How do you reject a guy in a nice way?

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Theres nothing wrong with a man wanting a women who has sex with him has his kids and helps him around the house
I never said there's something wrong with that. I said there is something with him if he expects everything you said above and also to split the bills


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I don't know about the big cheater thing but who doesn't like cadaans?

#AbdiExit if it aint cadaan it aint _______

you're slowly becoming my new favorite user here. I saw you in the snow and Wells Fargo thread, are you reer Minnesota, Maine or Seattle?
I take this back


War Shaydaanka Iska Naar πŸ”₯
I feel bad to whichever Faarax ends up with this chick. Not only is she committing a sin by dating a Gaal, she’s not even loyal to her own man and even allows a Spanish foreigner to fondle & kiss her hand


I’m praying for whichever cuck ends up paying 50k for a used tissue
I see her being a single mother soon crying to us on sspot about how she didn’t see it coming 🀣
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