How big is this issue in our community (marriage topic) ?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
You tuber Angelina Soma aka Amal is behind this post


A Mean Guy

Minister of Ajanabi Affairs
It's true, at least for UK somalis. My Desi and Arab friends' families are involved in their marriage search to the point where they have Whatsapp groups to post their children's' CVs (i.e., age, job...). Somali parents expect you to get a spouse by yourself, they DGAF. Personally, i'm not sure if i will ever get married but as the oldest son, there is a lot of pressure on me.
It's true, at least for UK somalis. My Desi and Arab friends' families are involved in their marriage search to the point where they have Whatsapp groups to post their children's' CVs (i.e., age, job...). Somali parents expect you to get a spouse by yourself, they DGAF. Personally, i'm not sure if i will ever get married but as the oldest son, there is a lot of pressure on me.
This issue seems to be affecting the sisters especially way more then men it’s a tough situation do you see this getting better or worse

A Mean Guy

Minister of Ajanabi Affairs
This issue seems to be affecting the sisters especially way more then men it’s a tough situation
yeah i agree. It's even harder for women because men are usually the one's that are supposed to do the pursuing not the other way round. Also some women said that whenever they approach a man, they are seen as cheap.

May Allah help us all.
Most families I have seen waa the opposite, gabadha nin keen baa ladhahaa or we find a suitor. She is 27 and they don't talk to her about marriage? Waxbaa ka qaldan her parents.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
She gotta stop relying on her parents and make decisions on her own tbh, at 27 she gotta dictate her life and be more social with people

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Marriage has been declining due to economic hardship. People in the west hold off marriage because they understand the importance of stability


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Marriage has been declining due to economic hardship. People in the west hold off marriage because they understand the importance of stability

Marriages has been declining due to SIN increasing the world. That is why i made my own Nun home.
Somali parent sucks and have little understanding of human needs. They only react to when their kids fvck up and never get involved otherwise

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Some in the comments are blaming it on the lack of eligible Somali men do you think that’s a factor ?
I think money and resources are a factor however I know many men and women who are seeking marriages outside their hometown or nation. I many Canadians in Toronto talking to Americans from mn and Seattle. I don’t know how common international marriages are for Europe.

many of the Somali men I know are more interested in getting into high positions in their career and seeking options then settling down ASAP.

I know many women too who have turned men down despite the males eagerness to get married as well due to them feeling like their too young. Also people breaking off potentials because of attractiveness and weight.

I think everyone has high expectations which isn’t a bad thing so ppl hold off until they find mr/mrs perfect


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