How do atheists date?

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There's this Somali girl that I've been talking to that I'm really digging, but she is somewhat religious. Always saying "inShallah" and that sort of thing, although she does hold very progressive and liberal views on many issues. I just like her personality (and she is HOT btw) but I find myself withdrawing more and more from her because I know the relationship has zero potential due to religious incompatibility. I could never be with a Muslim and I know she'd probably freak out if I told her I was a non-believer, got me wondering, how the ef do Somali atheists date/marry? I know there's quite a bit of them out there, do they just pretend throughout their marriage? It's so sad.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
You will end up with a white woman inevitably cos there's no way a Somali Muslim woman, no matter how progressive and liberal she is, will want to settle down and have kids with an Atheist.
You will end up with a white woman inevitably cos there's no way a Somali Muslim woman, no matter how progressive and liberal she is, will want to settle down and have kids with an Atheist.
I would rather die alone than marry a white women.

I hear religion is almost out the door with Somali Canadians :ohhh:, how true is that? I've met a few Somali Canadians, none of them wore a hijab, Might have to give that place a visit.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Dude I was reminded yesterday that religious incompatibility exists within Muslims. The spectrum is quite large when it comes to religiosity with many gradients in between and everyone has their standards. I don't think it would be wise of you to court her unless you intend on restoring your belief. Even then, what's the point of living a double life?That decision should ultimately come from you, not someone else. Obviously, you'll be confronted with obstacles. Why not save yourself the trouble and find some girl on reddit. I hear your people run that.
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I would rather die alone than marry a white women.

I hear religion is almost out the door with Somali Canadians :ohhh:, how true is that? I've met a few Somali Canadians, none of them wore a hijab, Might have to give that place a visit.

Not true lol

I'd say Canadian Somalis are pretty religious.

First of all I have never, and will not, consider living a "double life", I was merely speculating what others do.

"unless you intend on restoring your belief."

This is silly, you can't "intend" on restoring belief, in the same way you don't "intend" on believing the sun doesn't exist. Belief is not just some kind of switch you turn on and off.
Become muslim:kobeok:



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
What would you ladies do if your husband was leading a double life and you found out 7 years and 2 kids into the marriage that he was in fact an Atheist? Divorce or would you say "nvm.. we married anyway and he's a good father and a good husband".



Reminds me of my cousin that says Inshallah after every sentence.Even for basic things such as going to the mall and doing errands.



First of all I have never, and will not, consider living a "double life", I was merely speculating what others do.

"unless you intend on restoring your belief."

This is silly, you can't "intend" on restoring belief, in the same way you don't "intend" on believing the sun doesn't exist. Belief is not just a switch you turn on off.

Pass her over to me then ill become muslim for her:kobeok:


Inshallah is the word you got when you asked your parents for something and never got it. :wow:
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