How small is your circle of friends?

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I know for a fact in today's world you can't have a lot of friends. I mean too many fake people are everywhere.:kobeok:
Are you the type of person to call every new person you meet your friend? :drakelaugh:Walahi I know people who do and they've been fuked over countless times. :browtf:

I'm team no new friends unless the person is special.:ehh:


it takes me a while to really warm up to people, but i can vibe with most. i'm also ok with shallow friendships, they have some use..
Poem - written by HOW CAN SHE SLAP?!?

I have this friend right,
she a bad ,
Im never in pain when im with her,
Im never without her pleasure,
firm soft feminine hands, how she grips me,
Ismahan is her name, always ready to stimulate me.
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Am I weird for only counting as friends people I met at school or work?


There is no such thing as frienship , only common interests brings people together, and that's about it.


There is no such thing as frienship , only common interests brings people together, and that's about it.

You must've never had any real friends if you truly beleive that. It's more than just common interests. What about trust and loyalty?

To answer OPs question tho, I still have my same circle of friends since middle school. We are all on different paths but we meet up now and then and do stuff. I have a new circle of friends too but I'm the type of person to check up on all my old friends and as a result I haven't lost many friends from thr past.


You must've never had any real friends if you truly beleive that. It's more than just common interests. What about trust and loyalty?

Loyalty is with my family and that's only up to a certain point, trust you say I only trust my self nobody else, for you to trust other people you must be gullible and naive either that or very young.


I don't trust my friends, I just like them. I'll be damned if I trust them like their other 'friend's' do :browtf::lolbron:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Apart from 1 person, who happens to be a female, that I've been close to since childhood, most other friends came and went. From circa 2001-2008 I had a solid group of friends but the group dissolved cos some got married and others moved halfway across the world. Good memories that I will cherish, and funny times..

People in your lives come and go. Only one or two will be around til death. And you just gotta make sure you cherish those moments you have with new people you meet. Not to sound sappy but memories are special.


Damn yall have some shitty friends :kanyehmm:

My niggas wud catch cases for me if it came down to it


Sytnax - I would bakes cakes with contraband in them for my homies in prison, I might even spread nasty rumours about the person they killed, but I would not take their place in jail - they aint my blood.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Damn yall have some shitty friends :kanyehmm:

My niggas wud catch cases for me if it came down to it

Your niggas you know now won't be the same ones you will spend time with when you're 45 and father of two. Times change and people change. That's why divorces are sky high cos the woman/man you married at 25 is not the same person at 50. They've grown, and changed and so have you.


Catch cases kulaha truth of the matter is they wouldn't catch a fry if situation got real serious real fast, wacaadi we all been there kid hanging with the squad being a nightmare to cadaan people actually all human beings in my case :lolbron:, you'll grow out of it as you get older.


Your niggas you know now won't be the same ones you will spend time with when you're 45 and father of two. Times change and people change. That's why divorces are sky high cos the woman/man you married at 25 is not the same person at 50. They've grown, and changed and so have you.

lol @ comparing my niggas to a wife, the f*ck.

I never said people don't change, i even mentioned in my previous comment how me and my old friends all went on different paths in life. It's been almost 6 years since high school btut we still meet up now and then. I'm not in a relationship with my niggas lmao, I just know that if i need a favour to be done or if i need something from them they'll be ready to help and vice versa. It's not that serious.


Sytnax - I would bakes cakes with contraband in them for my homies in prison, I might even spread nasty rumours about the person they killed, but I would not take their place in jail - they aint my blood.

Baking cookies with contra in it will land you next to them in a cell great great logic lol :mjlaugh:
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