How Jubbaland Is Settled. Facts

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These are the facts and in the order clans settle in Jubaland. It's not debateable. It's the facts.

Gedo Region. Key facts are Gedo is shared. Marehan only live in garbaharey/belet-hawo on their town. The rest of the state is shared, even though they are no 1 in each district. Marehan are clearly the majority in GEDO. But the key fact you need to take from this is. They are around 60% of GEDO. 40% is not them. Good news for Majerten. We also settle Bardera and considered the third largest clan in Bardera.

I never heard a single Harti ever claim Bardera like marehan claim kismayo yet both are third ranked in each of those districts. So why do Marehan claim Kismayo? Marehan are the 'third' clan in Kismayo. Not first or second. You will see this is Kismayo demographics.


Here comes Middle Juba clan demographics in the RIGHT ORDER. Absame lives in all districts of Middle Juba. Yet he is no 1 in Saakow and Bua'ale, plus he has a share in Jilib. They are around 60% of Middle Juba. Notice the habar gedir are like the 6th clan in Jilib, a minority wasting their time in Jubaland.


Here comes Lower Juba. Harti is listed as the no 1 most populous clan in Kismayo. Followed by Absame. Marehan is third like harti is the third largest clan in Bardere. Yet we don't claim Bardere. We should start claiming Bardheere on Somalispot because if sade can claim kismayo being the third largest clan in kismayo, we should also be able to claim bardheere for being the third largest clan.

Anyways most of lower juba is settled by ABSAME. They have 2 districts(badade,afmadow) where they are the largest clan in the settlement. They have one district to themselves Hagar. They are in Kismayo as the second largest clan. They are 60% of Lower Juba. 70% Of Middle Jubba. Plus they have a good presence in Gedo.

This makes sense why the mayor goes to the largest clan in Kismayo, the mayor would never be given to a minority clan. Look at Hamar, it's straight to abgaal and not hamar cad cads who own the district. It's about numbers for mayorship. Harti are the largest clan in Kismayo. End of story. Absame is largest clan in Jubaland. Wa sheeko kablalax.

These are the facts and in the order clans settle in Jubaland. It's not debateable. It's the facts.

Gedo Region. Key facts are Gedo is shared. Marehan only live in garbaharey/belet-hawo on their town. The rest of the state is shared, even though they are no 1 in each district. Marehan are clearly the majority in GEDO. But the key fact you need to take from this is. They are around 60% of GEDO. 40% is not them. Good news for Majerten. We also settle Bardera and considered the third largest clan in Bardera.

I never heard a single Harti ever claim Bardera like marehan claim kismayo yet both are third ranked in each of those districts. So why do Marehan claim Kismayo? Marehan are the 'third' clan in Kismayo. Not first or second. You will see this is Kismayo demographics.


Here comes Middle Juba clan demographics in the RIGHT ORDER. Absame lives in all districts of Middle Juba. Yet he is no 1 in Saakow and Bua'ale, plus he has a share in Jilib. They are around 60% of Middle Juba. Notice the habar gedir are like the 6th clan in Jilib, a minority wasting their time in Jubaland.


Here comes Lower Juba. Harti is listed as the no 1 most populous clan in Kismayo. Followed by Absame. Marehan is third like harti is the third largest clan in Bardere. Yet we don't claim Bardere. We should start claiming Bardheere on Somalispot because if sade can claim kismayo being the third largest clan in kismayo, we should also be able to claim bardheere for being the third largest clan.

Anyways most of lower juba is settled by ABSAME. They have 2 districts(badade,afmadow) where they are the largest clan in the settlement. They have one district to themselves Hagar. They are in Kismayo as the second largest clan. They are 60% of Lower Juba. 70% Of Middle Jubba. Plus they have a good presence in Gedo.

This makes sense why the mayor goes to the largest clan in Kismayo, the mayor would never be given to a minority clan. Look at Hamar, it's straight to abgaal and not hamar cad cads who own the district. It's about numbers for mayorship. Harti are the largest clan in Kismayo. End of story. Absame is largest clan in Jubaland. Wa sheeko kablalax.

There are more Warsangali in bardera and buulo xaji area than Mj??
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Why on earth would Harti ALWAYS get the mayorship unless we ran that place like we did since its inception.

Kismaayo is a Harti city followed by Absame as the second most important population.
Harti also dominate the business sector, so it's not just historical rights or population it's $$$.

Refugees from Galgaduud/Gedo who squatted in Government property and built shanty houses are irrelevant, they are the only group, aside from IDPs who live in illegally obtained land and they have the nerve to claim Kismaayo. Shameful, 1991 was the first time 99.99 % of them ever saw the place. :ftw9nwa:
MX dropped the ball trying to war against a nation (Ogaden). We are not like primitive s in other regions who keep all positions to the leader's sub sub clan.

Everybody can eat good as long as they give allegiance to Cagdheer. Failure to do so will result in the following:

MX dropped the ball trying to war against a nation (Ogaden). We are not like primitive s in other regions who keep all positions to the leader's sub sub clan.

Everybody can eat good as long as they give allegiance to Cagdheer. Failure to do so will result in the following:


Is this when he cried that he got chased out by Absame and Harti? Raaskaambooni and Mucaskar Caanoole? LMAO

Harti will give all the votes to Absame, no way we would ever give it to the refugees from Galgaduud.


@PuntiteQueen @diaby

Remember in mid 2013, when Hiiraale, snuck into Kismayo and then his house by boat in the middle of the night, from Xamar? Surely, if our Marehan cousins are the majority in Kista, where was the great welcome?
Remember in mid 2013, when Hiiraale, snuck into Kismayo and then his house by boat in the middle of the night, from Xamar? Surely, if our Marehan cousins are the majority in Kista, where was the great welcome?

I have never seen such delusion in my life. They are obsessed with Kismaayo and Mogadishu because they don't want to build anything for and by themselves.

We need to help civilise Bardheere and Badhaadhe since beesha lives there, let's make Jubbaland great.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
How the mighty Harti have fallen groveling at the feet of their Absame cousins instead of trying to separate Sade from Jubbaland and divide Jubbaland into mini states you lot should be looking to become kingmakers and negotiate for more power than you have now I remember the days when Absame or Sade used to get slapped for looking at a Harti wrong:mjcry:
How the mighty Harti have fallen groveling at the feet of their Absame cousins instead of trying to separate Sade from Jubbaland and divide Jubbaland into mini states you lot should be looking to become kingmakers and negotiate for more power than you have now I remember the days when Absame or Sade used to get slapped for looking at a Harti wrong:mjcry:

You're trying to instigate and it's not going to work. LMAO

We have Kismaayo, mayorship, interior ministry, Mps, land in Gedo and the Jubbas.

Absame is the President today and until Yawm Ul Qiyaama.

We have Puntland's Presidency, we are not greedy.

No Newcoming, Guulwade Government land, Ghetto dweller will ever rule Jubbaland. So keep instigating and plotting, it will not work.

Harti will side with Absame militarily and politically forever, it's a sealed deal.
Is this when he cried that he got chased out by Absame and Harti? Raaskaambooni and Mucaskar Caanoole? LMAO

Harti will give all the votes to Absame, no way we would ever give it to the refugees from Galgaduud.
Marehan and ogaden are closer than your treacherous clan is to either.

You are nothing in jubaland. Marehans might very well be the next president of jubaland.

Stick to fishing in your desert seas nayaa.
Marehan and ogaden are closer than your treacherous clan is to either.

You are nothing in jubaland. Marehans might very well be the next president of jubaland.

Stick to fishing in your desert seas nayaa.
Lool she's getting wet thinking that Absame and Sade have hatred for each other. We are warriors and have always been close from before the darawiish to MOD however the naago mjs trying to instigate between us isn't surprising. A treacherous people indeed kkkk.
Jubbaland will always be a Absame/Sade alliance
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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Marehan and ogaden are closer than your treacherous clan is to either.

You are nothing in jubaland. Marehans might very well be the next president of jubaland.

Stick to fishing in your desert seas nayaa.
Cagdheer who walked days trying to get to Kismaayo having the audacity to talk like this.

The internet sure gives freedom of speech to anyone.

We rule kismaayo, without MJ, your reer badiyo leader would still be in the bushes.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Lool she's getting wet thinking that Absame and Sade have hatred for each other. We are warriors and have always been close from before the darawiish to MOD however the naago mjs trying to instigate between us isn't surprising. A treacherous people indeed kkkk.
Jubbaland will always be a Absame/Sade alliance
Marexaan doing what they do best, cheerleading and sucking the balls of the next man. Ghetto boy, I can't imagine not having a land to call my own, I would be mad just like you.
Because majerteenka waa nasab, they will not go around claiming lands they do not own, waa lander, they are like Ogaden, yuo never see Ogaden go and claim regions they do not own,

but marehan waa langab, they have no choice but to go around and claim cities, they for example went to libaan region in ddsi in 2007 as refugees and started claiming, they are at war with garre and dagodia, libaan region has only ever had garre and dagodia councillors, Mps, governors etc never a single marehan just because they border it,

its tough being a langab,

cawlyahan has always lived in bardere, siad barre chomped the rivers, diverted them and flooded many of the lands to tried to take it away, they fought back, we will fight till judgement, insha Allah e will never lose a single inch of jubaland,

in fact Ogaden fought siad barre because he wanted to take jubaland from them, we told him he is already at war with majerteen, 1door, hawiye and adding ogaden to it will collapse his regime, in 1987 we warned him, so we did what we had to do, we fought them,

marehan just need to focus on their half of gedo and galgaduud areas and invest instead of constantly bidding for hawiye directed wars, yall which just end up killing your sons, you have been fighting since 1978, you lost somalia, uit will never come back as it was, back then we trusted each other, somalis gave each other a chance, but its gone, its finished, invest in your villages for Singapore was a tiny village 70 years ago adn today has 5 times the GDP of Ethiopia,
Ogaden doesnt mined sharing kismayo, this is why udner our leadrship Mj is the mayor of the city though a Makahil Ogadne is the governor, its becaseu in the country side of ksimayo its mainly Ogaden and galjecel who herd camels adn cattle,

if marehan was in charge of jubaland no harti/MJ would ever be seen in kismayo as mayor or interior minister, no way, marehan sadly doesn't believe in sharing,

we know who lives in kismayo town, waa originally 4 hafads, calanley, majorty harti, vie afmadow waa majorty absame, farjano absame and argo being mixed with Mj and absame and bantu and banuun and all minorties, as it is the center,

guul;wade was a milaitry barcck marehan squattered it after thwe wars in the 90s, not designed for settlement permanently, waa very rocky and dry bed rock,

even harti and mj waa is been been, its actually majorty isse muxamuud and osman muxamuud when its harti/mj, the rest of harti waa new comers, but if yuo go back to the 1925 peace treaty where the brtiish recognised sultan ahmed magan as thr sultan of jubaland and gave rights for harti to live in kismayo, it was isse muxamuud and osman muxamuud, the other harti/warsenglai, dhulos, cawrlamre, galjecel etc came recently, kismayo has always been fought over isse muxamuud and reer cabdulle, if we divide really deep of who is who,
Cagdheer who walked days trying to get to Kismaayo having the audacity to talk like this.

The internet sure gives freedom of speech to anyone.

We rule kismaayo, without MJ, your reer badiyo leader would still be in the bushes.

dont bite the hand that feeds yuo darling, it took 5,000 mohamed zubeer lads to die in order to capture kismayo, we are nasab and dont mined sharing kismayo , if marehan were still in charge yall would have been exterminated,

end of the day the governor of kismayo county waa makahil ogaden, sure you can have banut/jarere/jewish mayors of towns, end of the day big US states have white governors/senators , its the same with jubaland,

majorty rule, minorty rights, be greatful my people waa nasab and dipmatic and willing to let every tribe eat from the same plate,

if Your so brave why did barre hiraale with a few boys chase away thousands of majerteen soldiers and almost wipe them out? if it wasn't fro the nasabness of Ogaden, ahmed madoobe and hassan turk we could have treated yall like barre hiraale treated your uncles,

typical reer badiyo arrogance biting the hand that feeds and protects her from marehan and their hawiye friends,
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