Hottest new building in Burco built in West Burco

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And where was your leader? Saleeban Gaal was getting butt fucked in a jail while after being used by Egal. At least Tuur was chilling in a villa drinking spartmuuto like a boss. You see it doesn't pay to do the bidding of other clans, next time you will think twice before you spread your H.I.V ridden Habuusho butts for H.A. Ceerigaabo is not shared since only H-Y can be a mayor there. Dhulos? Lol are you sucking up to them now, ahah some people never learn, neither Dhulos or HA can keep you in Ceerigaabo or Burco, you have to grow your own balls and fight your own battles in the future. The closest largest town to Ceerigaabo is Yufle and that is owned by Muusa Tuurwa, we got this on lock. Worry about losing Garadag and Ceel Afweyn.

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Its very simple. To HJ Somaliland is muqadas. When HY rebelled it was buttfucked into submission, and now they are good Somaliland citizens. Nothing personal, you thought you could renounce Somaliland so had to be stopped.

The results speak for themselves.

As HJ vs HY, well, the only time in recorded history where the leader of a clan was forced to carry a shoe in his mouth was when HJ demanded that from the HY elder Faarax Suusle. The rest is history.


Again, you are now part of Somaliland thanks to me. If HJ let HY to their own devices they would be with Somalia but we had to intervene. No hard feelings.


Yawns. Posting fake 2003 articles and making new nicks won't do you any justice.
Habar Jeclo is the only Somali clan to be descendants of slaves (Habuusho runaway
slave) who got pregnant out of wedlock from Sheikh Isaaq, in other words they are
bastards (ibnu furuq).


How Habar Jeclo Caaqil Yoonis Ibraahim (Reer Dahir) was forced to carry a shoe full of xaar in his mouth , castrated
and then executed along with 26 Sii Baakhtii including their best poet (Ina Fadal).


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Yawns. Posting fake 2003 articles and making new nicks won't do you any justice.
Habar Jeclo is the only Somali clan to be descendants of slaves (Habuusho runaway
slave) who got pregnant out of wedlock from Sheikh Isaaq, in other words they are
bastards (ibnu furuq).


How Habar Jeclo Caaqil Yoonis Ibraahim (Reer Dahir) was forced to carry a shoe full of xaar in his mouth , castrated
and then executed along with 26 Sii Baakhtii including their best poet (Ina Fadal).




Farah Sussle that was the last time you stepped out of line. That time the Qamadi crew's Suldaan had to carry shoes in his mouth. And when stepped out of line Tuur got exiled. He didn't get the shoes treatment luckily.

As for our Caaqil eating Xaar its not true. But how can anyone expect any truth from somebody who witha straight face thinks, even after his leader was exiled, that he won the war. That statement with its gramatical error was written by someone high on Qamadi. So he could save face everytime Farah Sussle is mentioned..

This is what Dirir Warsame said...

Yoonis Ibraahim oo ahaa Caaqil Reer Daahir ah ayaa Reer Caynaanshe ku baxay taasoo keentay colaad sokeeye. Gabaygan wuxu Dirir Warsame ka tirinayaa dagaal lagu qaaday beelihii ninka dilay;

Geelaa Dixaa miranayeen lagu mannaagaynin
Eed midabka mara Suuli ah iyo macawis aad mooddo
Ninna kama maqnaadeen haddaan Maylka loo tumanne
.. Mayl=Waran

Waxa Ciisa Muusaha makalay muhashadiisiiye
Qoyan waxay maraaraha u kori waa miciin li'iye
Mergiyada kuwii lagu jaraa muusannow dhigaye

Burcona moosin iyo bay ahayd malabki doocaane
Ma maggaabiyaan reer Xirsigu oo waa laysku mawtiyi'e
Nimankii makaawiga ahaa miidha reer Sugulle
Miyateyn miyaa laga makalay wada maraakiiba

Nabadii mishiiqsiga ahayd ma u macaaneeyey
Ma maroodigii baa arlada midab kaluu yeeshay
Miyaa muusannowgii ku baxay Yoonis magiciisa

Toljecluhu ninkii maag is yidhi waa muslimiyaaye
Mijahaa Isaaq siman yahay, ee muruq u roonaaye
Giddi Habar Magaadleba colaad midigta maw saarray

Now does that poem mention shoes or Xaar like this qamadi creatue is claiming? All it mentions is that those who killed will be avenged....

Yawle & Xasan Cilmi Seed Cawed
Dagaaladii sokeeye ee HY iyo HJ dhexmaray badhtamihii qarnigii aynu soo dhaafnay ayaa rag badani ka gabyeen iyadoo mid waliba dhinaca saarayo tolkiis. Maalintii Qallalis ee 27-ka nin ee HJ ee Maxamed Cali Fadal iyo inaadeerkii Ciise Tuur la dilay ayaa HY u ku tidhi nimankii aad maroodiga ku sheegtay ee HJ waataa la jebiyey ee hadalkaagii la soo noqo. Yawle wuxu markaa yidhi,
Muslin iyo kufriba idinka oo ugu miciin liita
Ma maroodi baan Habar Jeclooy idinku maaweeshey
Ma mooyaan idiin tumay gun waa loo mashxaradaaye
Ma maraykan baa idin qabsaday ayda miranaayey

Maalintii dhoqoshay ee HY laga bursaday ayaa Xasan Cilmi Seed oo reer Yuusuf ahi ka jawaabay gabaygii isagoo ay tixduu marshey ka mid ahayd

Mashaa'iikhda gabaydaa marbay midhadh illowdaaye
La ye Maxamed Yawlaa xalay seegay marinkiiye
Iyadoo markaa murugtayoo miino soconayso
Waa kii Mushteegnimo hadlee mooyihii tumaye
Guutada maleegani markay Dhoqoshay maaxaysey
Maalkiinna goortaan hadhkii meel isugu keenay
Muslin iyo kufriba uumiyaha marag miyaa joogey

The war was between Mohamed Abokor on one side and HY+Cisse Musse on the other. And they not only lost the Yawle the greatest HY poet, as is stated in that poem but also Doqoshay was taken by the Habar Jeclo...

Retard the Xarshin,

Get me a single HY poet besides Yawle who talks about you winning that war? He obviously lost his life the reason why we cant belive him..



Duufle I doubt you even know what you're quoting since you can't read Somali. Habar Jeclo runaway slaves know better
than to step out of line unless they want another Caaqil Yoonis Ibrahim treatment + 26 executed. You can thank Cabdalle
Ismaaciil single handle for making you langaab, while Muusa Ismaaciil and Yoonis Ismaaciil made you their own personal
slaves that you can't make one move in Sanaag.

You sound like someone who got gang raped by HJ. We the government which means we own you.

For those 26 HY was made homeless and your leader forced to carry a shoe in his mouth.....
This will be my last reply to this silly topic.

Burco is Habar Jeclo. We liberated this city from the faqash. While the HY was in the hawd fighting over expired Qamadi im daroor....

Thats Moahmed Kaahin the Reer Daahir lion at 6.20. We died for this city and a langaab Sacad Yonis is not going to tell us otherwise


If you want Burco go get it, crying to me on SS won't give you Burco,
afterall internet laguma yeesho but xiiniyo. The day HJ claims Burco as
their own is the day they will be wiped out from the face of earth. Furthermore
not only did Sacad Yoonis karbash you in Burco but also in the so called Ceel
Afweyn district of Sanaag, you're not allowed to even drink from certain walls
thus you're forced to die of thirst wandering the semi arid plains, ragniimo
iga deeh. So don't try to compare yourself to SY, wa rag jiira.


"A group of Habar Jeclo camel pastoralists was attacked with firearm by two Habar Yonis Sacad Yunis men who objected against the attempt to take the camels to a well of water in Dogoble (60 Km S of Elafweyne and 63 Km E of Garadag)".
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