Who needs them all to come together.
Like I said. Build it and they will come.
You only need to control a small area in Somalia to pull it off and people will start migrating there. You don't even need a whole state.
Since you built it you make up the rules.
Any corruption, extremists, nepotism or qabil B's and you simply exile the trash.
Any local warlord that wants to take a piece of the pie gets karbashed by the locally armed to the teeth militia your economy funds.
Just 1 million citizens and a decent amount of jobs would give you a tax revenue of over 200 million dollars plus.
@Teeri-Alpha is thinking a bit too big with the 50,000 strong army.
You don't need to conquer all of Jubaland to control a small area of it and secure it for commerce and logistics.
10,000 would be more than enough.
The more soldiers you have the more difficulty you'll have getting around the UN arms embargo.
If you're small they'll ignore you.
However if you're big enough to threaten their regional interests then they'll sanction all your industries even if they have nothing to do with weapons procurement or manufacturing.
That's if they don't accidentally drop a missile from a predator drone on your nascent base.
i like the way yuo think we are alike, but there is a reaosn why i need the big army, i know sooner or later they will send in ethiopia, i want to meet them heads on and make it clear, sooner or later a somali has to send a massage to tell ethiopia thye cannot keep massing will nilly,
also i have the secret hope of eventually atatcking the bantus in xamar and taking over south west state and installing a amn who thinks about greater somalia,
see if i dont take over south west start also and then eventually hiiran and xamar and the shebelles both we will always have warlords,
but the 50,000 is eventually for the whole south of somalia from xamar to doobley, but i will start slowly with jubaland, make it great
also do not forget i am Ogaden and naturally my main focus is karbashing interfering habashi sooner or later, i have been fighting these dogs since 700 years,
but again i still thing i would need 50,000 because i want to make south west state under my control as i do not want habashi or xamar puppets coming in , it will be my buffer
so its also my interest to help eley and biomal to develop south west state and make it strong, from both of us we can be the spring board to rescue somalia dn then eventually Ogadeniya, and NFD insha Allah,
so the 50,000 sooner or later would be needed, i alsi want S400 and S300 purchased from the russians through third parties like using kenya, egypt turkey etc or even using pakistan to do the order, we have to think outside the box,
why kenya, out of the 12 generals, 4 waa kukuyer and 4 waa Ogaden by kenyas constitution and the other 4 shared out by the rest, i can use them to bribe kenyan officals and have them buy weapons for us on our behalf, it wont be easy but we need weapons,
if hitler could arm in 1933-1939 under french, american and British and Canadians keeping an eye on him on his own sole, we too can, he had these askar in his own sole and blocked his coast with their ships, yet he not only build German industry but also his army and air force and u-boats,
to be honest the blue prints for world war two airplanes are still available i need to build manufacturing industry, ships, steel, aluminium etc and then use them to build 1960s/70s era war fighter jets,
we dont need F35s to defeat habashi and capture and free somalia, ethiopia has aged 1960s and 1970s era jets, old sukois and migs, and even her tanks believe it r not are wrold war 2 era T-tanks etc,
basically the Russian are selling WW2 era tanks to this day to Africans like ethiopia and eriteria and kenya
and they will attack us after we give the world a developed jubaland, i need to respond, i am Ogaden and know the nature of the habashi, leave them to me, i have been fighting them a long time,