how can a man avoid marrying the loose and unchaste?

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Queen of the light
Actually many xalimos have resorted to anal sex nowadays as a way to stay virgin But even that should be done in High secrecy
Why don't we just admit we like sex and no marriage laws will stop the act ? It's natural and I laugh at people who think they can stop people from sleeping together. Humans are so stupid
Why don't we just admit we like sex and no marriage laws will stop the act ? It's natural and I laugh at people who think they can stop people from sleeping together. Humans are so stupid
Nobody wants to stop anyone to sleep around But dont cry crocodile tears when you find yourself single at age 40 unless you pop mini tyrones:mjlol:


Queen of the light
Nobody wants to stop anyone to sleep around But dont cry crocodile tears when you find yourself single at age 40 unless you pop mini tyrones:mjlol:
Who said I enjoyed sex ? I find it halarious that humans find so much joy in discussing these stupid issues. Two people had a little tumble and now we are crying that such women do these things, I am sick to death with hearing, virginity and sex. Let us discuss about the El Niño weather pattern and how this is cuasing a humanaterian disaster in Somalia. Rather than discussing about what horrors lay in witnessing others rub their genitals together.
Wallahi that's the funniest thing I've ever heard.

Nobody wants used goods and second hand items abaawo.

Good luck finding that xaalimo that will accept you. There are very few.
If you dont accept a none virgin farah then you left with a religious zealot one But chances are he will reject you since your a feminist!

Your second option will be tyrones which will leave you with mini neglets and thus shunned from somali community your children being bullied with terms like Madow, dhagax for the rest of their lives... so who is the loser here:pachah1:
If you dont accept a none virgin farah then you left with a religious zealot one But chances are he will reject you since your a feminist!

Your second option will be tyrones which will leave you with mini neglets and thus shunned from somali community your children being bullied with terms like Madow, dhagax for the rest of their lives... so who is the loser here:pachah1:
You should be a comedian wallahi. The faraxs I know and associate with are self respecting men and aren't loose with themselves or their morals. I don't know about the trash you are and hang out with.

But I'm not the type to judge somebody based on their past relationships. I realize that people are free to do whatever they like including have physical relationships but it's not for me lakiin this is 2017. You just disgust me and are the only exception to that rule.

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
The amount if insecure faraxs in this thread :chrisfreshhah:. Don't be mad that halimos aren't checking for your broke ass no more:drakelaugh:.
Looooooooooooooooool at the title of this thread. What century are we in when we're calling women unchaste?
We're muslims, it doesn't matter what century we are in. It could be the year 5000 and we'll still call unchaste women unchaste.:manny:
This notion that with new age, people should sacrifice their values and beliefs? :what1:yaad noo malaysay, christians?:camby:
These days xalimos are so confident in their beliefs they'll probably tell you their history, and hope you'll accept it.

So all you have to do is reject them once they spill the beans.
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