Is this when he cried that he got chased out by Absame and Harti? Raaskaambooni and Mucaskar Caanoole? LMAO
Harti will give all the votes to Absame, no way we would ever give it to the refugees from Galgaduud.
puntitte queen darling you know i have a lot of respect for yuo but no harti chased huraale out, he blamed it was ONLF thinking he will get weapons from ethiopia but it was just ahmed cade and hassan turki , when he ran from kismayo to garbaharey mohamed zubeer also caughht him in afmadow and killed hudnreds of his man as they were tipped off by hassan turki and ahmed cade,
with in an hour of him crying to the bbc somali, onlf spokes man cadani hassan said we had nothign to do with it,
also sadly harti only have 2 mps, one isse muxamuud and one dhulbahante, originally they had only 1 and ahmed added one for dhulbahante, and when it comes to ergos, out of the 1,000 voters harti only has 20 ergo where as Absame has 680 and marehans 120 ergos, so we dont need votes, out of the 15 jubaland districts absame has Mps from 11 and half degmos,
what we need is someone from putnland shouting to defend the federal system, its only absame/harti who will defend it, 1door doesn't want somalia, marehana dn ahwiye have realised they dont have enough lands/degmos and so desire a centralised system tuned to their langab nature,
help us defend the federalism system that is being thwarted by farmajo on a daily basis,
dont let marehan fool you, they only get Mps for 3 and half degmos in the whole of jubaland, they dont even have 100% of the mps gedo, they share gedo with cawlyahan and eley and garre and gadson and ajuuran
when it comes to numbers marehan waa truly irrelevant, its a numbers game and ogaden plays by numbers, ironically one set by siad barres government,