How Jubbaland Is Settled. Facts

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Kkkkk kulaha "deported". If you don't behave yourself, ill sell your brothers in central Garowe market, and toef*ck your sisters in Wardheer.

stick to fucking your Madow haired wife's niggar c*nt:drakelaugh:

we don't play around.

We will finish off what's left of you in kismaayo if you take these antics outside of online.



stick to fucking your Madow haired wife's niggar c*nt:drakelaugh:

we don't play around.

We will finish off what's left of you in kismaayo if you take these antics outside of online.


Kkkkk its you thats acting up online, boi. Whereas, you're threatening us with "deportations" (kkkkkk), ive actually sold your brothers in real life. Now, go suck a d1ck, like a good Ogaden boywhore.
Kkkkk its you thats acting up online, boi. Whereas, you're threatening us with "deportations" (kkkkkk), ive actually sold your brothers in real life. Now, go suck a d1ck, like a good Ogaden boywhore.
Only one of us has been getting massacred by the thousands in the last 200 years, and it ain't me.

behave fat boy, or i'll cook you.:ufdup:
Are OG native to Lower Jubba? where are your mps and governors in northern Bakool today


your asking me two stupid question, kulaha are you native to lower juba, go and read some books,

secondly, cawlyahan created bakool sare, there is no rgional gov in south west state, cawlyahan run their own thing, farmajo bullied the last eley presdeint, installed his own version and created war amongs the tribes,

are you native to dusamreeb warya? lower juba is to to Ogaden what makkah is to qureysha,, we owned it since 10,000 BC
Kkkkk kulaha "deported". If you don't behave yourself, ill sell your brothers in central Garowe market, and toef*ck your sisters in Wardheer.

behave or liyu police will start fingering Mj naago in-front of their husbands like they do in warder, we make their husbands smell it the pooon juice and there is nthing yall can do,

maybe we will start doing it in kismayo too since your under my boot,

behave yourself midget


behave or liyu police will start fingering Mj naago in-front of their husbands like they do in warder, we make their husbands smell it the pooon juice and there is nthing yall can do,

maybe we will start doing it in kismayo too since your under my boot,

behave yourself midget

You'll say that, but we both know, that'll never happen. Again, fake undo-able threats, compared to my actual selling of your brothers.
You'll say that, but we both know, that'll never happen. Again, fake undo-able threats, compared to my actual selling of your brothers.

that adoon looking money faroole killed several ONLF boys after he was ordered by his Ethiopian masters,

no wrries, but if your so brave come and unseat me in DDSI and Jubaland, regardless, no OG live in puntland the way Majerteen live in warder and kismayo which makes me your ruler,

even if i am at war with 100 million habashi yuo cannot unseat me, and uncle cabdi iley the warrior placed liyu police on your borders which your naago have to pay for,

we have bruned puntland business trucks heading to ethiopias huge markets and make their girls scream at night, i shagggg your ladies for free, and there is nothing you can do, on top of that Mj girls waa a source of pleasure for jubaland caghdeer soldiers, we get to feats on your naago in ddsi and jubaland,

shame, your economy and naago pay for the few boys, not a bad deal, smashing Mj naago is the height of pleasure infront of tyheir husbands and dads is the height of pleasure, my favourite stories in kismayo and ddsi waa bicidyaan naago in ddsi and isse muxamuud in kismayo, we avoid the half bantu mixed osman muxamuud, the fufu she jareres stink,

MJ poooon is the best when a liyu police is holding her and another is recording her, waa subag olive oil el natural, we make her moan agah
I made you, i can very easily, unmake you.

:trumpsmirk: look at this MJ adooon, kulaha i made you, if your so powerful surely you would be leading ddsi and jubaland,

didnt ahmed deport MMJ mp after arresting him and placing him imprison for 8 months because the MJ said agah the wrong way,

fucking adooon dabyaco, yuo sit behind me and ferraris uncle cagjar in ddsi, if your so powerful and brave come rule ddsi or jubaland, langab stop the embarrassment,

i rmemebr when macalin mohamed slapped timojelec that burned Mj maksiin in kismayo and Mjs looked down, waa our naago end of the day, atleast marehan tries to put up a fight with hassan turki and ahmed cade,

go and free your land stolen by 1door, a unrecognsied tribe addicted with chat,


سلطنة مجرتين
:trumpsmirk: look at this MJ adooon, kulaha i made you, if your so powerful surely you would be leading ddsi and jubaland,

didnt ahmed deport MMJ mp after arresting him and placing him imprison for 8 months because the MJ said agah the wrong way,

fucking adooon dabyaco, yuo sit behind me and ferraris uncle cagjar in ddsi, if your so powerful and brave come rule ddsi or jubaland, langab stop the embarrassment,

i rmemebr when macalin mohamed slapped timojelec that burned Mj maksiin in kismayo and Mjs looked down, waa our naago end of the day, atleast marehan tries to put up a fight with hassan turki and ahmed cade,

go and free your land stolen by 1door, a unrecognsied tribe addicted with chat,

@Teeri-Alpha horta are you reer waamo ddsi or nfd and ogaden yaa katahay?
@Teeri-Alpha horta are you reer waamo ddsi or nfd and ogaden yaa katahay?

reer waamo jubaland, 11 generations on mother side, 11 awows burried in the blessed land of South Ogadeniya aka Jubaland, first awow came in 1780s who wiped out gaalo madow pagans 11th awow buried in kismayo blessed thy by the Great Lord,
mother is of the great house of Absame galmiise kingdom royal fmaily of reer zubeer Moahmed Zubeer,

on dad side father and mother are 4th cousins, so we are all of the great royal family of blessed by the Great lord of the Worlds Absame Kuuamde Mohamed Zubeer Ibn Cagdheer al Ogadeni

fathers father was born in Qabri dahar but I myself was born in Kismayo, regardless all family have gone back and forth to Ogadeniya like my father being reer waamo and reer qabri dahar to drink great 1door looted camel milk and learn how to kill our eternal enemies 1door and ahmaar,

being an asli 11th generation reer waamo has bot stopped by brother the eldest dying for ONLF and 3 of his first cousins and 2 of my uncles,

my father was a governor of one sub county in qbri dahar in 2002 and was told to hand over his own nephew or resign from the job, nephew my cousin was ONLf, my father resigned, the habashi placed a mine on his convey killing 3 of his first cousins ONLf officers who were going for a conference on their way to eriteria

my ancestors conquered jubaland so i can rule it and be a its president, marehan and majerteen and all other kashin will sit behind me fir the blood of my ancestors is tilled with their soils of Jubaland aka South Absamia

Ogaden is also my land for it carries the umbilical cord of my ancestors, all the other non Absame 26 tribes waa marti/guests and will have no choice but to again sit behind me, an Absame kuumade lad, if they want power let them get a few of their sons to die first like i have lost family members,

if i could get a tatoo it would say ONLF JUbaland NFD Ogadeniya Forever, Absame kingdom, kill all 1doors and ahmaar,

all minorities will have rights, but let the world know, whether cabdi iley the great or ONLF Absame owns the land, and every absame child hears the shahada first and then second that he owns Ogadeniya and the rest non absame kuumade tribes waa marti,

i do not believe in darood or kab iyo lax or somalinimo for my greatest enemies waa ibliis and those mentioned people, to me they are like jews for they are my greatest enemies for back stab me when i am at war with 100 million habashi,
and i can say that for i have lost a sibling, first cousins and uncles,

i hope that answers your questions Ugaas,
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سلطنة مجرتين
what is your race? dir? 1door? marehan? and dont tell me somali please, for if we loved each other we would not be killing each other in somalia :trumpsmirk:

None of the above bro. You have lots of knowledge of absame history, land and subclans in jubboyiinka, NFD and ogadenia. But can't tell which deegan you hail from.


سلطنة مجرتين
[QUOmy father was a governor of one sub county in qbri dahar in 2002 and was told to hand over his own nephew or resign from the job, nephew my cousin was ONLf, my father resigned, the habashi placed a mine on his convey killing 3 of his first cousins ONLf officers who were going for a conference on their way to eriteria


Interesting bro i probably know your father most likely. Happened to be in Qabdidahre that same year.
None of the above bro. You have lots of knowledge of absame history, land and subclans in jubboyiinka, NFD and ogadenia. But can't tell which deegan you hail from.

i told you i wa sborn in kismayo, farjano to be exact,

so i hail from farjano kismayo town,

by the way waamo is not jubaland, waa is dasheeg waamo that starddles between banka jiira north east afamdow all the way to borders of jamame, its very fertile green land farms ownd by mohamed zubeer

but the term waamo people use becaseu of the unique accent we developed since we lost our reer galti accent : galti waa Ogadneiya accent, they say agah, we say haye, they say huuno we say cadey

i already mentioned i WAs born in kismayo, why would you ask me ugaas i did not say which degmo i hail from?

do people ask you if you own the whole hosue or just one room? i own whole of jubaland, yet you ask me which room do you in? agahhhhhhhhhhhhh
[QUOmy father was a governor of one sub county in qbri dahar in 2002 and was told to hand over his own nephew or resign from the job, nephew my cousin was ONLf, my father resigned, the habashi placed a mine on his convey killing 3 of his first cousins ONLf officers who were going for a conference on their way to eriteria

Interesting bro i probably know your father most likely. Happened to be in Qabdidahre that same year.[/QUOTE]

ugas what is your race? or tribe if you prefer another word,
None of the above bro. You have lots of knowledge of absame history, land and subclans in jubboyiinka, NFD and ogadenia. But can't tell which deegan you hail from.

we have a somali proverb: taban jir Ogaden loomay taliyo, meaning a 10 year old Ogaden is expected to understand and know his duty:

which i define as

1) ibliis and darood and somalis are my first enemies, and then ahmaar are to be wiped out from the face of this earth,

the best advise my father ever gave me was to never ever marry an 1door and stick to Absame kuuamde only,

its my duty to protect and defend my race, thus it requires being aware of things,


سلطنة مجرتين
i do not believe in darood or kab iyo lax or somalinimo for my greatest enemies waa ibliis and those mentioned people, to me they are like jews for they are my greatest enemies for back stab me when i am at war with 100 million habashi,
and i can say that for i have lost a sibling, first cousins and uncles,

i hope that answers your questions Ugaas,

I also do not believe in allt that darood kablalax etc it's only abtiris and should not be used for politics of follow with blind loyalty etc.

Yes ugaas all questions answered.
Your sibling and relatives are martyrs all JXWO are shahid:salute:
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