Lets say we go for Kenyan, Nairobi or Cairo egyptian standard, nothing fancy for now, like Singapore thats later insha Allah
I estimate it will be around 800 Billion dollars to 2 trillion,
20 years timeline, for each somali to have a house and street lights, hospitals, roads, paved roads, ports and airports with international standard
the bare minimum is in my estimate around
lets say we have around 15 million people, at 10,000 4 each spent on roads infrastructure etc thats 150 billion dollars,
at 100,000$ spend per head if the state allocates that amount for each person thats 1.5 trillion dollars, over 20 years thats roughly 75 billion a year, all US dollars, king dollar,
if we sold oil and raised lets say we do 1 million barels daily, at around worst case scenario 50 dollars each barrel, thats 50 million daily if we own the whole a to z but lets say we get western oil coprs we will get 40%
little Qatar owns 100% of her oil for a while now, if we are honest and we generate 50 million dollars daily, thats 18.25 billion,
not enough to rebuild Somalia,
export oil will not rebuild Somalia,
here is my plan,
globally fish export market is around 160 billion dollars, if we can capture 10%, why not nations with much smaller seat space export billions, thats 16 billion, so far we have 18.25 billion plus 16, remember if we export 2 million barrels we can have 36 billion dolars a year at 50$ per barrel,
but for now we stick to just 1 million barrels,
so $18.25+$16 billion from fisheries,
next we go mega, like china, we will do white good labels, basic manufacturing, so supermarkets like Walmart, ikea sofa shop etc we will make the goods for them,
lets say annually we can do 100 billion in white good label export, we make them they stick their famous brands, think Tv, fridges,washing machine etc its how china started,
i estimate our profits will be at worst case 33% of that 100 billion,
china exported zero in 1978, today they export 2.5 trillion $ each year
so 100 billion, 33 billion will be profits, we will start manufacturing basis and export to every nation, we will be unbeaten, to make the washing machine in germany or america will be 30-40$ an hour, we will do it for 5$ in terms of labour, we will suck it up, we must start from ground zero and our cheap labour is our weapon,
so thats 18.25 +16+33 billion = 67.25 billin annually we can use to build,
so lets say we will no go for medium export, medicine raw material grade a and b, like Singapore exports billions in dollars each year
chip making factories, get educated people,
each year we will re invest 50% of all export earnings into roads, machinery, capital goods, we will tighten our belt,
if we are doing an average of say 100 billion in net export earnings in say year 7 and investing 50% each year, in 30 years we will have a potential economy export around 1 trillion dollars, Holland does about that 500-600 billion annually, 16 million people, tiny land,
ship building, chip[ fab making, cars, all these companies doesnt givea hoots about their countries, they care about cheapest labour, we will be open for business,
insha Allah this is my plan for jubaland, i want to build a wall between us and south west state to keep terrorist out, kick out all foreigners like kenya and Ethiopians and open the nation to become a manufacturing hub,
i want Honda, Boeing, Toshiba, apple to manufacture, etc
china has developed 10 year ago labour was like 4 dollars an hour, now its around 8-12 dollars, many firms are going to Vietnamese, Bangladesh, Dominican republic etc,
not India, because India is closed minded and refuses foreign ownership of 100% of their assets, an Indian must control 50%,
the biggest single issue we have are unemployed youth with out jobs they will join alshaba for daily bread, no humans wants to starve,
once i build jubaland insha Allah i will unite the somali world, i will give aid to puntland, south west state, 1dooristan,. khatuno so they dont beg the west and ask them to export to jubaland for free, no tarrifs, once puntland and Somaliland export to jubaland, i will take their raw material and re export them as finished goods, once they see this they will want to join and eat with me and also agree to open up and develop,
money talks, i dont want somalia regions begging kenya or ethiopia or the west so its in my interest to give them money, if yuo have a crazy brother, hold him and stand by him becase he is your brother, we need each toher,
i hope one day somalis will come together through economics and trade and then maybe we can create united states of somalia with a Swiss Confederacy model type, separate but sharing defence, money currency etc
this is my dream, but in order to achieve it i need total control over jubaland and 50,000 soldiers, 100% caghdeer so no one apposes me, then i will crucify alshaba like the romans, and kill anyone opposition, i need total domination for at least 12 years,
after that slowly build homes, re house people, and free investments, i want to take sheeshkaba and hang them from trees, once i kill all of them i can do my thing,
50,000 man, each will be paid 500$ each month, thats 25 million each month, and a spend will be around another 500$ on each man for food, clothes, weapons etc, thats roughly around i need about 400 million each year to have total jubaland control, i can even threaten Ethiopia soldiers if they dare to interfere, so for 400 million i can take over jubaland and slowly rebuild it and take over the nation,
in 12 years thats roughly around 4-5 billion just for defence, i want tanks, jets, planes, cargo, food storage, clothes, etc
this is real business, doing it with 2,000 man and 10 million will not cut it,
the world Islamic banking market alone is around 3 trillion $, malaysia and dubai share it, if we can capture just 20% thats 600 billion added to our GDP each year, at 10% minimum tax, that is 60 billion to the state in taxes,
imagine we can even free NFD and Ogadeniya with that kind of money, but it will take 50,000 man, 400 million each year and about 25-32 years to achieve total land reunification of Somalia, Ogadeniya and NFd and stability
its really work, but let me ask you, i am 31, i was 2 when i left somalia with my parents, meaning 29 years already gone, if my plan can be achieved in the same time line, why not support it,
only farmajo can achieve this but he lacks vision and courage, his government made 300 million last year, 50% taxes and the other half in world bank loans,
he can use it to good use but waa super corrupt, it needs someone who will not steal the money meant for defence and soldiers, we need a strong army but an honest army is even more important,
I estimate it will be around 800 Billion dollars to 2 trillion,
20 years timeline, for each somali to have a house and street lights, hospitals, roads, paved roads, ports and airports with international standard
the bare minimum is in my estimate around
lets say we have around 15 million people, at 10,000 4 each spent on roads infrastructure etc thats 150 billion dollars,
at 100,000$ spend per head if the state allocates that amount for each person thats 1.5 trillion dollars, over 20 years thats roughly 75 billion a year, all US dollars, king dollar,
if we sold oil and raised lets say we do 1 million barels daily, at around worst case scenario 50 dollars each barrel, thats 50 million daily if we own the whole a to z but lets say we get western oil coprs we will get 40%
little Qatar owns 100% of her oil for a while now, if we are honest and we generate 50 million dollars daily, thats 18.25 billion,
not enough to rebuild Somalia,
export oil will not rebuild Somalia,
here is my plan,
globally fish export market is around 160 billion dollars, if we can capture 10%, why not nations with much smaller seat space export billions, thats 16 billion, so far we have 18.25 billion plus 16, remember if we export 2 million barrels we can have 36 billion dolars a year at 50$ per barrel,
but for now we stick to just 1 million barrels,
so $18.25+$16 billion from fisheries,
next we go mega, like china, we will do white good labels, basic manufacturing, so supermarkets like Walmart, ikea sofa shop etc we will make the goods for them,
lets say annually we can do 100 billion in white good label export, we make them they stick their famous brands, think Tv, fridges,washing machine etc its how china started,
i estimate our profits will be at worst case 33% of that 100 billion,
china exported zero in 1978, today they export 2.5 trillion $ each year
so 100 billion, 33 billion will be profits, we will start manufacturing basis and export to every nation, we will be unbeaten, to make the washing machine in germany or america will be 30-40$ an hour, we will do it for 5$ in terms of labour, we will suck it up, we must start from ground zero and our cheap labour is our weapon,
so thats 18.25 +16+33 billion = 67.25 billin annually we can use to build,
so lets say we will no go for medium export, medicine raw material grade a and b, like Singapore exports billions in dollars each year
chip making factories, get educated people,
each year we will re invest 50% of all export earnings into roads, machinery, capital goods, we will tighten our belt,
if we are doing an average of say 100 billion in net export earnings in say year 7 and investing 50% each year, in 30 years we will have a potential economy export around 1 trillion dollars, Holland does about that 500-600 billion annually, 16 million people, tiny land,
ship building, chip[ fab making, cars, all these companies doesnt givea hoots about their countries, they care about cheapest labour, we will be open for business,
insha Allah this is my plan for jubaland, i want to build a wall between us and south west state to keep terrorist out, kick out all foreigners like kenya and Ethiopians and open the nation to become a manufacturing hub,
i want Honda, Boeing, Toshiba, apple to manufacture, etc
china has developed 10 year ago labour was like 4 dollars an hour, now its around 8-12 dollars, many firms are going to Vietnamese, Bangladesh, Dominican republic etc,
not India, because India is closed minded and refuses foreign ownership of 100% of their assets, an Indian must control 50%,
the biggest single issue we have are unemployed youth with out jobs they will join alshaba for daily bread, no humans wants to starve,
once i build jubaland insha Allah i will unite the somali world, i will give aid to puntland, south west state, 1dooristan,. khatuno so they dont beg the west and ask them to export to jubaland for free, no tarrifs, once puntland and Somaliland export to jubaland, i will take their raw material and re export them as finished goods, once they see this they will want to join and eat with me and also agree to open up and develop,
money talks, i dont want somalia regions begging kenya or ethiopia or the west so its in my interest to give them money, if yuo have a crazy brother, hold him and stand by him becase he is your brother, we need each toher,
i hope one day somalis will come together through economics and trade and then maybe we can create united states of somalia with a Swiss Confederacy model type, separate but sharing defence, money currency etc
this is my dream, but in order to achieve it i need total control over jubaland and 50,000 soldiers, 100% caghdeer so no one apposes me, then i will crucify alshaba like the romans, and kill anyone opposition, i need total domination for at least 12 years,
after that slowly build homes, re house people, and free investments, i want to take sheeshkaba and hang them from trees, once i kill all of them i can do my thing,
50,000 man, each will be paid 500$ each month, thats 25 million each month, and a spend will be around another 500$ on each man for food, clothes, weapons etc, thats roughly around i need about 400 million each year to have total jubaland control, i can even threaten Ethiopia soldiers if they dare to interfere, so for 400 million i can take over jubaland and slowly rebuild it and take over the nation,
in 12 years thats roughly around 4-5 billion just for defence, i want tanks, jets, planes, cargo, food storage, clothes, etc
this is real business, doing it with 2,000 man and 10 million will not cut it,
the world Islamic banking market alone is around 3 trillion $, malaysia and dubai share it, if we can capture just 20% thats 600 billion added to our GDP each year, at 10% minimum tax, that is 60 billion to the state in taxes,
imagine we can even free NFD and Ogadeniya with that kind of money, but it will take 50,000 man, 400 million each year and about 25-32 years to achieve total land reunification of Somalia, Ogadeniya and NFd and stability
its really work, but let me ask you, i am 31, i was 2 when i left somalia with my parents, meaning 29 years already gone, if my plan can be achieved in the same time line, why not support it,
only farmajo can achieve this but he lacks vision and courage, his government made 300 million last year, 50% taxes and the other half in world bank loans,
he can use it to good use but waa super corrupt, it needs someone who will not steal the money meant for defence and soldiers, we need a strong army but an honest army is even more important,