated. On every Somali social forum, you have some insecure qamadi addict HY talking about other Isaaq tribes.

Furthermore, what fuckin Somali government did he join? He was sucking on Caydiids nuts in some bunker, hiding from the Abgal militia. If you want to convince people that, a so called president of Somaliland with a mighty HY militia decided to leave this paradise and relocate to Mogdishio during the height of the Abgal/Habar Gider war, then pass that qamadi. Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing. And I doubt, Mr Ihaveapictureonaroundaboutinburco would be in Xamar out of choice. He was their because he was in exile. Do you know what exile means you qamadi addicts..

Also, you two above are the lowest of the already Low HY Qamadi Crew. One is Isxaaq who only find out about HY only recently. Even in the 90's this small insignificant section of the HY either sat out the war or sided with Cigaal against their own HY. The isxaaq leave amongst the far more numerous Sacad Muse, on one side and the Cidagale on the other. They have always been the property of the Cidagale who generally have no love for most of the HY. So a Isxaaq screaming HY is almost comical. They are nobody's.

The second invidual Retard of Xarshin, is Sacad Yonis. A langaab small a malnourished tribe that lives in a sea of Habar Jeclo on one side and the vicious Jama Siyed on the other. They were chased out of Cerigabo by their own Muse Ismail cousins and came to the Habar Jeclo for help. Even during the HJ /HY wars they always stayed neutral. They formed a alliance with the Habar Jeclo called Habar Lamaan and lived in their towns. Ever since the 90's wars they have changed their tune and have started to confront their hosts out of HYnimo. But regardless what this creature who's mother is from Puntland strives to achieve with his constant division and conflict, facts don't change. We are not here to sell outsiders which Isaaq tribe is best with faan and hype. Those non Isaaq from Somaliland know who is who and those non landers know what's up. So keep chewing on that qamadi and your huts, sorry hotels while we roll on that dahabshil money...


Sii Baakhtii Kid If you don't know what the fight was about then I think it is time for your bedtime. It is was
about about revenues (ports , airports ), representation, control of cities and many more things rather than
just it depending on one man's political ambitions. Only a low IQ Sii Baakhtii will think it was about one man.

Cigaal's servants aka /Sii Baakhtii aim was to take over Burco and Ceerigaabo on both accounts
you lost and got karbashed heavily and badly that your butt is still sore .So tell me what did HJ gain being used like
a condom? Nothing but just lost lives, used and spitted out, after that Cigaal jailed your leaders such as Salebaan
Gaal in prison where he was butt fucked by several troops (there is articles about it). The Habar Habusheed instead
forced to wait decades before they can be a president after a non Isaaq (Riyaale), that is humiliating enough and shows
your position within beesha Isaaq. Historically speaking also it was looked down upon to marry your daughters off to
HJ because of their low caste status and still is.

Sacad Yoonis being kicked out of Ceerigaabo and coming help for Habar Jeclo 4 union langaabs? You wish kid, Sacad
Yoonis and Gadhweyn both jointly kicked you out of Ceerigaabo, so no need to try and invent imaginary sub clan beefs,
they are both united east Eastern H-Y and have always been. I can understand though being bitter about the karbash
you got in Ceerigaabo to the point you had to beg Warsangeli and Dhulbahante for alliance :lol: ceeb badana begging
shisheeye to save you from Gadhweyn and Sacad Yoonis.

Here is your elders crying

"Waa la i ciilay" in Sanaag. If anyone is bitter it is non other than Habar Habusheed aka Sii Baakhtii.

Jabkii gaadhay beesha Sii Baakhtii ee Sanaag

Habar Jeclo leader Salebaan Gaal crying in present day how he was defeated by Cigaal and dropped the soap
in the jail. So you see even after 20 years your still bitter, don' try to project your bitterness on other other people.


"Ina Cigaal Wuu Iga Badiyey Tartankii Siyaasadeed Ee Aan La Galay" Saleebaan Maxamuud

Qamadi boy, I know what the war was about. It was about power. You see whilst your leader was in Xamar ducking diving bullets. Mine was chilling in BURCO. Now Salebaan Gaal head of the Habar Jeclo presides over the house lords. Silanyo another Habar Jeclo is president and Musi Bixi will be next with Mohamed Kaahin as number two.

So what became of your qamadi militia from Burco. Fack all that's what. We let u build a round about and told you to stay quite or else.

As for Cerigabo it's a shared city swimming in sea of Habar Jeclo. We know what happened when you tried to fock with the Dhulbahntes recently they kicked You are nothing Sxb.

Everybody is mad at Habar Jeclo because we own the fockin place..

What was it again? East and west burco. You d!ck.
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