And where was your leader? Saleeban Gaal was getting butt fucked in a jail while after being used by Egal. At least Tuur was chilling in a villa drinking spartmuuto like a boss. You see it doesn't pay to do the bidding of other clans, next time you will think twice before you spread your H.I.V ridden Habuusho butts for H.A. Ceerigaabo is not shared since only H-Y can be a mayor there. Dhulos? Lol are you sucking up to them now, ahah some people never learn, neither Dhulos or HA can keep you in Ceerigaabo or Burco, you have to grow your own balls and fight your own battles in the future. The closest largest town to Ceerigaabo is Yufle and that is owned by Muusa Tuurwa, we got this on lock. Worry about losing Garadag and Ceel Afweyn.

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